Application->GetADODBConnection(); $packages = $params['packages']; $default_pack = array_shift($packages); $query = $this->QueryShippingCost($params['dest_country'], $params['dest_state'], $params['dest_postal'], $default_pack['weight'], $params['items'], $params['amount'], $params['shipping_type'], $params['promo_params']); $shipping_types = $db->Query($query, 'ShippingId'); if (!$this->Application->isAdminUser) { $user_groups = explode(',', $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups')); $filteres_shipping_types = array(); foreach ($shipping_types as $key=>$shipping_type) { $shipping_type_groups = explode(',', trim($shipping_type['PortalGroups'], ',')); if (array_intersect($shipping_type_groups, $user_groups)) { $filteres_shipping_types[$key] = $shipping_type; } } $shipping_types = $filteres_shipping_types; } return $shipping_types; } function QueryShippingCost($user_country_abbr, $user_state_abbr, $user_zip, $weight, $items, $amount, $shipping_type=null, $promo_params) { $db =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); $user_country_id = (int) $db->GetOne('SELECT DestId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'StdDestinations WHERE DestType=1 AND DestAbbr = '.$db->qstr($user_country_abbr)); $user_state_id = (int) $db->GetOne('SELECT DestId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'StdDestinations WHERE DestType=2 AND DestAbbr = '.$db->qstr($user_state_abbr)); $user_zip = (string) $user_zip; $weight = (float) $weight; $items = (int) $items; $amount = (float) $amount; $promo_weight = $promo_params['weight']; $promo_amount = (float) $promo_params['amount']; $promo_items = (float) $promo_params['items']; if (isset($shipping_type)) $shipping_type = (int) $shipping_type; $query = 'SELECT CONCAT("CUST_", st.ShippingID) as ShippingId, IF(st.Type = 4, st.BaseFee, '.# taking only base fee for handling 'IF ( st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1 AND ( (st.FreeShippingMinAmount != 0 AND st.FreeShippingMinAmount <= '.$amount.') OR (st.Type = 1 AND '.$promo_weight.' = 0) OR (st.Type = 2 AND '.$promo_items.' = 0) OR (st.Type = 3 AND '.$promo_amount.' = 0) ), 0, MIN( IF(st.BaseFee IS NULL, 0, st.BaseFee) + IF(st.CostType IN (1,3), IF(sc.Flat IS NULL, 0, sc.Flat), 0) + IF(st.CostType IN (2,3), IF(sc.PerUnit IS NULL, 0, sc.PerUnit) * ( CASE st.Type WHEN 1 THEN IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_weight.', '.$weight.') WHEN 2 THEN IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_items.', '.$items.') WHEN 3 THEN IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_amount.', '.$amount.') ELSE 0 END ), 0) ) ) ) AS TotalCost, st.Name as ShippingName, st.Type as Type, st.CODFlatSurcharge as CODFlat, st.CODPercentSurcharge as CODPercent, st.PortalGroups as PortalGroups, IF ( st.InsuranceType = 1, st.InsuranceFee, st.InsuranceFee * '.$amount.' / 100 ) AS InsuranceFee, IF(sz.CODallowed IS NULL, 0, sz.CODallowed) AS COD, st.Status = 2 as SelectedOnly, st.Code FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingType AS st '. #all shipping types 'LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingBrackets AS sb '. #getting brackets by shipping type 'ON sb.ShippingTypeID = st.ShippingID '. 'LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingZones AS sz '. #getting zones by shipping type 'ON sz.ShippingTypeID = st.ShippingID '. 'LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingZonesDestinations AS szd '. #getting destinations by shipping type 'ON szd.ShippingZoneId = sz.ZoneID '. 'LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingCosts AS sc '. #getting costs by bracket and zone 'ON sc.BracketId = sb.BracketId AND sc.ZoneID = sz.ZoneID '. 'WHERE '.(isset($shipping_type) ? 'st.ShippingID = '.$shipping_type.' AND ' : '').' (st.Status >= 1) '. # enabled (1) or Selected Only (2) shipping types 'AND ( '.# handlign should require brackets/zones (st.Type = 4) # handling - does not required brackets # OR '( ( st.Type IN (1,2,3,4) ) '. # bracket dependant types 'AND '.# Zone match '( (sz.Type = 1 AND (szd.StdDestId = '.$user_country_id.') '.# user country id ') OR (sz.Type = 2 AND (szd.StdDestId = '.$user_state_id.') '.# user state id ') OR (sz.Type = 3 AND (szd.StdDestId = '.$user_country_id.') '.# user country id 'AND (szd.DestValue = '.$db->qstr($user_zip).') '.# user zip code ') ) AND '.# Bracket match '( (st.Type = 1 AND sb.Start <= IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_weight.', '.$weight.') AND (sb.End > IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_weight.', '.$weight.') OR sb.End = -1) '.# items total weight ') OR (st.Type = 2 AND sb.Start <= IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_items.', '.$items.') AND (sb.End > IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_items.', '.$items.') OR sb.End = -1) '.# items total qty ') OR (st.Type = 3 AND sb.Start <= IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_amount.', '.$amount.') AND (sb.End > IF(st.IsFreePromoShipping = 1, '.$promo_amount.', '.$amount.') OR sb.End = -1) '.# items total amount ') OR st.Type = 4 '.# handling - does not depend on brackets ') AND '.# Empty costs handling '( (st.ZeroIfEmpty = 0 AND (sc.Flat IS NOT NULL OR sc.PerUnit IS NOT NULL) ) '.# if no shimpent on empty - flat or perunit should be filled in 'OR (st.ZeroIfEmpty = 1) '. # zero on empty - is ok (nulls will be converted in SELECT part) 'OR (st.Type = 4) '. # ignore costs for handling ') ) ) GROUP BY st.ShippingId '. # getting minimal price (possible with closest address match) for every shipping type 'ORDER BY TotalCost asc'; return $query; } function GetAvailableTypes() { $conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); $types = $conn->Query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingType'); $ret = array(); foreach ($types as $a_type) { $a_type['_ClassName'] = get_class($this); $a_type['_Id'] = 'CUST_'.$a_type['ShippingID']; $a_type['_Name'] = '(Custom) '.$a_type['Name']; $ret[] = $a_type; } return $ret; } }