Readme notes for In-Portal v4.3.1 Intechnic Corporation, Aug 5, 2008 Summary: Platform and all modules upgraded to v4.3.1 Both front and back-end improvements and fixes system-wide. Module specific changes available in [module]/admin/install/upgrades/changelog_4_3_1.txt files. Platform: ------------------------- New Features & Improvements - New Template Parser Release Candidate (improvements + fixes) - Redone Backup & Restore functionality. Now using Ajax interfaces. - Significant SQL optimiations in Custom Fields and Categories - Ability to force URL for Admin SSL (used on 2+ web servers) - Completely redone Reviews section in Admin - Change of category status will propogate to children categories - Ability for user to select the User Group on registration step - Option to use ImageMagicк graphic library instead of GD as default - Numerous template structure implements - Added DBG_SQL_EXPLAIN, DBG_CAPTURE_STATISTICS, DBG_MAX_SQL_TIME options in debugger for MySQL optimization Fixes - Fixed XML parser in kXMLHelper::GetXML method - Fixed VoteIndicator tag - Tag SearchKeywords moved to In-portal from In-commerce - User Avatar on public profile ------------------------- Recommended to upgrade!