GetVariable('import_category_id'); if ( isset($_POST['Action']) && $_POST['Action'] == 'Import') { $objSession->SetVariable('import_user_admin',$_POST['user_admin']); $objSession->SetVariable('import_user_regular',$_POST['user_regular']); $objSession->SetVariable('image_name',$_POST['link_image']); $objSession->SetVariable('importtodo','initialize'); $objSession->SetVariable('importstart',0); $objSession->SetVariable('importtotal',0); if((int)$_POST['init_cat'] > 0) { $c = $objCatList->GetItemByField('CategoryId', $root_cat_id); $c->UpdateACL(); $c->UpdateCachedPath(); } } $allgroups = $objGroups->GetAllGroupList(); // connection related $inlink_sql_type = $objSession->GetVariable('import_sql_type'); $inlink_server = $objSession->GetVariable('import_server'); $inlink_db = $objSession->GetVariable('import_db'); $inlink_user = $objSession->GetVariable('import_user'); $inlink_pass = $objSession->GetVariable('import_pass'); // import related $user_admin = $objSession->GetVariable('user_admin_values'); $user_regular = $objSession->GetVariable('user_regular_values'); if( !isset($c) || !is_object($c) && $root_cat_id ) $c = $objCatList->GetItemByField('CategoryId', $root_cat_id); $image_name=$objSession->GetVariable('image_name'); $start = $objSession->GetVariable('importstart'); $init_cat = $root_cat_id ? $c->Get('CategoryId') : 0; //In-Portal $portalconn = &GetADODBConnection(); if( $init_cat == 0) { /*$prefix = GetTablePrefix(); $sql = 'SELECT ACL FROM '.$prefix.'PermCache pc, '.$prefix.'Permissions p WHERE p.PermissionId = pc.PermId AND p.CategoryId = 0 AND p.Permission = \'CATEGORY.VIEW\''; $acl = $portalconn->GetCol($sql);*/ $acl = Array(0 => 0); } else { $acl = explode(',',$c->GetACL('CATEGORY.VIEW')); } //IN-LINK connection $linkconn = &ADONewConnection($inlink_sql_type); $linkconn->NConnect($inlink_server, $inlink_user, $inlink_pass, $inlink_db); if(!$linkconn) { echo "Database connection failed. DB Type: $sql_type, DB Server: $inlink_server, DB User: $inlink_user, DB Name: $inlink_db"; //fatal; echo $linkconn->ErrorMsg(); die(); } //admin only util $pathtolocal = $pathtoroot.'kernel/'; require_once ($pathtoroot.'admin/include/elements.php'); require_once ($pathtoroot.'kernel/admin/include/navmenu.php'); require_once ($pathtolocal.'admin/include/navmenu.php'); require_once($pathtoroot.'admin/toolbar.php'); //Set Section $section = 'in-portal:inlink_inport'; //Set Environment Variable $envar = 'env=' . BuildEnv(); $sec = $objSections->GetSection($section); $objCatToolBar = new clsToolBar(); $title = admin_language('la_performing_import').' - '.admin_language('la_Step').' 4'; $TablePrefix = 'ses_'.$objSession->GetSessionKey().'_'.GetTablePrefix(); $olddbname=$inlink_db; //$newdbname='inportal'; $newdbname=$g_DBName; ##############creating a temproary table have to be here if( GetVar('Action', true) == 'Import' ) { $portalconn->Execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$TablePrefix.'import'); $portalconn->Execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$TablePrefix.'importcat'); $temptable = 'CREATE TABLE '.$TablePrefix.'import (otname varchar(40), oid int(11), ocustomid int(11), oparentid int(11), ntname varchar(40), nid int(11), nrid int(11), npid int(11)) '; $portalconn->Execute($temptable); $cattable ='CREATE TABLE '.$TablePrefix.'importcat (op int(11), np int(11), flag int(11)) '; $portalconn->Execute($cattable); $newcat = 1; } global $admin, $pathtoroot; require_once ($pathtoroot.'in-link/'.