lang_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.import', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true)); if (!(defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL)) { // perform only, when not in installation mode $this->_updateEventsCache(); } $this->ip_address = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') ? getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') : getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); // $this->_debugMode = $this->Application->isDebugMode(); } /** * Performs import of given language pack (former Parse method) * * @param string $filename * @param string $phrase_types * @param Array $module_ids * @param int $import_mode * @return bool */ function performImport($filename, $phrase_types, $module_ids, $import_mode = LANG_SKIP_EXISTING) { // define the XML parsing routines/functions to call based on the handler path if (!file_exists($filename) || !$phrase_types /*|| !$module_ids*/) { return false; } if ($this->_debugMode) { $start_time = getmicrotime(); $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '("' . $filename . '")'); } if (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) { // new events could be added during module upgrade $this->_updateEventsCache(); } $this->_initImportTables(); $phrase_types = explode('|', substr($phrase_types, 1, -1) ); // $module_ids = explode('|', substr($module_ids, 1, -1) ); $this->phrase_types_allowed = array_flip($phrase_types); $this->import_mode = $import_mode; $this->_parseXML($filename); // copy data from temp tables to live foreach ($this->_languages as $language_id) { $this->_performUpgrade($language_id, 'phrases', 'Phrase'); $this->_performUpgrade($language_id, 'emailmessages', 'EventId'); } $this->_initImportTables(true); if ($this->_debugMode) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '("' . $filename . '"): ' . (getmicrotime() - $start_time)); } return true; } /** * Creates XML file with exported language data (former Create method) * * @param string $filename filename to export into * @param Array $phrase_types phrases types to export from modules passed in $module_ids * @param Array $language_ids IDs of languages to export * @param Array $module_ids IDs of modules to export phrases from */ function performExport($filename, $phrase_types, $language_ids, $module_ids) { $fp = fopen($filename,'w'); if (!$fp || !$phrase_types || !$module_ids || !$language_ids) { return false; } $phrase_types = explode('|', substr($phrase_types, 1, -1) ); $module_ids = explode('|', substr($module_ids, 1, -1) ); $this->events_hash = array_flip($this->events_hash); $lang_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('lang','TableName'); $phrases_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('phrases','TableName'); $emailevents_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('emailmessages','TableName'); $mainevents_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('emailevents','TableName'); $phrase_tpl = "\t\t\t".'%s'."\n"; $event_tpl = "\t\t\t".'%s'."\n"; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE LanguageId = %s'; $ret = ''."\n"; foreach ($language_ids as $language_id) { // languages $row = $this->Conn->GetRow( sprintf($sql, $lang_table, $language_id) ); $ret .= "\t".''.$row['DateFormat'].''; $ret .= ''.$row['TimeFormat'].''.$row['InputDateFormat'].''; $ret .= ''.$row['InputTimeFormat'].''.$row['DecimalPoint'].''; $ret .= ''.$row['ThousandSep'].''.$row['Charset'].''.$row['UserDocsUrl'].''; $ret .= ''.$row['UnitSystem'].''."\n"; // phrases $phrases_sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$phrases_table.' WHERE LanguageId = %s AND PhraseType IN (%s) AND Module IN (%s) ORDER BY Phrase'; if( in_array('In-Portal',$module_ids) ) array_push($module_ids, ''); // for old language packs $rows = $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($phrases_sql,$language_id, implode(',',$phrase_types), '\''.implode('\',\'',$module_ids).'\'' ) ); if($rows) { $ret .= "\t\t".''."\n"; foreach($rows as $row) { $data = $this->_exportEncoding == 'base64' ? base64_encode($row['Translation']) : ''; $ret .= sprintf($phrase_tpl, $row['Phrase'], $row['Module'], $row['PhraseType'], $data ); } $ret .= "\t\t".''."\n"; } // email events if( in_array('In-Portal',$module_ids) ) unset( $module_ids[array_search('',$module_ids)] ); // for old language packs $module_sql = preg_replace('/(.*) OR $/', '\\1', preg_replace('/(.*),/U', 'INSTR(Module,\'\\1\') OR ', implode(',', $module_ids).',' ) ); $sql = 'SELECT EventId FROM '.$mainevents_table.' WHERE '.$module_sql; $event_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql); if($event_ids) { $ret .= "\t\t".''."\n"; $event_sql = ' SELECT em.* FROM '.$emailevents_table.' em LEFT JOIN '.$mainevents_table.' e ON e.EventId = em.EventId WHERE em.LanguageId = %s AND em.EventId IN (%s) ORDER BY e.Event, e.Type'; $rows = $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($event_sql,$language_id, $event_ids ? implode(',',$event_ids) : '' ) ); foreach($rows as $row) { if (!array_key_exists($row['EventId'], $this->events_hash)) { // don't export existing translations of missing events continue; } list($event_name, $event_type) = explode('_', $this->events_hash[ $row['EventId'] ] ); $data = $this->_exportEncoding == 'base64' ? base64_encode($row['Template']) : ''; $ret .