Array('subitem' => true), 'OnUpdate' => Array('subitem' => true), 'OnCreate' => Array('subitem' => true), 'OnDelete' => Array('subitem' => true), ); $this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions); } /** * Get's special of main item for linking with subitem * * @param kEvent $event * @return string */ function getMainSpecial(&$event) { return ''; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param kEvent $event */ function SetCustomQuery(&$event) { if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) { return ; } $object =& $event->getObject(); $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'); $object->addFilter('myitems_user','%1$s.PortalUserId = '.$user_id); } /** * Makes "use as $type" mark unique among user addresses * * @param kDBItem $object * @param string $type */ function processLastUsed(&$object, $type) { $is_last = $object->GetDBField('LastUsedAs'.$type); if ($is_last) { $fields_hash = Array ( 'LastUsedAs'.$type => 0, ); $this->Conn->doUpdate($fields_hash, $object->TableName, 'PortalUserId = '.$object->GetDBField('PortalUserId')); } } /** * Ensures, that user have only one "use as billing" / "use as shipping" address * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnBeforeItemUpdate(&$event) { $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBItem */ if (!$object->isLoaded() || !$this->checkItemStatus($event)) { // not trivially loaded object OR not current user address $event->status = erPERM_FAIL; return ; } $cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper'); /* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */ $cs_helper->CheckStateField($event, 'State', 'Country'); $cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'State', 'Country'); $this->processLastUsed($object, 'Shipping'); $this->processLastUsed($object, 'Billing'); } function OnUpdate(&$event) { parent::OnUpdate($event); $this->setNextTemplate($event); } /** * Creates new user * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnCreate(&$event) { parent::OnCreate($event); $this->setNextTemplate($event); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param kEvent $event */ function setNextTemplate(&$event) { if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) { return ; } $event->SetRedirectParam('opener', 's'); $next_template = $this->Application->GetVar('next_template'); if ($next_template) { $event->redirect = $next_template; } } /** * Fills states for object country * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnAfterItemLoad(&$event) { parent::OnAfterItemLoad($event); $cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper'); /* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */ $cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'State', 'Country'); } /** * [HOOK] Update PortalUser table when address marked as ProfileAddress is changed via addr prefix object * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnUpdateProfileAddress(&$event) { $user =& $this->Application->recallObject('u.current'); if ($this->Application->GetVar('billing_address_id') > 0) { $address_id = $this->Application->GetVar('billing_address_id'); } elseif ($this->Application->GetVar('shipping_address_id') > 0) { $address_id = $this->Application->GetVar('shipping_address_id'); } else { $address_id = false; } if (!$address_id) { return true; } $address =& $event->getObject(Array('skip_autoload' => true)); $address->Load($address_id); if (!$address->GetDBField('IsProfileAddress')) { return true; } $field_map = Array( 'Company' => 1, 'Phone' => 1, 'Fax' => 1, 'Email' => 1, 'Address1' => 'Street', 'Address2' => 'Street2', 'City' => 1, 'State' => 1, 'Zip' => 1, 'Country' => 1, ); $user->setName( $address->GetDBField('To') ); foreach ($field_map as $src_field => $dst_field) { if ($dst_field == 1) $dst_field = $src_field; $user->SetDBField($dst_field, $address->GetDBField($src_field)); } return $user->Update(); } /** * [HOOK] Create user profile address based on PortalUser table data * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnUpdateUserProfile(&$event) { $user =& $event->MasterEvent->getObject(); $load_keys = Array('PortalUserId' => $user->GetID(), 'IsProfileAddress' => 1); $address =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); $address->Load($load_keys); $field_map = Array( 'PortalUserId' => 1, 'Company' => 1, 'Phone' => 1, 'Fax' => 1, 'Email' => 1, 'Address1' => 'Street', 'Address2' => 'Street2', 'City' => 1, 'State' => 1, 'Zip' => 1, 'Country' => 1, ); $full_name = trim($user->GetDBField('FirstName').' '.$user->GetDBField('LastName')); $address->SetDBField('To', $full_name); $address->SetDBField('IsProfileAddress', 1); foreach ($field_map as $dst_field => $src_field) { if ($src_field == 1) $src_field = $dst_field; $address->SetDBField($dst_field, $user->GetDBField($src_field)); } $sql = 'SELECT SUM(IF(LastUsedAsBilling = 1, 1, 0 )) AS HasBilling, SUM(IF(LastUsedAsShipping = 1, 1, 0)) AS HasShipping FROM '.$address->TableName.' WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user->GetID(); $address_status = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql); if (!$address_status['HasBilling']) { $address->SetDBField('LastUsedAsBilling', 1); } if (!$address_status['HasShipping']) { $address->SetDBField('LastUsedAsShipping', 1); } return $address->isLoaded() ? $address->Update() : $address->Create(); } /** * Checks if user trying to manipulate address that he Owns (exception for Admins) * (non permission-based) * * @param kEvent $event * @return bool */ function checkItemStatus(&$event) { if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) { return true; } if (!$this->Application->LoggedIn()) { return false; } $object =& $event->getObject(); if (!$object->isLoaded()) { return true; } return $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId') == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'); } /** * Ensures, that user have only one "use as billing" / "use as shipping" address * Disables Guest ability to create addresses * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event) { if (!$this->Application->LoggedIn()) { $event->status = erPERM_FAIL; return ; } $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBItem */ $object->SetDBField('PortalUserId', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id')); $cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper'); /* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */ $cs_helper->CheckStateField($event, 'State', 'Country'); $cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'State', 'Country'); $this->processLastUsed($object, 'Shipping'); $this->processLastUsed($object, 'Billing'); } function OnBeforeItemDelete(&$event) { $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBItem */ if (!$object->isLoaded() || !$this->checkItemStatus($event)) { // not trivially loaded object OR not current user address $event->status = erPERM_FAIL; return ; } } }