$admin.'/import/status.php'); #for status bar and all visual effects $todo= $objSession->GetVariable('importtodo'); $total = $objSession->GetVariable('importtotal'); switch ($todo) { case 'users': status($start, $total, 'users'); usersimport(); //setstart(0,'cats'); #for debugging break; case 'cats': status($start, $total, 'cats'); catmanager(); //setstart(0,'links'); #for debugging break; case 'links': status($start, $total, 'links'); linksimport(); //setstart(0,'custom');#For debugging only break; case 'custom': status($start, $total, 'custom'); customimport(); //setstart(0,'relcat');#for debuggin only break; case 'relcat': status($start, $total, 'relcat'); relcatimport(); //setstart(0,'terminate'); #for debuggin only break; case 'terminate': terminator(); status(1,1,'terminate'); break; default: status(0,0,'initializing'); setstart(0,'users'); #to start importing from users first break; } function terminator() { global $portalconn, $TablePrefix, $adminURL, $objSession; $query='DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$TablePrefix.'import, '.$TablePrefix.'importcat'; $portalconn->Execute($query); $objSession->SetVariable('PermCache_UpdateRequired', 1); $objSession->SetVariable('ReturnScript', 'browse.php'); // redirect to catalog when finished m_ParseEnv(); // sets default values to "m" prefix, because it is not passed through import anymore echo ''; } function reload() { //global $newurl; print ''; } function setstart($mystart, $part) { global $objSession; $objSession->SetVariable('importstart',$mystart); $objSession->SetVariable('importtodo',$part); reload(); } function settotal($total) { global $objSession; $objSession->SetVariable('importtotal',$total); } //users import from inlink to inportal function usersimport() { global $objUsers, $objSession, $linkconn, $portalconn, $olddbname, $user_admin,$objGroups, $user_regular, $start, $TablePrefix; $counter = 0; $limit = 350; $oldtablename = 'inl_users'; $newtablename = $objUsers->SourceTable; if ($start == 0) { $query='select count(*) as NumUsers from inl_users'; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); if ($row && !$row->EOF) { settotal($row->fields['NumUsers']); } } $query="select * from inl_users LIMIT $start, $limit"; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); while($row && !$row->EOF) { $counter++; #needed to know when close to time out if ($row->fields['user_name'] != 'root') { $olduserid=$row->fields['user_id']; //$Login, $Password, $Email, $CreatedOn, $FirstName='', $LastName='', $Status=2, // $Phone='', $Street='', $City='', $State='', $Zip='', $Country='' if($row->fields['user_status']==1) { $Status=1; } else { if($row->fields['user_pend']==0) { $Status=2; } else $Status=0; } $u = $objUsers->Add_User( $row->fields['user_name'], $row->fields['user_pass'], $row->fields['email'], $row->fields['user_date'], $row->fields['first'], $row->fields['last'], $Status); $oldid=$row->fields['user_id']; $oldcustom = $row->fields['user_cust']; $newid = $u->Get('PortalUserId'); $resid = $u->Get('ResourceId'); #adding user to usergroup $userpermission = $row->fields['user_perm']; if ($userpermission==2 || $userpermission==1) { $glist = explode(',',$user_admin); $Primary=1; for($i=0;$iGetItem($glist[$i]); $group->AddUser($newid,$Primary,false); $Primary = 0; } } else { $glist = explode(',',$user_regular); $Primary=1; for($i=0;$iGetItem($glist[$i]); $group->AddUser($newid,$Primary,false); $Primary = 0; } } //$group=$objGroups->GetItem($g); //$group->AddUser($newid,1); #inserting values to the temproary table $totemp = 'INSERT INTO '.