= sprintf($event_tpl, $row['MessageType'], $event_name, $event_type, $data ); } $ret .= "\t\t".''."\n"; } $ret .= "\t".''."\n"; } $ret .= ''; fwrite($fp, $ret); fclose($fp); return true; } /** * Sets language pack encoding (not charset) used during export * * @param string $encoding */ function setExportEncoding($encoding) { $this->_exportEncoding = $encoding; } /** * Performs upgrade of given language pack part * * @param int $language_id * @param string $prefix * @param string $unique_field */ function _performUpgrade($language_id, $prefix, $unique_field) { // TODO: find a way to compare (intersect,diff) phrases in non-case sensitive way, but keeping original case in result $live_records = $this->_getTableData($language_id, $prefix, $unique_field, false); $temp_records = $this->_getTableData($language_id, $prefix, $unique_field, true); if ($this->import_mode == LANG_OVERWRITE_EXISTING) { // remove existing records before copy $common_records = array_intersect($temp_records, $live_records); if ($common_records) { $live_records = array_diff($live_records, $common_records); // remove overlaping records $common_records = array_map(Array(&$this->Conn, 'qstr'), $common_records); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName') . ' WHERE (LanguageId = ' . $language_id . ') AND (' . $unique_field . ' IN (' . implode(',', $common_records) . '))'; $this->Conn->Query($sql); } } $temp_records = array_diff($temp_records, $live_records); if (!$temp_records) { // no new records found in temp table while comparing it to live table return ; } $temp_records = array_map(Array(&$this->Conn, 'qstr'), $temp_records); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName') . ' SELECT * FROM ' . $this->_tables[$prefix] . ' WHERE (LanguageId = ' . $language_id . ')'; if ($live_records) { // subsctract live records from temp table during coping $sql .= ' AND (' . $unique_field . ' IN (' . implode(',', $temp_records) . '))'; } $this->Conn->Query($sql); } /** * Returns data from given table used for language pack upgrade * * @param int $language_id * @param string $prefix * @param string $unique_field * @param bool $temp_mode * @return Array */ function _getTableData($language_id, $prefix, $unique_field, $temp_mode = false) { $table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName'); if ($temp_mode) { $table_name = $this->Application->GetTempName($table_name, 'prefix:' . $prefix); } $sql = 'SELECT ' . $unique_field . ' FROM ' . $table_name . ' WHERE LanguageId = ' . $language_id; return $this->Conn->GetCol($sql); } function _parseXML($filename) { if ($this->_debugMode) { $start_time = getmicrotime(); $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '("' . $filename . '")'); } $fdata = file_get_contents($filename); $xml_parser =& $this->Application->recallObject('kXMLHelper'); /* @var $xml_parser kXMLHelper */ $root_node =& $xml_parser->Parse($fdata); if (!is_object($root_node) || !is_a($root_node, 'kXMLNode')) { // invalid language pack contents return false; } if ($root_node->Children) { $this->_processLanguages($root_node->firstChild); } if ($this->_debugMode) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '("' . $filename . '"): ' . (getmicrotime() - $start_time)); } return true; } /** * Creates temporary tables, used during language import * * @param bool $drop_only */ function _initImportTables($drop_only = false) { $this->_tables['phrases'] = $this->_prepareTempTable('phrases', $drop_only); $this->_tables['emailmessages'] = $this->_prepareTempTable('emailmessages', $drop_only); } /** * Create temp table for prefix, if table already exists, then delete it and create again * * @param string $prefix */ function _prepareTempTable($prefix, $drop_only = false) { $idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'IDField'); $table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix,'TableName'); $temp_table = $this->Application->GetTempName($table); $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s'; $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $temp_table) ); if (!$drop_only) { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE %s SELECT * FROM %s WHERE 0'; $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $temp_table, $table) ); $sql = 'ALTER TABLE %1$s CHANGE %2$s %2$s INT(11) NOT NULL'; $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $temp_table, $idfield) ); } return $temp_table; } /** * Prepares mapping between event name+type and their ids in database * */ function _updateEventsCache() { $sql = 'SELECT EventId, CONCAT(Event,"_",Type) AS EventMix FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Events'; $this->events_hash = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'EventMix'); } /** * Processes parsed XML * * @param kXMLNode $language_node */ function _processLanguages(&$language_node) { $field_mapping = Array ( 'DATEFORMAT' => 'DateFormat', 'TIMEFORMAT' => 'TimeFormat', 'INPUTDATEFORMAT' => 'InputDateFormat', 'INPUTTIMEFORMAT' => 'InputTimeFormat', 'DECIMAL' => 'DecimalPoint', 'THOUSANDS' => 'ThousandSep', 'CHARSET' => 'Charset', 'UNITSYSTEM' => 'UnitSystem', 'DOCS_URL' => 'UserDocsUrl', ); do { $language_id = false; $fields_hash = Array ( 'PackName' => $language_node->Attributes['PACKNAME'], 'LocalName' => $language_node->Attributes['PACKNAME'], 'Encoding' => $language_node->Attributes['ENCODING'], 'Charset' => 'iso-8859-1', ); $sub_node =& $language_node->firstChild; /* @var $sub_node kXMLNode */ do { switch ($sub_node->Name) { case 'PHRASES': if ($sub_node->Children) { if (!