clsItemDB(); $this->tablename = GetTablePrefix()."StatItem"; $this->id_field = "StatItemId"; $this->NoResourceId = 1; $this->GotValue = FALSE; if($id) $this->LoadFromDatabase($id); } function LoadFromDatabase($Id) { global $Errors; if(!isset($Id)) { $Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: LoadFromDatabase id',"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return false; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE ".$this->IdField()." = '%s'",$Id); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return false; } $data = $result->fields; $this->SetFromArray($data); return true; } function ExecuteResetSQL() { $sql = $this->Get("ValueSQL"); $sql = str_replace("<%prefix%>",GetTablePrefix(),$sql); $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function ExecuteValueSQL() { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = 3; $this->CurrentSQL = $this->Get("ValueSQL"); // 1. replace prefix to actual one $this->CurrentSQL = str_replace("<%prefix%>", GetTablePrefix(), $this->CurrentSQL); // 2. replace config variable to it's value while( ($tag = $this->FindTag()) != false ) { if( !array_key_exists( trim($tag), $this->TagCache ) ) { // unprocessed tag -> parse it to get result $this->TagCache[ trim($tag) ] = $this->ProcessTag($tag); } $tagResult = $this->TagCache[ trim($tag) ]; // return result from cache $this->CurrentSQL = str_replace('<%'.$tag.'%>', $tagResult, $this->CurrentSQL); } $values = array(); $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($this->CurrentSQL); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $value = $rs->fields[0]; if($this->PostFormatting) { switch($this->PostFormatting) { case 'number': // simple-specific postformatting $value = LangNumber($value, $this->PostFormattingParams['precision']); break; // extended postformatting case 'COUNT': $value = $rs->RecordCount(); break; case 'SUM': $field_sum = 0; $rs->MoveFirst(); while(!$rs->EOF) { $field_sum += $rs->fields[ $this->PostFormattingParams['field'] ]; $rs->MoveNext(); } $value = $field_sum; if($this->PostFormattingParams['format_as'] == 'file') $value = size($value); break; // other type of information (not from db) case 'SysFileSize': $value = size( dir_size($GLOBALS['pathtoroot']) ); break; default: // simple-default postformatting $value = date($this->PostFormatting, $value); break; } $this->PostFormatting = false; $this->PostFormattingParams = Array(); } $this->Set("Value", $value); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = 2; $this->GotValue=TRUE; } // -- new: begin -- function FindTag() { // finds tag in current sql & returns it if found, false otherwise $tagOpen = '<%'; $tagClose = '%>'; $tagOpenLen = strlen($tagOpen); $startPos = strpos($this->CurrentSQL, $tagOpen); if( $startPos !== false ) { $endPos = strpos($this->CurrentSQL, $tagClose, $startPos); return ($endPos > $startPos) ? substr($this->CurrentSQL, $startPos + $tagOpenLen, $endPos - $startPos - $tagOpenLen) : false; } return false; } function ProcessTag($tag) { $db =& $this->adodbConnection; $tmp_params = explode(' ', $tag); // 1st - function, 2nd .. nth - params $tag_name = array_shift($tmp_params); foreach($tmp_params as $param) { $param = explode('=', $param); $param_value = substr($param[1], 1, strlen($param[1]) - 2); $param_value = str_replace('+',' ', $param_value); $tag_params[ $param[0] ] = $param_value; } switch($tag_name) { case 'm:config': // rerieves config value for specific parameter (parameter name passed) $sql = 'SELECT VariableValue FROM '.GetTablePrefix()."ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = '%s'"; return $db->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $tag_params['name']) ); break; case 'm:post_format': switch($tag_params['type']) { case 'date': $this->PostFormatting = GetDateFormat(); break; case 'time': $this->PostFormatting = GetTimeFormat(); break; case 'currency': $this->PostFormatting = 'number'; $this->PostFormattingParams['precision'] = $tag_params['precision']; break; } return $tag_params['field']; break; case 'm:custom_action': $this->PostFormatting = $tag_params['action']; return ($tag_params['sql'] == 'empty') ? 