$TablePrefix.'import (otname,oid,ocustomid,oparentid,ntname,nid,nrid,npid) '; $tovalues= " VALUES ('$oldtablename',$olduserid,$oldcustom,0,'$newtablename', $newid, $resid, 0 )"; $totemp=$totemp.$tovalues; $portalconn->Execute($totemp); } $row->moveNext(); } if ($counter == $limit) { setstart($start+$limit, 'users'); } else setstart(0,'cats'); } //END OF USERS IMPORT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //Categories Import function catmanager() { global $portalconn, $init_cat,$start,$TablePrefix; if ($start == 0) { $counter = catimport(0,$init_cat); setstart($counter,'cats'); $portalconn->Execute('UPDATE '.$TablePrefix.'importcat SET flag = 1 WHERE np = '.$init_cat); } else { $query='select * from '.$TablePrefix.'importcat WHERE flag=0 LIMIT 0,1'; $row =$portalconn->Execute($query); if($row && !$row->EOF) { $oldid= $row->fields['op']; $newid = $row->fields['np']; $counter= catimport($oldid,$newid); $query2='UPDATE '.$TablePrefix.'importcat SET flag = 1 WHERE op = '.$oldid.' AND np = '.$newid; $portalconn->Execute($query2); setstart($counter+$start-1,'cats'); //$x=5; } else { setstart(0,'links'); } } } #pushes into the quque function pushid($op,$np) { global $linkconn, $portalconn, $TablePrefix; $addnew = 'INSERT INTO '.$TablePrefix.'importcat (op,np,flag) VALUES ('.$op.','.$np.',0)'; $portalconn->Execute($addnew); } function checkifexist($id) { global $linkconn; $addnew = 'select * from inl_cats where cat_sub = '.$id; $row =$linkconn->Execute($addnew); if ($row && !$row->EOF) { if ($row->fields['cat_id'] !=0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } #import itself function catimport($oldparentid, $parentid) { global $objCatList, $linkconn, $objUsers, $linkconn, $portalconn, $olddbname, $user_admin,$objGroups, $user_regular, $acl,$allgroups, $c, $start, $TablePrefix, $init_cat; $counter=0; $objCacheCount = new clsCacheCountList(); if ($start == 0) { $query='select count(*) as CatCount from inl_cats'; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); if ($row && !$row->EOF) { settotal($row->fields['CatCount']); $catcount = $row->fields['CatCount']; if( is_object($c) ) { $catcount += (int)$c->Get('CachedDescendantCatsQty'); $c->Set('CachedDescendantCatsQty',$catcount); $c->Update(); } } } $query='select * from inl_cats WHERE cat_sub = '.$oldparentid; $oldtablename = 'inl_cats'; $newtablename = 'Category'; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); if($row && !$row->EOF) { $RowCount = $row->NumRows(); $ResInc = $RowCount; $ResourceId = GetNextResourceId($ResInc); } if($parentid>0) { $ParentCat = new clsCategory($parentid); $Path = $ParentCat->Get('ParentPath'); } else { global $objConfig; $Path = prompt_language( $objConfig->Get('Root_Name') ); } while($row && !$row->EOF) { $counter++; if($row->fields['cat_pend'] == 1) { $Status = 2; } else { $Status = ($row->fields['cat_vis'] == 1) ? 1 : 0; } $CreatedById = GetNewID( 'users', $row->fields['cat_id'] ); $fields_hash = Array( 'ParentId' => $parentid, 'Name' => $row->fields['cat_name'], 'Description' => $row->fields['cat_desc'], 'CreatedOn' => $row->fields['cat_date'], 'EditorsPick' => (int)$row->fields['cat_pick'], 'Status' => $Status, 'HotItem' => 2, 'NewItem' => 2, 'PopItem' => 2, 'Priority' => 0, 'MetaKeywords' => $row->fields['meta_keywords'], 'MetaDescription' => $row->fields['meta_desc'], 'AutomaticFilename' => 1, 'Filename' => '', 'CategoryTemplate' => '', 'ItemTemplate' => '', 'CreatedById' => (int)$CreatedById, 'CachedDescendantCatsQty' => (int)$row->fields['cat_cats'], 'ResourceId' => $ResourceId, ); $cat =& $objCatList->Add_NEW($fields_hash, true); $ResourceId++; $FullPath = $Path.