clsItemDB(); $this->tablename = GetTablePrefix()."Relationship"; $this->id_field = "RelationshipId"; $this->NoResourceId = 1; $this->expanded=FALSE; if($id) { if(!$expanded) { $this->LoadFromDatabase($id); } else $this->LoadExpanded($id); } } function LoadExpanded($id) { $pre = GetTablePrefix(); $reltable = $this->tablename; $sql = "SELECT trim(concat(ifnull(".$pre.",' '), ifnull(".$pre.",' '),ifnull(".$pre."News.title,' '), ifnull(".$pre."Topic.TopicText,' '))) as ItemName,"; $sql .=" ELT(rel.targettype, '".admin_language("la_Text_Category")."' ,'".admin_language("la_Text_Article"); $sql .="' ,'".admin_language("la_Text_Topic")."','".admin_language("la_Text_Link")."') as ItemType,"; $sql .=" ELT(rel.type+1,'".admin_language("la_Text_OneWay")."','".admin_language("la_Text_Reciprocal")."') as RelationType,"; $sql .=" RelationshipId, rel.TargetId,rel.TargetType,rel.SourceId,rel.SourceType, rel.Type, rel.Enabled, rel.Priority, "; $sql .=" ELT(rel.enabled+1,'Disabled','Enabled') as Status FROM ".$reltable." as rel "; $sql .=" LEFT JOIN ".$pre."Category ON ".$pre."Category.ResourceId=rel.TargetId "; $sql .="LEFT JOIN ".$pre."Link ON ".$pre."Link.ResourceId=rel.TargetId "; $sql .="LEFT JOIN ".$pre."News ON ".$pre."News.ResourceId=rel.TargetId "; $sql .="LEFT JOIN ".$pre."Topic ON ".$pre."Topic.ResourceId=rel.TargetId "; $sql .="WHERE rel.RelationshipId=".$id; $rs=$this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $data = $rs->fields; $this->SetFromArray($data); $this->Clean(); $this->expanded=TRUE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } function LoadFromDatabase($id) { $table = $this->tablename; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table"; $sql .= " WHERE ".$this->id_field."=".$id; $rs=$this->adodbConnection->execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $data = $rs->fields; $this->SetFromArray($data); $this->Clean(); $this->expanded=FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } function GetTargetItemData() { global $objItemTypes; /*returns the table row in an array for the item this relationship points to */ $type=$this->Get("TargetType"); $Item = $objItemTypes->GetItem($type); $table = $Item->Get("SourceTable"); $titlefield = $Item->Get("TitleField"); if(strlen($table)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix().$table." WHERE ResourceId=".$this->Get("TargetId"); $rs = $this->adodbConnection->execute($sql); if($rs) { $res = $rs->fields; $res["SourceTable"]=$table; $res["TitleField"]=$titlefield; return $res; } else return FALSE; } else return FALSE; } function Admin_Icon() { global $imagesURL; $type = "reciprocal"; if($this->Get("Type")==0) { $type = "one-way"; } $icon = $imagesURL."/itemicons/icon16_relation_".$type; if($this->Get("Enabled")!=1) { $icon .= "_disabled"; } $icon .= ".gif"; return $icon; } function parse_template() { $item = $this->GetTargetItemData(); $type=$this->Get("TargetType"); switch($type) { case 1: $c = new clsCategory(); $t = "cat_relate_element"; break; case 2: $c = new clsNews(); $t = "innews/news_relate_element"; break; case 3: $c = new clsTopic(); $t="inbulletin/bb_relate_element"; break; case 4: $c = new clsLink(); $t="inlink/link_relate_element"; break; case 5: $c = new clsSurvey(); $t="insurvey/s_relate_element"; break; default: $c=NULL; } if(is_object($c)) { foreach($item as $key=>$value) { $c->Set($key,$value); } $o = $c->parse_template(parse($t)); } return $o; } function &GetTargetItemClass() { global $objItemTypes; $objType = $objItemTypes->GetItem($this->Get("TargetType")); $classname = $objType->Get("ClassName"); if(strlen($classname)) { $c = new $classname; } else $c = NULL; if(is_object($c)) { $c->LoadFromResourceId($this->Get("TargetId")); } return $c; } function &GetSourceItemClass() { global $objItemTypes; $objType = $objItemTypes->GetItem($this->Get("SourceType")); $classname = $objType->Get("ClassName"); if(strlen($classname)) { $c = new $classname; } else $c = NULL; if(is_object($c)) { $c->LoadFromResourceId($this->Get("SourceId")); } return $c; } //Changes priority function MoveUp() { $this->Increment("Priority"); } function