$language_id) { $language_id = $this->_processLanguage($fields_hash); } if ($this->_debugMode) { $start_time = getmicrotime(); } $this->_processPhrases($sub_node->firstChild, $language_id, $fields_hash['Encoding']); if ($this->_debugMode) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML(__CLASS__ . '::' . '_processPhrases: ' . (getmicrotime() - $start_time)); } } break; case 'EVENTS': if ($sub_node->Children) { if (!$language_id) { $language_id = $this->_processLanguage($fields_hash); } $this->_processEvents($sub_node->firstChild, $language_id, $fields_hash['Encoding']); } break; default: $fields_hash[ $field_mapping[$sub_node->Name] ] = $sub_node->Data; break; } } while (($sub_node =& $sub_node->NextSibling())); } while (($language_node =& $language_node->NextSibling())); } /** * Performs phases import * * @param kXMLNode $phrase_node * @param int $language_id * @param string $language_encoding */ function _processPhrases(&$phrase_node, $language_id, $language_encoding) { do { $fields_hash = Array ( 'LanguageId' => $language_id, 'Phrase' => $phrase_node->Attributes['LABEL'], 'PhraseType' => $phrase_node->Attributes['TYPE'], 'Module' => array_key_exists('MODULE', $phrase_node->Attributes) ? $phrase_node->Attributes['MODULE'] : 'Core', 'LastChanged' => adodb_mktime(), 'LastChangeIP' => $this->ip_address, 'Translation' => $phrase_node->Data, ); if (array_key_exists($fields_hash['PhraseType'], $this->phrase_types_allowed)) { if ($language_encoding != 'plain') { $fields_hash['Translation'] = base64_decode($fields_hash['Translation']); } $this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $this->_tables['phrases'], 'INSERT', false); } } while (($phrase_node =& $phrase_node->NextSibling())); $this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $this->_tables['phrases'], 'INSERT'); } /** * Performs email event import * * @param kXMLNode $event_node * @param int $language_id * @param string $language_encoding */ function _processEvents(&$event_node, $language_id, $language_encoding) { $email_message_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('EmailMessageHelper'); /* @var $email_message_helper EmailMessageHelper */ do { $event_id = $this->_getEventId($event_node->Attributes['EVENT'], $event_node->Attributes['TYPE']); if ($event_id) { $fields_hash = Array ( 'LanguageId' => $language_id, 'EventId' => $event_id, 'MessageType' => $event_node->Attributes['MESSAGETYPE'], ); if ($language_encoding == 'plain') { $fields_hash['Template'] = rtrim($event_node->Data); } else { $fields_hash['Template'] = base64_decode($event_node->Data); } $parsed = $email_message_helper->parseTemplate($fields_hash['Template']); $fields_hash['Subject'] = $parsed['Subject']; $this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $this->_tables['emailmessages'], 'INSERT', false); } } while (($event_node =& $event_node->NextSibling())); if ($fields_hash) { // at least one corresponding event declaration found by email event name+type given in translation $this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $this->_tables['emailmessages'], 'INSERT'); } } /** * Creates/updates language based on given fields and returns it's id * * @param Array $fields_hash * @return int */ function _processLanguage($fields_hash) { // 1. get language from database $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->lang_object->IDField . ' FROM ' . $this->lang_object->TableName . ' WHERE PackName = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($fields_hash['PackName']); $language_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ($language_id) { // 2. language found -> update, when allowed $this->lang_object->Load($language_id); if ($this->import_mode == LANG_OVERWRITE_EXISTING) { // update live language record based on data from xml $this->lang_object->SetFieldsFromHash($fields_hash); $this->lang_object->Update(); } } else { // 3. language not found -> create $this->lang_object->SetFieldsFromHash($fields_hash); $this->lang_object->SetDBField('Enabled', STATUS_ACTIVE); if ($this->lang_object->Create()) { $language_id = $this->lang_object->GetID(); if (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) { // language created during install becomes admin interface language $this->lang_object->setPrimary(true, true); } } } // 4. collect ID of every processed language if (!in_array($language_id, $this->_languages)) { $this->_languages[] = $language_id; } return $language_id; } /** * Returns event id based on it's name and type * * @param string $event_name * @param string $event_type * @return int */ function _getEventId($event_name, $event_type) { $cache_key = $event_name . '_' . $event_type; return array_key_exists($cache_key, $this->events_hash) ? $this->events_hash[$cache_key] : 0; } }