The Reviews section provides a consolidated view of the reviews for all items across different modules. The administrator can perform all of the basic functions directly in this section, without locating the item that any given review belongs to. One of the most common ways to use the Reviews section is to find pending reviews. To do this, simply use the View menu to filter only Pending reviews.

In this section, you can Approve, Deny, Edit and Delete reviews, as well as search for a specific review, no matter what item it may belong to.

On the summary list, below the details of each review there is a link to the item, to which the review belongs to. Clicking on that link will allow the administrator to quickly edit the parent item. When the administrator saves or cancels the item changes, he or she will appear back in the Reviews section.

The section is divided into tabs, a tab for each module installed on your system. Each tab retains its individual filter settings (Search keyword and View menu options).