$cat->Get('CategoryId').'|'; $cat->Set('ParentPath',$FullPath); $cat->SetViewPerms('CATEGORY.VIEW',$acl,$allgroups); $cat->SetViewPerms('LINK.VIEW',$acl,$allgroups); $cat->Update(); $cat->UpdateCachedPath(); $objCacheCount->CategoryId= $cat->Get('CategoryId'); $objCacheCount->SetValue(0,0,0,0,0); $newid = $cat->Get('CategoryId'); $resid = $cat->Get('ResourceId'); $oldid = $row->fields['cat_id']; $oldcustom = $row->fields['cat_cust']; $oldpid = $row->fields['cat_sub']; #inserting values to the temproary table $totemp = 'INSERT INTO '.$TablePrefix.'import (otname,oid,ocustomid,oparentid,ntname,nid,nrid,npid) '; $tovalues= " VALUES ('$oldtablename',$oldid,$oldcustom,$oldpid,'$newtablename', $newid, $resid, $parentid )"; $totemp=$totemp.$tovalues; $portalconn->Execute($totemp); #pushes into the queue if(checkifexist($oldid)) { pushid($oldid,$newid); } $row->moveNext(); } // disable lost+found category (if found one) $tmp_cat = $objCatList->GetItemByField('Name','Lost+Found'); if( is_object($tmp_cat) ) { $tmp_cat->Set('Status',0); $tmp_cat->Update(); } return $counter; } //Links Import function linksimport() { global $objLinkList, $init_cat, $linkconn, $portalconn, $olddbname, $user_admin,$objGroups, $user_regular, $start, $TablePrefix; $limit = 200; #need to change to a higher number like 100, forty is only for debugging $counter = 0; set_time_limit(0); if ($start == 0) { $query = 'select count(*) as LinkCount from inl_lc'; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); if ($row && !$row->EOF) { settotal($row->fields['LinkCount']); } } // create index - what links are in what categories $LimitClause = ' LIMIT '.$start.','.$limit; $sql = 'SELECT link_id FROM inl_links ORDER BY link_id'.$LimitClause; $LinkIDs = $linkconn->GetCol($sql); if( count($LinkIDs) > 0 ) { $LinkCatIndex = Array(); $PendingLinks = Array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM inl_lc WHERE link_id IN (%s)"; $rs = $linkconn->Execute( sprintf($sql, implode(',', $LinkIDs) ) ); while(!$rs->EOF) { $rec =& $rs->fields; if( !isset($PendingLinks[ $rec['link_id'] ]) && $rec['link_pend'] == 1 ) $PendingLinks[ $rec['link_id'] ] = 1; $LinkCatIndex[ $rec['link_id'] ][] = $rec['cat_id']; $rs->MoveNext(); } } // get links $query = 'SELECT * FROM inl_links ORDER BY link_id'.$LimitClause; // get links info $row = $linkconn->Execute($query); // row is recordset here, not easy to figure out by variable name :( if($row && !$row->EOF) { $RowCount = $row->NumRows(); $ResInc = $RowCount; $ResourceId = GetNextResourceId($ResInc); } $get_cat_sql = "SELECT nid FROM %simport WHERE ntname = 'Category' AND oid = %s"; while($row && !$row->EOF) { $counter++; $oldid = $row->fields['link_id']; $flag = 1; $Pending = isset($PendingLinks[$oldid]); // create new link #gets the new user id of the user who created a link if( !$row->fields['link_user'] ) $newuserid = -1; else $newuserid = GetNewID('users', $row->fields['link_user'] ); #adds link to the IN-PORTAL $link = new clsLink(); $Status = ($Pending == 0) ? 