|)/Uis',$x,$images); while(list($imgnum,$v)=@each($images[0])){ $original=$v; $atts=''; $width=0; $height=0; // If the size is defined by styles, find preg_match_all('/style=".*(width: ([0-9]+))px.*'. '(height: ([0-9]+))px.*"/Ui',$v,$arr2); if(is_array($arr2) && count($arr2[0])){ // size was defined by styles, get values $width=$arr2[2][0]; $height=$arr2[4][0]; } // size was not defined by styles, get values preg_match_all('/width=\"?([0-9]+)\"?/i',$v,$arr2); if(is_array($arr2) && count($arr2[0])){ $width=$arr2[1][0]; } preg_match_all('/height=\"?([0-9]+)\"?/i',$v,$arr2); if(is_array($arr2) && count($arr2[0])){ $height=$arr2[1][0]; } preg_match_all('/src=\"([^\"]+\.png)\"/i',$v,$arr2); if(isset($arr2[1][0]) && !empty($arr2[1][0])) $image=$arr2[1][0]; else $image=NULL; // We do this so that we can put our spacer.gif image in the same // directory as the image $tmp=split('[\\/]',$image); array_pop($tmp); $image_path=join('/',$tmp); if(strlen($image_path)) $image_path.='/'; // end quote is already supplied by originial src attribute $replace_src_with=$spacer.'" style="width: '.$width. 'px; height: '.$height.'px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.'. 'Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\''.$image.'\', sizingMethod='. '\'scale\')'; // now create the new tag from the old $new_tag=str_replace($image,$replace_src_with,$original); // now place the new tag into the content $x=str_replace($original,$new_tag,$x); } return $x; } ?>