$sValue2) { $paArray1[$sKey2] = isset($paArray1[$sKey2]) ? array_merge_recursive2($paArray1[$sKey2], $sValue2) : $sValue2; // $paArray1[$sKey2] = array_merge_recursive2( getArrayValue($paArray1,$sKey2), $sValue2); } return $paArray1; } } /** * @return int * @param $array array * @param $value mixed * @desc Prepend a reference to an element to the beginning of an array. Renumbers numeric keys, so $value is always inserted to $array[0] */ function array_unshift_ref(&$array, &$value) { $return = array_unshift($array,''); $array[0] =& $value; return $return; } /** * Same as print_r, budet designed for viewing in web page * * @param Array $data * @param string $label */ function print_pre($data, $label='', $on_screen = false) { $is_debug = false; if (class_exists('kApplication') && !$on_screen) { $application =& kApplication::Instance(); $is_debug = $application->isDebugMode(); } if ($is_debug) { if ($label) $application->Debugger->appendHTML(''.$label.''); $application->Debugger->dumpVars($data); } else { if ($label) echo '', $label, '
'; echo '
', print_r($data, true), '
'; } } /** * Returns array value if key exists * * @param Array $array searchable array * @param int $key array key * @return string * @access public */ // function getArrayValue(&$array, $key) { // global $debugger; // if (is_object($debugger)) $debugger->ProfilePoint('getArrayValue', 1); $ret = isset($array[$key]) ? $array[$key] : false; if ($ret && func_num_args() > 2) { for ($i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { $cur_key = func_get_arg($i); $ret = getArrayValue( $ret, $cur_key ); if ($ret === false) break; } } return $ret; } /** * Rename key in associative array, maintaining keys order * * @param Array $array Associative Array * @param mixed $old Old key name * @param mixed $new New key name * @access public */ function array_rename_key(&$array, $old, $new) { $new_array = Array (); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $new_array[ $key == $old ? $new : $key] = $val; } $array = $new_array; } /** * Define constant if it was not already defined before * * @param string $const_name * @param string $const_value * @access public */ function safeDefine($const_name, $const_value) { if(!defined($const_name)) define($const_name,$const_value); } if( !function_exists('parse_portal_ini') ) { function parse_portal_ini($file, $parse_section = false) { if (!file_exists($file)) return false; if( file_exists($file) && !is_readable($file) ) die('Could Not Open Ini File'); $contents = file($file); $retval = Array(); $section = ''; $ln = 1; $resave = false; foreach($contents as $line) { if ($ln == 1 && $line != '<'.'?'.'php die() ?'.">\n") { $resave = true; } $ln++; $line = trim($line); $line = eregi_replace(';[.]*','',$line); if(strlen($line) > 0) { //echo $line . " - "; if(eregi('^[[a-z]+]$',str_replace(' ', '', $line))) { //echo 'section'; $section = mb_substr($line,1,(mb_strlen($line)-2)); if ($parse_section) { $retval[$section] = array(); } continue; } elseif(eregi('=',$line)) { //echo 'main element'; list($key,$val) = explode(' = ',$line); if (!$parse_section) { $retval[trim($key)] = str_replace('"', '', $val); } else { $retval[$section][trim($key)] = str_replace('"', '', $val); } } //end if //echo '
'; } //end if } //end foreach if($resave) { $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); reset($contents); fwrite($fp,'<'.'?'.'php die() ?'.">\n\n"); foreach($contents as $line) fwrite($fp,"$line"); fclose($fp); } return $retval; } } if( !function_exists('getmicrotime') ) { function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } } if( !function_exists('k4_include_once') ) { function k4_include_once($file) { global $debugger; if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && isset($debugger) && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_INCLUDES') ) { if ( in_array($file, get_required_files()) ) return; global $debugger; /* $debugger->IncludeLevel++; $before_mem = memory_get_usage(); */ $debugger->ProfileStart('inc_'.crc32($file), $file); include_once($file); $debugger->ProfileFinish('inc_'.crc32($file)); $debugger->profilerAddTotal('includes', 'inc_'.crc32($file)); /* $used_mem = memory_get_usage() - $before_mem; $debugger->IncludeLevel--; $debugger->IncludesData['file'][] = str_replace(FULL_PATH, '', $file); $debugger->IncludesData['mem'][] = $used_mem; $debugger->IncludesData['time'][] = $used_time; $debugger->IncludesData['level'][] = $debugger->IncludeLevel; */ } else { include_once($file); } } } /** * Checks if string passed is serialized array * * @param