_initMade) { return ; } define('DBG_IGNORE_FATAL_ERRORS', 1); // 1. get block information $block_info = $this->Application->GetVar('block'); list ($this->_blockName, $this->_functionName) = explode(':', $block_info); $this->_parseTemplate($object); if (array_key_exists($this->_functionName, $this->Application->Parser->ElementLocations)) { $this->_blockLocation = $this->Application->Parser->ElementLocations[$this->_functionName]; } $this->_initMade = true; } function _getSourceTemplate() { // get source template $t = $this->Application->GetVar('source'); if (!$this->Application->TemplatesCache->TemplateExists($t)) { $cms_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject('st_EventHandler'); /* @var $cms_handler StructureEventHandler */ $t = $cms_handler->GetDesignTemplate($t); } $this->_sourceTemplate = $t; } function _getThemeName() { $theme_id = (int)$this->Application->GetVar('theme_id'); $sql = 'SELECT Name FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('theme', 'TableName') . ' WHERE ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('theme', 'IDField') . ' = ' . $theme_id; return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); } /** * Render source template to get parse errors OR it's element locations * * @param kDBItem $object * @param string $append * @return bool */ function _parseTemplate(&$object, $append = '') { // 1. set internal error handler to catch all parsing errors $error_handlers = $this->Application->errorHandlers; $this->Application->errorHandlers = Array ( Array (&$this, '_saveError'), ); // 2. parse template $this->Application->InitParser( $this->_getThemeName() ); // we have no parser when saving block content $this->_getSourceTemplate(); // design templates have leading "/" in the beginning $this->Application->Parser->Run(ltrim($this->_sourceTemplate, '/') . $append); // 3. restore original error handler $this->Application->errorHandlers = $error_handlers; if ($this->_parseErrors) { if ($this->_isMainTemplate()) { // 3.1. delete temporary file, that was parsed $filename = $this->_getTemplateFile(false, $append . '.tpl'); if (!unlink($filename)) { $error_file = $this->_getTemplateFile(true, $append . '.tpl'); $object->SetError('FileContents', 'template_delete_failed', '+Failed to delete temporary template "' . $error_file . '"'); return false; } } else { // 3.2. restore backup if (!rename($this->_getTemplateFile(false, '.tpl.bak'), $this->_getTemplateFile(false))) { $error_file = $this->_getTemplateFile(true); $object->SetError('FileContents', 'template_restore_failed', '+Failed to restore template "' . $error_file . '" from backup.'); return false; } } return false; } return true; } /** * Returns information about parser element locations in template * * @param Array $params * @return mixed */ function blockInfo($info_type) { switch ($info_type) { case 'block_name': return $this->_blockName; break; case 'function_name': return $this->_functionName; break; case 'start_pos': case 'end_pos': case 'template': if (!array_key_exists($info_type, $this->_blockLocation)) { // invalid block name return 'invalid block name'; } return $this->_blockLocation[$info_type]; break; case 'template_file': return $this->_getTemplateFile(true); break; case 'content': $template_body = file_get_contents( $this->_getTemplateFile() ); $length = $this->_blockLocation['end_pos'] - $this->_blockLocation['start_pos']; return substr($template_body, $this->_blockLocation['start_pos'], $length); break; } return 'undefined'; } /** * Main template being edited (parse copy, instead of original) * * @return bool */ function _isMainTemplate() { return $this->_blockLocation['template'] == $this->_sourceTemplate; } /** * Returns filename, that contains template, where block is located * * @return string */ function _getTemplateFile($relative = false, $extension = '.tpl') { $filename = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetRealFilename( $this->_blockLocation['template'] ) . $extension; if ($relative) { $filename = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '', $filename, 1); } return $filename; } /** * Saves new version of block to template, where it's located * * @param kDBItem $object */ function saveBlock(&$object) { $main_template = $this->_isMainTemplate(); $filename = $this->_getTemplateFile(false); // 1. get new template content $new_template_body = $this->_getNewTemplateContent($object, $filename, $lines_before); if (is_bool($new_template_body) && ($new_template_body === true)) { // when nothing changed -> stop processing return true; } // 2. backup original template if (!$main_template && !copy($filename, $filename . '.bak')) { // backup failed $error_file = $this->_getTemplateFile(true, '.tpl.bak'); $object->SetError('FileContents', 'template_backup_failed', '+Failed to create backup template "' . $error_file . '" backup.'); return false; } // 3. save changed template $save_filename = $this->_getTemplateFile(false, $main_template ? '.tmp.tpl' : '.tpl'); $fp = fopen($save_filename, 'w'); if (!$fp) { // backup template create failed OR existing template save $error_file = $this->_getTemplateFile(true, $main_template ? '.tmp.tpl' : '.tpl'); $object->SetError('FileContents', 'template_changes_save_failed', '+Failed to save template "' . $error_file . '" changes.'); return false; } fwrite($fp, $new_template_body); fclose($fp); // 3. parse template to check for errors $this->_parseTemplate($object, $main_template ? '.tmp' : ''); if ($this->_parseErrors) { $error_msg = Array (); foreach ($this->_parseErrors as $error_data) { if (preg_match('/line ([\d]+)/', $error_data['msg'], $regs)) { // another line number inside message -> patch it $error_data['msg'] = str_replace('line ' . $regs[1], 'line ' . ($regs[1] - $lines_before), $error_data['msg']); } $error_msg[] = $error_data['msg'] . ' at line ' . ($error_data['line'] - $lines_before); } $object->SetError('FileContents', 'template_syntax_error', '+Template syntax errors:
' . implode('
', $error_msg)); return false; } if ($main_template) { // 4.1. replace original file with temporary if (!rename($this->_getTemplateFile(false, '.tmp.tpl'), $filename)) { // failed to save new content to original template $error_file = $this->_getTemplateFile(true); $object->SetError('FileContents', 'template_save_failed', '+Failed to save template "' . $error_file . '".'); return false; } } else { // 4.2. delete backup unlink( $this->_getTemplateFile(false, '.tpl.bak') ); } return true; } /** * Returns new template content of "true", when nothing is changed * * @param kDBItem $object * @param string $filename * @param int $lines_before * @return mixed */ function _getNewTemplateContent(&$object, $filename, &$lines_before) { $new_content = $object->GetDBField('FileContents'); $template_body = file_get_contents($filename); $lines_before = substr_count(substr($template_body, 0, $this->_blockLocation['start_pos']), "\n"); $new_template_body = substr($template_body, 0, $this->_blockLocation['start_pos']) . $new_content . substr($template_body, $this->_blockLocation['end_pos']); return crc32($template_body) == crc32($new_template_body) ? true : $new_template_body; } function _saveError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { if ($errno != E_USER_ERROR) { // ignore all minor errors, except fatals from parser return true; } /*if (defined('E_STRICT') && ($errno == E_STRICT)) { // always ignore strict errors here (specially when not in debug mode) return true; }*/ $this->_parseErrors[] = Array ('msg' => $errstr, 'file' => $errfile, 'line' => $errline); return true; } }