MoveDown() { $this->Decrement("Priority"); } } /*clsRelationship*/ class clsRelationshipList extends clsItemCollection { var $Page; var $PerPage; function clsRelationshipList($CategoryId=-1,$ItemId=-1) { $this->clsItemCollection(); $this->classname="clsRelationship"; $this->SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."Relationship"; $this->Page=1; $this->PerPage=20; $this->AdminSearchFields = array("ItemName","ItemType","RelationType","Status"); $this->TargetItems = new clsItemCollection(); $this->TargetItems->classname="clsItemDB"; } function GetNumPages() { global $objConfig; return ceil($this->NumItems()/$this->PerPage); } function GetAdminPageLinkList($link_template,$url) { global $objConfig, $bb_var_list_update, $var_list_update, $var_list; $NumPages = $this->GetNumPages(); $o = ""; if($this->Page>1) { $prev_url = $url."?env=".BuildEnv()."&lpn=".$this->Page-1; $o = "<<"; } for($p=1;$p<=$NumPages;$p++) { $t = admintemplate($link_template); if($p!=$this->Page) { $href = $url."?env=".BuildEnv()."&lpn=".$p; $o = "-$p-"; } else { $o .= "$p"; } } if($this->Page<$NumPages) { $next_url = $url."?env=".BuildEnv()."&lpn=".$this->Page+1; } return $o; } function GetLimitSQL() { if($this->Page<1) $this->Page=1; if(is_numeric($this->PerPage)) { $Start = ($this->Page-1)*$this->PerPage; $limit = "LIMIT ".$Start.",".$this->PerPage; } else $limit = NULL; return $limit; } function LoadRelated($where,$orderBy,$custom_sql = null) { global $objSession; $sql = isset($custom_sql) ? sprintf($custom_sql,$this->SourceTable) : "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable; if(strlen(trim($orderBy))>0) { $orderBy = "Priority, ".$orderBy; } else $orderBy = "Priority "; if(strlen($where)) $sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$where); $sql = sprintf('%s ORDER BY %s',$sql,$orderBy); $sql .= " ".$this->GetLimitSQL(); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."
\n"; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function CountRelated($where) { $res = 0; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as mycount from ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE $where "; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $res = $rs->fields["mycount"]; return $res; } function Add($SourceId,$SourceType,$TargetId,$TargetType, $Priority=0,$Enabled=1,$Type=0, $RelationId = -999) { $r = new clsRelationship(); $r->Set(array("SourceId","SourceType","TargetId","TargetType","Priority","Type","Enabled"), array($SourceId,$SourceType,$TargetId,$TargetType,$Priority,$Type,$Enabled)); if ($RelationId != -999) { $r->Set("RelationshipId", $RelationId); } $r->tablename = $this->SourceTable; $r->Create(); return $r; } function CopyToResource($OldSource,$NewSource) { $this->Clear(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE SourceId=$OldSource"; $this->Query_Item($sql); if($this->NumItems()>0) { foreach($this->Items as $i) { $i->UnsetIdField(); $i->Set("SourceId",$NewSource); $i->Create(); } } } function PurgeEditTable($idfield = "") { global $objSession; $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); $idlist = array(); $sql = "DROP TABLE $edit_table"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function CopyFromEditTable($ResourceId) { global $objSession; $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); $idlist = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $edit_table WHERE SourceId='$ResourceId'"; $this->Clear(); $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $data = $rs->fields; $c = $this->AddItemFromArray($data); $c->Dirty(); if($data["RelationshipId"]>0) { $c->Update(); } else { $c->UnsetIdField(); $c->Create(); } $idlist[] = $c->Get("RelationshipId"); $rs->MoveNext(); } if(count($idlist)>0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Relationship WHERE SourceId=$ResourceId AND RelationshipId NOT IN (".implode(",",$idlist).")"; } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Relationship WHERE SourceId=$ResourceId"; } if((int)$GLOBALS["debuglevel"]) echo $sql."
\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); // $this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE $edit_table"); } } ?>