1 : 2; $link->Set( array( 'Name', 'Description', 'Url', 'CreatedOn', 'Status', 'EditorsPick', 'NewItem','PopItem','HotItem', 'CreatedById', 'CachedRating', 'CachedVotesQty','Hits', 'Priority','Expire'), array( $row->fields['link_name'], $row->fields['link_desc'], $row->fields['link_url'], $row->fields['link_date'], $Status, $row->fields['link_pick'], 2, 2, 2, $newuserid, (int)$row->fields['link_rating'], (int)$row->fields['link_votes'],(int)$row->fields['link_hits'], 0,$row->fields['link_expires'])); $link->Set('ResourceId',$ResourceId); $ResourceId++; $link->Create(); // add link to desired categories (add 1st category found as primary) $cats = $LinkCatIndex[$oldid]; $PrimaryCat = 1; foreach($cats as $OldCatID) { $categoryid = $portalconn->GetOne( sprintf($get_cat_sql, $TablePrefix, $OldCatID) ); $link->AddToCategory($categoryid, '', $PrimaryCat); if($PrimaryCat) { $PrimaryCat = 0; $oldcatid = $OldCatID; } } $newid = $link->Get('LinkId'); $resid = $link->Get('ResourceId'); $oldcustom = $row->fields['link_cust']; $linkimage = $row->fields['link_image']; if($linkimage) addimage($resid,$linkimage); #calls to import reviews reviewimport($link,$oldid,$resid); $totemp = 'INSERT INTO '.$TablePrefix.'import (otname,oid,ocustomid,oparentid,ntname,nid,nrid,npid) '; $tovalues= " VALUES ('inl_links',$oldid,$oldcustom,$oldcatid,'link', $newid, $resid, 0 )"; $totemp = $totemp.$tovalues; $portalconn->Execute($totemp); #prelast while $row->moveNext(); } if ($counter == $limit) { setstart($start + $limit, 'links'); } else { $sql = 'UPDATE '.GetTablePrefix().'CategoryItems SET CategoryId = '.$init_cat.' WHERE CategoryId = 0 AND PrimaryCat = 1'; $portalconn->Execute($sql); setstart(0,'custom'); } } #importing image from the in-link function addimage($resourceid, $imageurl) { global $objImageList, $image_name; #echo "
IMAGE RESOURCEID: $resourceid IMAGE URL: $imageurl
"; if(!is_object($objImageList)) $objImageList = new clsImageList(); $LocalImage = 0; $LocalThumb = 0; if(!strlen($image_name)) $image_name='inlink_image'; $img = $objImageList->Add($image_name,'',$resourceid, 0, 0,'', $imageurl, 1,0, 1, 0,1); } #Reviews Import for links function reviewimport($myclass,$oldid,$rid) { global $objCustomFieldList, $linkconn, $portalconn; #ITEM AddReview($createdBy,$reviewText,0) $query='select * from inl_reviews where rev_link = '.$oldid; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); while($row && !$row->EOF) { $oldreviewuser= $row->fields['rev_user']; if($oldreviewuser !=0) #meaning was not created by guest { $newrid = GetNewID('users', $oldreviewuser); if ($newrid) { $temp=$myclass->AddReview($newrid, $row->fields['rev_text'], $row->fields['rev_pend'], '', 1, 'In-Link', $row->fields['rev_date']); } else { $temp=$myclass->AddReview(0, $row->fields['rev_text'], $row->fields['rev_pend'], '', 1, 'In-Link', $row->fields['rev_date']); } } else #meaning was created by guest { $temp=$myclass->AddReview(0, $row->fields['rev_text'], $row->fields['rev_pend'], '', 1, 'In-Link', $row->fields['rev_date']); } $row->moveNext(); } } #HELPER FUNCTION THAT GETS THE NEW ID of the USER /** * @return int * @param string $IDType * @param int $OldID * @desc Returns new id for specified record type ($IDType) with id ($OldID) */ function GetNewID($IDType, $OldID) { global $TablePrefix; $get_id_sql = "SELECT nid FROM %simport WHERE otname = 'inl_%s' AND oid = %s"; $db =&GetADODBConnection(); $id = $db->GetOne( sprintf($get_id_sql, $TablePrefix, $IDType, $OldID) ); return $id; } //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ABOVE