Application->IsAdmin()) return implode(' AND ', $where_clause); $modules = $this->_GetModules(); if ($modules) { foreach ($modules as $module_index => $module) { $modules[$module_index] = $this->Conn->qstr($module); } $where_clause[] = 'Name IN ('.implode(',', $modules).')'; } return implode(' AND ', $where_clause); } function _EnableCookieSID() { $session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session'); return $session->CookiesEnabled; } function _IsSpider($UserAgent) { global $robots; $lines = file(FULL_PATH.'/robots_list.txt'); if (!is_array($robots)) { $robots = Array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $l = $lines[$i]; $p = explode("\t", $l, 3); $robots[] = $p[2]; } } return in_array($UserAgent, $robots); } function _MatchIp($ip1, $ip2) { $matched = TRUE; $ip = explode('.', $ip1); $MatchIp = explode('.', $ip2); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ip); $i++) { if($i == count($MatchIp)) break; if (trim($ip[$i]) != trim($MatchIp[$i]) || trim($ip[$i]) == '*') { $matched = FALSE; break; } } return $matched; } function _IpAccess($IpAddress, $AllowList, $DenyList) { $allowed = explode(',', $AllowList); $denied = explode(',', $DenyList); $MatchAllowed = FALSE; for ($x = 0; $x < count($allowed); $x++) { $ip = explode('.', $allowed[$x]); $MatchAllowed = $this->_MatchIp($IpAddress, $allowed[$x]); if ($MatchAllowed) break; } $MatchDenied = FALSE; for ($x = 0; $x < count($denied); $x++) { $ip = explode('.', $denied[$x]); $MatchDenied = $this->_MatchIp($IpAddress, $denied[$x]); if ($MatchDenied) break; } $Result = (($MatchAllowed && !$MatchDenied) || (!$MatchAllowed && !$MatchDenied) || ($MatchAllowed && $MatchDenied)); return $Result; } /** * Leaves only domain part from hostname (e.g. extract "" from "") * Used for admin login license check * * @param string $d * @return string */ function _StripDomainHost($d) { $IsIp = false; $dotcount = substr_count($d, '.'); if ($dotcount == 3) { $IsIp = true; for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($d); $x++) { if (!is_numeric(substr($d, $x, 1)) && substr($d, $x, 1) != '.') { $IsIp = false; break; } } } if ($dotcount > 1 && !$IsIp) { $p = explode('.', $d); $ret = $p[count($p) - 2].'.'.$p[count($p) - 1]; } else { $ret = $d; } return $ret; } /** * When logging into admin then check only last 2 parts of host name VS domain in license * * @param string $user_domain * @param string $license_domain * @return int */ function _CheckDomain($user_domain, $license_domain) { if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) { $user_domain = $this->_StripDomainHost($user_domain); return preg_match('/(.*)'.preg_quote($user_domain, '/').'$/', $license_domain); } else { return preg_match('/(.*)'.preg_quote($license_domain, '/').'$/', $user_domain); } } /** * Returns modules list, that are in license * * @return Array */ function _GetModules() { static $modules = null; if (isset($modules)) { return $modules; } $modules = Array(); $vars = parse_portal_ini(FULL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'); $license = array_key_exists('License', $vars) ? base64_decode($vars['License']) : false; if ($license) { list ( , , $i_Keys) = $this->_ParseLicense($license); $domain = $this->_GetDomain($vars); if (!$this->_IsLocalSite($domain)) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($i_Keys); $x++) { $key = $i_Keys[$x]; if ($this->_CheckDomain($domain, $key['domain'])) { // used hostname is subdomain or matches domain from license $modules = explode(',', $key['mod']); } } } else { // all already installed modules are licensed for localhost $modules = array_keys($this->Application->ModuleInfo); } } // all modules starting from "in-" doesn't require license $base_modules = Array ('Core', 'In-Portal', 'Custom'); $modules = array_merge($modules, $base_modules, $this->_getFreeModules($vars)); $modules = array_unique( array_map('strtolower', $modules) ); return $modules; } /** * Get all modules, that don't require licensing * * @return Array */ function _getFreeModules($vars) { $skip_modules = Array ('.', '..'); $domain = $this->_GetDomain($vars); if (!$this->_IsLocalSite($domain)) { array_push($skip_modules, 'in-commerce', 'in-auction'); } $folder = dir(MODULES_PATH); $ret = Array (); while (($entry = $folder->read()) !