Readme notes for In-portal Platform 1.0.10 Intechnic Corporation, April 14, 2005 New Features: - New "Reviews" section under "Structure & Data" Allows the administrator to view, edit, approve/deny all reviews at a glance. - Remote email server authentication methods Only "plain text" SMTP authentication was supported in previous versions. Added support for "DIGEST-MD5" and "CRAM-MD5" methods. - Custom sorting on the front end Added tags and modified templates to allow front-end users to customize their browsing. Includes sorting and items per page selections. - Changing installation directories A new option during installation, to allow the administrator to move their In-portal installation from one directory to another on the same server/domain. Adjusts all database settings automatically. - "Edited / Filtered" warning on all sections Added the warning that information was edited and needs to be saved, and that only partial information is visible, to the majority of the lists in the administrative console. - Resource ID check utility A new data integrity check, performed during upgrades, that ensures unique resource ID of In-portal objects. Bug Fixes: - User email events (added missing Add Pending to administrator) - English language update (added several missing phrases) - Improved search performance and accuracy - Improved tag caching functionality - Improved search configuration section