Application->ConfigValue('GeoCodeUser'); $pass = $this->Application->ConfigValue('GeoCodePass'); $rie_path = sprintf(FULL_PATH.'/tools/rie/rie -u %s -p %s -g "%s" -l', $user, $pass, $address.'|'.$city.'|'.$state.'|'.$zip ); exec($rie_path, $geo_array, $code); if ($code == 0) { $out_data = explode('|', $geo_array[2]); include_once(FULL_PATH.'/compat/array_combine.php'); $assoc_data = array_combine(explode('|', $geo_array[1]), $out_data); $lon = abs($out_data[8]); // set to positive, because required by SQL formula $lat = $out_data[7]; $zip4 = $out_data[9]; $dpbc = $out_data[10]; $carrier = $out_data[11]; } else { $lon = ''; $lat = ''; $zip4 = ''; $dpbc = ''; $carrier = ''; $assoc_data = Array(); } return Array($lon, $lat, $zip4, $dpbc, $carrier, serialize($assoc_data)); } function getTag($tag, $xml) { $open_tag_pos = strpos($xml, '<'.$tag.'>'); $close_tag_pos = strpos($xml, ''); if (!$open_tag_pos || !$close_tag_pos) { return ''; } $tag_length = strlen($tag) + 2; return substr($xml, $open_tag_pos + $tag_length, $close_tag_pos - $open_tag_pos - $tag_length); } function QueryCoordinatesFromGoogle($address, $city, $state, $zip) { // 1908 Pike pl, Seattle, WA // // ABQIAAAAzNbTbxHki-PAnXzsrA7z2hR0fs2_a3JecCfKmMFhGT8VtEjV7xRV8rMK1czaEH2ZG3eiYJMuej_vnQ $qaddress = $address.', '.$city.', '.$state; $request_url = $this->Application->ConfigValue('GoogleMapsURL').'output=xml&key='. $this->Application->ConfigValue('GoogleMapsKey').'&q='.urlencode($qaddress); $delay = 0; while (true) { $xml = file_get_contents($request_url); if (strpos($xml, '620')) { $delay += 100000; } elseif (strpos($xml, '200')) { // get latitude, longitude and zip from xml-answer $a_coords = explode(',', $this->getTag('coordinates', $xml)); $lat = $a_coords[1]; $lon = abs($a_coords[0]); // set to positive, because required by SQL formula $zip4 = $this->getTag('PostalCodeNumber', $xml); $dpbc = ''; $carrier = ''; $assoc_data = Array(); break; } else { $lon = ''; $lat = ''; $zip4 = ''; $dpbc = ''; $carrier = ''; $assoc_data = Array(); break; } usleep($delay); } return Array($lon, $lat, $zip4, $dpbc, $carrier, serialize($assoc_data)); } /** * Try to find lon, lat by address return false if failed * * @param string $address * @param string $city * @param string $state * @param int $zip * @return Array (lon, lat) */ function GetCoordinates($address, $city, $state, $zip, $no_cache = false, $force_cache = false) { if (!$zip && !$state) { // if state or zip missing then do nothing return false; } $zip_info = $no_cache ? false : $this->GetFromCache($address, $city, $state, $zip); // $zip_info = $this->GetFromCache($address, $city, $state, $zip); if (!$zip_info && !$force_cache) { list($lon, $lat, $zip4, $dpbc, $carrier, $geocode_answer) = $this->QueryCoordinatesFromGoogle($address, $city, $state, $zip); if ($lon != '' && $lat != '') { // valid position returned by geocode => add to cache $fields_hash = Array( 'zipcode' => $zip4, 'address' => $address, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'zip4' => $zip4, 'dpbc' => $dpbc, 'carrier' => $carrier, 'geocode_answer' => $geocode_answer, ); $this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, TABLE_PREFIX.'ZipCodes'); return Array($lon, $lat, $zip4, $dpbc, $carrier); } else { // bad case, rie call failed => no data retrieved return false; } } return Array($zip_info['lon'], $zip_info['lat'], getArrayValue($zip_info, 'zip4'), getArrayValue($zip_info, 'dpbc'), getArrayValue($zip_info, 'carrier')); } /** * Try to find cached lon, lat by address * * @param string $address * @param string $city * @param string $state * @param int $zip * @return Array (lon, lat) */ function GetFromCache($address, $city, $state, $zip) { $zip = substr($zip, 0, 5); // use only first 5 digits $sql = 'SELECT lon, lat FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ZipCodes WHERE zipcode = '.$this->Conn->qstr($zip); return $this->Conn->GetRow($sql); } } ?>