Readme notes for In-Portal v4.3.1 Intechnic Corporation, March 26, 2008 Summary: Platform and all modules upgraded to v4.3.1 Both front and back-end improvements and fixes system-wide. Module specific changes available in [module]/admin/install/upgrades/changelog_4_3_1.txt files. Platform: ------------------------- New Features & Improvements - ChangeLog and SessionLog for Admin changes tracking (Beta) - Memberlist feature with online status indicator - New tags for user statistics such as registered members, guests and users online. - Major improvements in database structure and indexes - New template parser (Beta) - Redone Community->Users section with option to see all user items (ie. links, articles, orders) - Improved sitemap mechanisms - Special "Recycle Bin" category - Showing primary category for items in Advanced View section - Section specific auto-refresh with timer option in Admin grids - Category pagination in mod-rewrite mode on Front End Fixes - Removed old copy of FCKEditor - Status check of primary category of the items in non-category lists ------------------------- Strongly recommended to upgrade!