IS LINKS IMPORT #########################################Custom Fields Import #create a new CustomField first and then #by selecting all and receiving from one record of inl_config the values of cc1,cc2,cc3,cc4,cc5,cc6,uc1,uc2,uc3,uc4,uc5,uc6,lc1,lc2,lc3,lc4,lc5,lc6 #go through all import table and if ocustomid occures get the row from inl_custom and #create CustomMetaData field #--------------------- #Regarding CustomField: #FieldName= cc1,cc2 .... from inl_config #FieldLabel= value of cc1, cc2 .... #Type=4 for links 6 for users 0 category #------------ #Regarding CustomMetaData #ResourceId <= link id #CustomFieldId <= id from the top #Value = Value from the table custom //VVVVV BELOW ARE CUSTOM FIELD IMPORT REQUIRES TO HAVE A TEMPROARY TABLE IMPORT function customimport() { global $linkconn, $portalconn, $start, $TablePrefix; $limit = 40; #just for debugging purposes, in real life set it to higher number if ($start == 0) { $r = buildfields(); $query = 'SELECT count(*) as cc from '.$TablePrefix.'import WHERE NOT ocustomid=0'; $row = $portalconn->Execute($query); if ($row && !$row->EOF) settotal($row->fields['cc']); } else { $r = getfields(); } $query = 'SELECT * from '.$TablePrefix.'import WHERE ocustomid != 0 limit '.$start.','.$limit; $row = $portalconn->Execute($query); $counter = 0; while ($row && !$row->EOF) { $counter++; loadcustom($row->fields['ocustomid'],$row->fields['nrid'],$row->fields['otname'],$r); $row->moveNext(); } if ($counter == $limit) { setstart($start + $limit, 'custom'); } else { // goto next step setstart(0, 'relcat'); } } function loadcustom($customid,$rid,$tablename,$r) { global $linkconn, $objCustomDataList, $objSession; $objCustomDataList->Clear(); switch ($tablename) { case 'inl_cats': $SessionVar = 'custom_category'; $prefix = 'c'; break; case 'inl_users': $SessionVar = 'custom_user'; $prefix = 'u'; break; case 'inl_links': $SessionVar = 'custom_links'; $prefix = 'l'; break; } $fields = explode(',', $objSession->GetVariable($SessionVar) ); $query = 'select * from inl_custom Where cust_id = '.$customid; $row = $linkconn->Execute($query); if($row && $row->RecordCount() ) { for($x = 0; $x < count($fields); $x++) { $cust = $row->fields[ 'cust'.($x + 1) ]; $fieldid = $r[ $fields[$x] ]; $objCustomDataList->SetFieldValue($fieldid, $rid, $cust); } $objCustomDataList->SaveData($prefix, $rid); } } function buildfields() #building and populating an array { global $objCustomFieldList, $objSession, $linkconn; $application =& kApplication::Instance(); $ml_helper =& $application->recallObject('kMultiLanguageHelper'); // User Custom Fields: $query = "SELECT * FROM inl_config WHERE name LIKE 'uc%'"; $row = $linkconn->Execute($query); $names = Array(); while($row && !$row->EOF) { $data = $row->fields; $fieldlabel = $data['name']; if( strlen($data['value']) ) $fieldlabel = $data['value']; //$f = $objCustomFieldList->AddField(6, $data['name'], $fieldlabel); $f = $objCustomFieldList->AddField(6, $data['name'], $fieldlabel, 1, 'la_inlink', 'lu_fieldcustom__'.$data['name'], 'text', ''); $r[ $data['name'] ] = $f->Get('CustomFieldId'); // Save ID of created CustomField $objSession->SetVariable('custom_'.$data['name'], $f->Get('CustomFieldId') ); // Save that ID to session $names[] = $data['name']; $row->MoveNext(); } $objSession->SetVariable('custom_user',implode(',',$names) ); // save list of user custom fields $ml_helper->createFields('u-cdata', true); unset($names); // Category Custom Fields: $names = Array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM inl_config WHERE name LIKE 'cc%'"; $row = $linkconn->Execute($query); while($row && !