<% '### ' FCKeditor - The text editor for internet ' Copyright (C) 2003 Frederico Caldeira Knabben ' ' Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php) ' ' For further information go to http://www.fredck.com/FCKeditor/ ' or contact fckeditor@fredck.com. ' ' fckeditor.asp: ASP pages integration. It works with VBScript 5 (IIS5). ' For old VBScript versions, see fckeditorold.asp. ' ' Authors: ' Frederico Caldeira Knabben (fckeditor@fredck.com) '### ' The editor base path ' You have to update it with you web site configuration Dim FCKeditorBasePath FCKeditorBasePath = "/FCKeditor/" Class FCKeditor Private sToolbarSetName Private sInitialValue Private bCanUpload Private bCanBrowse Public Property Let ToolbarSet(toolbarSetName) sToolbarSetName = toolbarSetName End Property Public Property Let Value(initialValue) sInitialValue = initialValue & "" End Property Public Property Let CanUpload(canUploadValue) bCanUpload = canUploadValue End Property Public Property Let CanBrowse(canBrowseValue) bCanBrowse = canBrowseValue End Property Public Function CreateFCKeditor(instanceName, width, height) If IsCompatible() Then Dim sLink sLink = FCKeditorBasePath & "fckeditor.html?FieldName=" & instanceName If (sToolbarSetName & "") <> "" Then sLink = sLink & "&Toolbar=" & sToolbarSetName End If If bCanUpload & "" <> "" Then If bCanUpload = True Then sLink = sLink & "&Upload=true" ElseIf bCanUpload = False Then sLink = sLink & "&Upload=false" End If End If If bCanBrowse & "" <> "" Then If bCanBrowse = True Then sLink = sLink & "&Browse=true" ElseIf bCanBrowse = False Then sLink = sLink & "&Browse=false" End If End If Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Else Response.Write "" End If End Function Private Function IsCompatible() Dim sAgent sAgent = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") If InStr(sAgent, "MSIE") > 0 AND InStr(sAgent, "Windows") > 0 AND InStr(sAgent, "Opera") <= 0 Then Dim iVersion iVersion = CInt(Mid(sAgent, InStr(sAgent, "MSIE") + 5, 1)) IsCompatible = (iVersion >= 5) Else IsCompatible = False End If End Function End Class %>