== false) { $entry_lowercased = strtolower($entry); if (!is_dir($folder->path . '/' . $entry) || in_array($entry_lowercased, $skip_modules) || (substr($entry_lowercased, 0, 3) != 'in-')) { continue; } $ret[] = $entry_lowercased; } $folder->close(); return $ret; } /** * Allows to determine if module is licensed * * @param string $name * @return bool */ function _ModuleLicensed($name) { $modules = $this->_GetModules(); return in_array($name, $modules); } /** * Returns domain from licences (and direct in case of install script) * * @return string */ function _GetDomain($vars) { $config_domain = array_key_exists('Domain', $vars) ? $vars['Domain'] : false; return $this->Application->ConfigValue('DomainDetect') ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $config_domain; } function _keyED($txt, $encrypt_key) { $encrypt_key = md5($encrypt_key); $ctr = 0; $tmp = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($txt); $i++) { if ($ctr == strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr = 0; $tmp .= substr($txt, $i, 1) ^ substr($encrypt_key, $ctr, 1); $ctr++; } return $tmp; } function _decrypt($txt, $key) { $txt = $this->_keyED($txt,$key); $tmp = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($txt); $i++) { $md5 = substr($txt, $i, 1); $i++; $tmp .= (substr($txt, $i, 1) ^ $md5); } return $tmp; } function LoadFromRemote() { return ''; } function DLid() { die($GLOBALS['lid']."\n"); } function _LoadLicense($LoadRemote = false) { $f = FULL_PATH.'/intechnic.php'; if ($this->_falseIsLocalSite($f)) $ret = true; if (file_exists($f)) { $contents = file($f); $data = base64_decode($contents[1]); } else { if ($LoadRemote) return $LoadFromRemote; } return $data; } function _VerifyKey($domain, $k) { $key = md5($domain); $lkey = substr($key, 0, strlen($key) / 2); $rkey = substr($key, strlen($key) / 2); $r = $rkey.$lkey; if ($k == $r) return true; return false; } function _ParseLicense($txt) { // global $i_User, $i_Pswd, $i_Keys; if (!$this->_falseIsLocalSite($txt)) { $nah = false; } $data = $this->_decrypt($txt, 'beagle'); $i_User = $i_Pswd = ''; $i_Keys = Array(); $lines = explode("\n", $data); for ($x = 0; $x < count($lines); $x++) { $l = $lines[$x]; $p = explode('=', $l, 2); switch($p[0]) { case 'Username': $i_User = $p[1]; break; case 'UserPass': $i_Pswd = $p[1]; break; default: if (substr($p[0], 0, 3) == 'key') { $parts = explode('|', $p[1]); if ($this->_VerifyKey($parts[0], $parts[1])) { unset($K); $k['domain'] = $parts[0]; $k['key'] = $parts[1]; $k['desc'] = $parts[2]; $k['mod'] = $parts[3]; $i_Keys[] = $k; } } break; } } return Array ($i_User, $i_Pswd, $i_Keys); } function _GetObscureValue($i) { if ($i == 'x') return 0254; $z = ''; if ($i == 'z') return 0x7F.'.'; if ($i == 'c') return '--code--'; if ($i >= 5 && $i < 7) return $this->_GetObscureValue($z)*$this->_GetObscureValue('e'); if ($i > 30) return Array(0x6c,0x6f,0x63,0x61,0x6c,0x68,0x6f,0x73,0x74); if ($i > 20) return 99; if ($i > 10) return '.'.($this->_GetObscureValue(6.5)+1); if ($i == 'a') return 0xa; } function _Chr($val) { $x = $this->_GetObscureValue(25); $f = chr($x).chr($x+5).chr($x+15); return $f($val); } function _IsLocalSite($domain) { $ee = $this->_GetObscureValue(35); $yy = ''; foreach ($ee as $e) $yy .= $this->_Chr($e); $localb = FALSE; if(substr($domain,0,3)==$this->_GetObscureValue('x')) { $b = substr($domain,0,6); $p = explode(".",$domain); $subnet = $p[1]; if($p[1]>15 && $p[1]<32) $localb=TRUE; } $zz = $this->_GetObscureValue('z').$this->_GetObscureValue(5).'.'.(int)$this->_GetObscureValue(7).$this->_GetObscureValue(12); $ff = $this->_GetObscureValue('z')+65; $hh = $ff-0x18; if($domain==$yy || $domain==$zz || substr($domain,0,7)==$ff.$this->_Chr(46).$hh || substr($domain,0,3)==$this->_GetObscureValue('a').$this->_Chr(46) || $localb || strpos($domain,".")==0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function _falseIsLocalSite($domain) { $localb = FALSE; if(substr($domain,0,3)=="172") { $b = substr($domain,0,6); $p = explode(".",$domain); $subnet = $p[1]; if($p[1]>15 && $p[1]<32) $localb=TRUE; } if($domain=="localhost" || $domain=="" || substr($domain,0,7)=="192.168" || substr($domain,0,3)=="10." || $localb || strpos($domain,".")==0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function verifyLicense($license_hash) { $license_hash = base64_decode($license_hash); list ($license_user, $license_password, ) = $this->_ParseLicense($license_hash); return strlen($license_user) && strlen($license_password); } function moduleInstalled($module_name) { static $modules = null; if (is_null($modules)) { $sql = 'SELECT LOWER(Name) FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('mod', 'TableName'); $modules = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql); } if ($module_name == 'kernel') { $module_name = 'in-portal'; } return in_array(strtolower($module_name), $modules); } }