string $string * @return bool */ function IsSerialized($string) { if( is_array($string) ) return false; return preg_match('/a:([\d]+):{/', $string); } if (!function_exists('makepassword4')){ function makepassword4($length=10) { $pass_length=$length; $p1=array('b','c','d','f','g','h','j','k','l','m','n','p','q','r','s','t','v','w','x','y','z'); $p2=array('a','e','i','o','u'); $p3=array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'); $p4=array('(','&',')',';','%'); // if you need real strong stuff // how much elements in the array // can be done with a array count but counting once here is faster $s1=21;// this is the count of $p1 $s2=5; // this is the count of $p2 $s3=9; // this is the count of $p3 $s4=5; // this is the count of $p4 // possible readable combinations $c1='121'; // will be like 'bab' $c2='212'; // will be like 'aba' $c3='12'; // will be like 'ab' $c4='3'; // will be just a number '1 to 9' if you dont like number delete the 3 // $c5='4'; // uncomment to active the strong stuff $comb='4'; // the amount of combinations you made above (and did not comment out) for ($p=0;$p<$pass_length;) { mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $strpart=mt_rand(1,$comb); // checking if the stringpart is not the same as the previous one if($strpart<>$previous) { $pass_structure.=${'c'.$strpart}; // shortcutting the loop a bit $p=$p+mb_strlen(${'c'.$strpart}); } $previous=$strpart; } // generating the password from the structure defined in $pass_structure for ($g=0;$g $value) $params_str .= $key.'='.urlencode($value).'&'; $post = $params_str; } $ch = curl_init($url); $dbg = false; if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && constOn('DBG_CURL')) { $dbg = true; safeDefine('DBG_CURL_LOGFILE', '/curl.log'); $log = fopen(FULL_PATH.DBG_CURL_LOGFILE, 'a'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $log); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, $log); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, $log); } if (!is_null($headers)) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } // if we have post data, then POST else use GET method instead if ($request_type == 'POST') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); } elseif ($request_type == 'GET' && isset($post) && strlen($post) > 0) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, preg_match('/\?/', $url) ? $url.'&'.$post : $url.'?'.$post); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_REFERER, PROTOCOL.SERVER_NAME); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 90); if (is_array($curl_options)) { foreach ($curl_options as $option => $value) { curl_setopt($ch, $option, $value); } } $ret = curl_exec($ch); $GLOBALS['curl_errorno'] = curl_errno($ch); $GLOBALS['curl_error'] = curl_error($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($dbg) { fwrite($log, "\n".$ret); fclose($log); } return $ret; } } if( !function_exists('memory_get_usage') ) { function memory_get_usage(){ return -1; } } function &ref_call_user_func_array($callable, $args) { if( is_scalar($callable) ) { // $callable is the name of a function $call = $callable; } else { if( is_object($callable[0]) ) { // $callable is an object and a method name $call = "\$callable[0]->{$callable[1]}"; } else { // $callable is a class name and a static method $call = "{$callable[0]}::{$callable[1]}"; } } // Note because the keys in $args might be strings // we do this in a slightly round about way. $argumentString = Array(); $argumentKeys = array_keys($args); foreach($argumentKeys as $argK) { $argumentString[] = "\$args[$argumentKeys[$argK]]"; } $argumentString = implode($argumentString, ', '); // Note also that eval doesn't return references, so we // work around it in this way... eval("\$result =& {$call}({$argumentString});"); return $result; } /** * Checks if constant is defined and has positive value * * @param string $const_name * @return bool */ function constOn($const_name) { return defined($const_name) && constant($const_name); } function Kg2Pounds($kg, $pounds_only = false) { $major = floor( round($kg / POUND_TO_KG, 3) ); $minor = abs(round(($kg - $major * POUND_TO_KG) / POUND_TO_KG * 16, 2)); if ($pounds_only) { $major += round($minor * 0.0625, 2); $minor = 0; } return array($major, $minor); } function Pounds2Kg($pounds, $ounces=0) { return round(($pounds + ($ounces / 16)) * POUND_TO_KG, 5); } /** * Formats file/memory size in nice way * * @param int $bytes * @return string * @access public */ function formatSize($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1099511627776) { $return = round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2); $suffix = "TB"; } elseif ($bytes >= 1073741824) { $return = round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2); $suffix = "GB"; } elseif ($bytes >= 1048576) { $return = round($bytes / 1024 / 1024, 2); $suffix = "MB"; } elseif ($bytes >= 1024) { $return = round($bytes / 1024, 2); $suffix = "KB"; } else { $return = $bytes; $suffix = "Byte"; } $return .