'SELECT 1' : $tag_params['sql']; break; //m:sql_action sql="SHOW TABLES" action="COUNT" field="*" case 'm:sql_action': $this->PostFormatting = $tag_params['action']; $this->PostFormattingParams = $tag_params; return $tag_params['sql']; break; case 'link:hit_count': $type = $tag_params['type']; $sql = 'SELECT Hits FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'Link '; if($type == 'top') // by now only top is supported { $top_links_count = $this->ProcessTag('m:config name="Link_TopCount"'); // 5 - default $sql .= 'ORDER BY Hits DESC LIMIT 0,'.$top_links_count; $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if($rs->RecordCount() > 0) { $rs->MoveLast(); return $rs->fields['Hits']; } else return 0; } break; case 'article:hit_count': $type = $tag_params['type']; $sql = 'SELECT CachedRating FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'News '; if($type == 'top') // by now only top is supported { $top_articles_count = $this->ProcessTag('m:config name="News_VotesToHot"'); $min_votes = $this->ProcessTag('m:config name="News_MinVotes"'); $sql .= 'WHERE CachedVotesQty > '.$min_votes.' ORDER BY CachedRating DESC LIMIT 0,'.$top_articles_count; $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if($rs->RecordCount() > 0) { $rs->MoveLast(); return $rs->fields['CachedRating']; } else return 0; } break; case 'topic:hit_count': $type = $tag_params['type']; $sql = 'SELECT Views FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'Topic '; if($type == 'top') // by now only top is supported { $top_posts_count = $this->ProcessTag('m:config name="Topic_PostsToPop"'); $sql .= ' ORDER BY Views DESC LIMIT 0,'.$top_posts_count; $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if($rs->RecordCount() > 0) { $rs->MoveLast(); return $rs->fields['Views']; } else return 0; } break; case 'modules:get_current': return $this->Get('Module'); break; } } // -- new: end -- function GetValue() { if(!$this->GotValue) $this->ExecuteValueSQL(); return $this->Get("Value"); } function ParseObject($element) { return $this->parsetag($element->name); } function parsetag($tag) { if(is_object($tag)) { $tagname = $tag->name; } else $tagname = $tag; switch($tagname) { case "stats_module": $ret = $this->Get("Module"); break; case "stats_label": $ret = admin_language($this->Get("ListLabel")); break; case "stats_adminlabel": $ret = admin_language($this->Get("ListLabel")); brea; case "stats_value": $ret = $this->GetValue(); break; } return $ret; } } class clsStatList extends clsItemCollection { var $Page; var $PerPageVar; function clsStatList() { $this->clsItemCollection(); $this->SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."StatItem"; $this->classname = "clsStatItem"; $this->Page=1; $this->PerPageVar = "Perpage_StatItem"; $this->AdminSearchFields = array("ListLabel", "Module", "Value"); } function ProcessList($where, $orderBy, $use_limit = false) { // fills list with data $this->LoadStatItems($where,$orderBy, $use_limit ); for($i=0; $i < $this->NumItems(); $i++) { $s =& $this->GetItemRefByIndex($i); $s->Set("ListLabel",admin_language($s->Get("ListLabel"))); } $this->ExecuteValue(); } function ExecuteValue() { for($i=0;$i<$this->NumItems();$i++) { $s =& $this->GetItemRefByIndex($i); $s->ExecuteValueSQL(); } if($this->debuglevel) echo "LastSQL: ".$s->CurrentSQL.'
'; } function ExecuteResetSQL() { foreach($this->Items as $s) $s->ExecuteResetSQL(); } function LoadStatItems($where=NULL,$orderBy, $use_limit = false) { global $objSession, $objConfig; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable; if(strlen(trim($where))) $sql .= " WHERE ".$where; if(strlen(trim($orderBy))) $sql .= " ORDER BY ".$orderBy; if($use_limit) $sql .= " ".GetLimitSQL($this->Page,$objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar)); if($this->debuglevel) echo "StatGetSQL: $sql
"; $this->Query_Item($sql); } } ?>