$row->EOF) { $data = $row->fields; $fieldlabel = $data['name']; if( strlen($data['value']) ) $fieldlabel = $data['value']; // DT_USER, $pending_uf, '', 1, 'la_bb', 'lu_fieldcustom__'.$pending_uf, 'text', ''); $f = $objCustomFieldList->AddField(1, $data['name'], $fieldlabel,1,'la_inlink', 'lu_fieldcustom__'.$data['name'], 'text', ''); //$f = $objCustomFieldList->AddField(1, $data['name'], $fieldlabel); $r[ $data['name'] ] = $f->Get('CustomFieldId'); $objSession->SetVariable('custom_'.$data['name'], $f->Get('CustomFieldId') ); $names[] = $data['name']; $row->MoveNext(); } $objSession->SetVariable('custom_category', implode(',',$names) ); $ml_helper->createFields('c-cdata', true); unset($names); // Links Custom Fields: $names = Array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM inl_config WHERE name LIKE 'lc%'"; $row = $linkconn->Execute($query); while($row && !$row->EOF) { $data = $row->fields; $fieldlabel = $data['name']; if( strlen($data['value']) ) $fieldlabel = $data['value']; //$f = $objCustomFieldList->AddField(4, $data['name'], $fieldlabel); $f = $objCustomFieldList->AddField(4, $data['name'], $fieldlabel,1,'la_inlink', 'lu_fieldcustom__'.$data['name'], 'text', ''); $r[ $data['name'] ] = $f->Get('CustomFieldId'); $objSession->SetVariable('custom_'.$data['name'], $f->Get('CustomFieldId') ); $names[] = $data['name']; $row->MoveNext(); } $objSession->SetVariable('custom_links', implode(',',$names) ); $ml_helper->createFields('l-cdata', true); return $r; } function getfields() #building and populating an array { global $objSession; $r = Array(); $tmp_fields = explode(',', $objSession->GetVariable('custom_user') ); // Array(uc1,uc2,uc3,...) foreach($tmp_fields as $tmp_name) $r[$tmp_name] = $objSession->GetVariable('custom_'.$tmp_name); $tmp_fields = explode(',', $objSession->GetVariable('custom_category') ); foreach($tmp_fields as $tmp_name) $r[$tmp_name] = $objSession->GetVariable('custom_'.$tmp_name); $tmp_fields = explode(',', $objSession->GetVariable('custom_links') ); foreach($tmp_fields as $tmp_name) $r[$tmp_name] = $objSession->GetVariable('custom_'.$tmp_name); return $r; } ################################################Relationships Import function relcatimport() { global $linkconn,$objSession, $start; $limit = 100; $counter =0; if ($start == 0) { $query='SELECT count(*) from inl_rel_cats'; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); if ($row && !$row->EOF) { settotal($row->fields[0]); } } $objRelList = new clsRelationshipList(); $query='select * from inl_rel_cats LIMIT '.$start.', '.$limit; $row =$linkconn->Execute($query); while($row && !$row->EOF) { $counter++; $sourceid = newcatrid($row->fields['cat_id']); $targetid = newcatrid($row->fields['rel_id']); if ($sourceid !='' && $targetid !='') { $r = $objRelList->Add($sourceid, 1,$targetid, 1); $r->Create(); } $row->moveNext(); } if ($counter == $limit) { setstart($start + $limit, 'relcat'); } else { setstart(0,'terminate'); } } function newcatrid($oid) { global $portalconn, $TablePrefix; $query2='select * from '.$TablePrefix.'import where otname=\'inl_cats\' and oid = '.$oid; $row =$portalconn->Execute($query2); if ($row->fields['nrid']) { return $row->fields['nrid']; } else { return ''; } } // END OF RELATIONSHIP IMPORT ?>