= ' '.$suffix; return $return; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param resource $filePointer the file resource to write to * @param Array $data the data to write out * @param string $delimiter the field separator * @param string $enclosure symbol to enclose field data to * @param string $recordSeparator symbols to separate records with */ function fputcsv2($filePointer, $data, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $recordSeparator = "\r\n") { foreach($data as $field_index => $field_value) { // replaces an enclosure with two enclosures $data[$field_index] = str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure.$enclosure, $field_value); } $line = $enclosure.implode($enclosure.$delimiter.$enclosure, $data).$enclosure.$recordSeparator; $line = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($enclosure).'([0-9\.]+)'.preg_quote($enclosure).'/', '$1', $line); fwrite($filePointer, $line); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param resource $filePointer the file resource to write to * @param Array $data the data to write out * @param string $delimiter the field separator * @param string $enclosure symbol to enclose field data to * @param string $recordSeparator symbols to separate records with */ function getcsvline($data, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $recordSeparator = "\r\n") { foreach($data as $field_index => $field_value) { // replaces an enclosure with two enclosures $data[$field_index] = str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure.$enclosure, $field_value); } $line = $enclosure.implode($enclosure.$delimiter.$enclosure, $data).$enclosure.$recordSeparator; $line = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($enclosure).'([0-9\.]+)'.preg_quote($enclosure).'/', '$1', $line); return $line; } /** * Allows to replace #section# within any string with current section * * @param string $string * @return string */ function replaceModuleSection($string) { $application =& kApplication::Instance(); $module_section = $application->RecallVar('section'); if ($module_section) { // substitute section instead of #section# parameter in title preset name $module_section = explode(':', $module_section); $section = preg_replace('/(configuration|configure)_(.*)/i', '\\2', $module_section[count($module_section) == 2 ? 1 : 0]); $string = str_replace('#section#', mb_strtolower($section), $string); } return $string; } /** * Checks, that user IP address is within allowed range * * @param string $ip_list semi-column (by default) separated ip address list * @param string $separator ip address separator (default ";") * * @return bool */ function ipMatch($ip_list, $separator = ';') { $ip_match = false; $ip_addresses = $ip_list ? explode($separator, $ip_list) : Array (); foreach ($ip_addresses as $ip_address) { if (netMatch($ip_address, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $ip_match = true; break; } } return $ip_match; } function netMatch($network, $ip) { $network = trim($network); $ip = trim($ip); if ($network == $ip) { // comparing 2 ip addresses directly return true; } $d = strpos($network, '-'); if ($d === false) { // sigle subnet specified $ip_arr = explode('/', $network); if (!preg_match("@\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*@", $ip_arr[0], $matches)) { $ip_arr[0] .= '.0'; // Alternate form 194.1.4/24 } $network_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : (0xffffffff << (32 - $ip_arr[1])); $ip_long = ip2long($ip); return ($ip_long & $mask) == ($network_long & $mask); } else { // ip address range specified $from = ip2long(trim(substr($network, 0, $d))); $to = ip2long(trim(substr($network, $d + 1))); $ip = ip2long($ip); return ($ip >= $from && $ip <= $to); } } function request_headers() { if(function_exists("apache_request_headers")) // If apache_request_headers() exists... { if($headers = apache_request_headers()) // And works... { return $headers; // Use it } } $headers = array(); foreach(array_keys($_SERVER) as $skey) { if(substr($skey, 0, 5) == "HTTP_") { $headername = str_replace(" ", "-", ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", substr($skey, 0, 5))))); $headers[$headername] = $_SERVER[$skey]; } } return $headers; } if (!function_exists('easter_date')) { // calculates easter date, when calendar extension not installed in php // see also: http://php.prod.intechnic.lv/manual/en/function.easter-date.php function easter_date ($Year) { /* G is the Golden Number-1 H is 23-Epact (modulo 30) I is the number of days from 21 March to the Paschal full moon J is the weekday for the Paschal full moon (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.) L is the number of days from 21 March to the Sunday on or before the Paschal full moon (a number between -6 and 28) */ $G = $Year % 19; $C = (int)($Year / 100); $H = (int)($C - ($C / 4) - ((8*$C+13) / 25) + 19*$G + 15) % 30; $I = (int)$H - (int)($H / 28)*(1 - (int)($H / 28)*(int)(29 / ($H + 1))*((int)(21 - $G) / 11)); $J = ($Year + (int)($Year/4) + $I + 2 - $C + (int)($C/4)) % 7; $L = $I - $J; $m = 3 + (int)(($L + 40) / 44); $d = $L + 28 - 31 * ((int)($m / 4)); $y = $Year; $E = mktime(0,0,0, $m, $d, $y); return $E; } } if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrombmp')) { // just in case if GD will add this function in future function imagecreatefrombmp($filename) { //Ouverture du fichier en mode binaire if (! $f1 = fopen($filename,"rb")) return FALSE; //1 : Chargement des ent�tes FICHIER $FILE = unpack("vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset", fread($f1,14)); if ($FILE['file_type'] != 19778) return FALSE; //2 : Chargement des ent�tes BMP $BMP = unpack('Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel'. '/Vcompression/Vsize_bitmap/Vhoriz_resolution'. '/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important', fread($f1,40)); $BMP['colors'] = pow(2,$BMP['bits_per_pixel']); if ($BMP['size_bitmap'] == 0) $BMP['size_bitmap'] = $FILE['file_size'] - $FILE['bitmap_offset']; $BMP['bytes_per_pixel'] = $BMP['bits_per_pixel']/8; $BMP['bytes_per_pixel2'] = ceil($BMP['bytes_per_pixel']); $BMP['decal'] = ($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4); $BMP['decal'] -= floor($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4); $BMP['decal'] = 4-(4*$BMP['decal']); if ($BMP['decal'] == 4) $BMP['decal'] = 0; //3 : Chargement des couleurs de la palette $PALETTE = array(); if ($BMP['colors'] < 16777216) { $PALETTE = unpack('V'.$BMP['colors'], fread($f1,$BMP['colors']*4)); } //4 : Cr�ation de l'image $IMG = fread($f1,$BMP['size_bitmap']); $VIDE = chr(0); $res = imagecreatetruecolor($BMP['width'],$BMP['height']); $P = 0; $Y = $BMP['height']-1; while ($Y >= 0) { $X=0; while ($X < $BMP['width']) { if ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 24) $COLOR = unpack("V",substr($IMG,$P,3).$VIDE); elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 16) { $COLOR = unpack("n",substr($IMG,$P,2)); $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1]; } elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 8) { $COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,$P,1)); $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1]; } elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 4) { $COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1)); if (($P*2)%2 == 0) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] >> 4) ; else $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x0F); $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1]; } elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 1) { $COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1)); if (($P*8)%8 == 0) $COLOR[1] = $COLOR[1] >>7; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 1) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x40)>>6; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 2) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x20)>>5; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 3) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x10)>>4; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 4) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x8)>>3; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 5) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x4)>>2; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 6) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x2)>>1; elseif (($P*8)%8 == 7) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x1); $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1]; } else return FALSE; imagesetpixel($res,$X,$Y,$COLOR[1]); $X++; $P += $BMP['bytes_per_pixel']; } $Y--; $P+=$BMP['decal']; } //Fermeture du fichier fclose($f1); return $res; } }