$param_value) { if (is_array($param_value)) { $params[$param_name] = $this->_stripTags($param_value); } else { $params[$param_name] = strip_tags($param_value); } } return $params; } function BuildUrl($params = null) { $params = $this->_stripTags($params); $this->shipment_id = isset($params['shipment_id']) ? $params['shipment_id'] : $this->GenerateId(); $url = 'www.intershipper.com/Interface/Intershipper/XML/v2.0/HTTP.jsp'; $uri = 'Username='. $params['AccountLogin']. '&Password='. $params['AccountPassword']. '&Version='. ''. '&ShipmentID='. $this->shipment_id. '&QueryID='. $this->shipment_id. '&TotalCarriers='. count($params['carriers']); $i = 0; foreach($params['carriers'] as $carrier) { $i++; $uri .= '&CarrierCode'.$i.'='. rawurlencode($carrier['name']). '&CarrierAccount'.$i.'='. rawurlencode($carrier['account']). '&CarrierInvoiced'.$i.'='. $carrier['invoiced']; } $uri .= '&TotalClasses='. count($params['classes']); $i = 0; foreach($params['classes'] as $class) { $i++; $uri .= '&ClassCode'.$i.'='. $class; } $uri .= '&DeliveryType='. 'COM'. '&ShipMethod='. $params['ShipMethod']. '&OriginationName='. rawurlencode( $params['orig_name'] ). '&OriginationAddress1='.rawurlencode( $params['orig_addr1'] ). '&OriginationAddress2='.rawurlencode( $params['orig_addr2'] ). '&OriginationCity='. rawurlencode( $params['orig_city'] ). '&OriginationState='. rawurlencode( $params['orig_state'] ). '&OriginationPostal='. rawurlencode( $params['orig_postal'] ). '&OriginationCountry='. rawurlencode( $params['orig_country'] ). '&DestinationName='. rawurlencode( $params['dest_name'] ). '&DestinationAddress1='.rawurlencode( $params['dest_addr1'] ). '&DestinationAddress2='.rawurlencode( $params['dest_addr2'] ). '&DestinationCity='. rawurlencode( $params['dest_city'] ). '&DestinationState='. rawurlencode( $params['dest_state'] ). '&DestinationPostal='. rawurlencode( $params['dest_postal'] ). '&DestinationCountry='. rawurlencode( $params['dest_country'] ). '&Currency='. 'USD'. '&TotalPackages='. count($params['packages']); $i = 0; foreach($params['packages'] as $package) { $i++; $uri .= '&BoxID'.$i.'='. urlencode( $package['package_key'] ). '&Weight'.$i.'='. $package['weight']. '&WeightUnit'.$i.'='. $package['weight_unit']. '&Length'.$i.'='. $package['length']. '&Width'.$i.'='. $package['width']. '&Height'.$i.'='. $package['height']. '&DimensionalUnit'.$i.'='. $package['dim_unit']. '&Packaging'.$i.'='. $package['packaging']. '&Contents'.$i.'='. $package['contents']. '&Insurance'.$i.'='. $package['insurance']; } return Array('url' => $url, 'uri' => $uri); } function MergeParams($custom_params) { $params = $this->LoadParams(); $db = $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); $this->FlatSurcharge = $params['FlatSurcharge']; $this->PercentSurcharge = $params['PercentSurcharge']; if($custom_params['carriers']) { $params['carriers'] = $custom_params['carriers']; } else { $carrier_codes = Array('UPS', 'FDX', 'DHL', 'USP', 'ARB'); $i = 0; foreach($carrier_codes as $carrier) { if(isset($params[$carrier.'Enabled']) && $params[$carrier.'Enabled']) { $i++; $params['carriers'][$i]['name'] = $carrier; $params['carriers'][$i]['account'] = $params[$carrier.'Account']; $params['carriers'][$i]['invoiced'] = (int) $params[$carrier.'Invoiced']; } } } if($custom_params['classes']) { $params['classes'] = $custom_params['classes']; } else { $classes = Array('1DY', '2DY', '3DY', 'GND'); foreach($classes as $class) { if(isset($params[$class.'Enabled']) && $params[$class.'Enabled']) { $params['classes'][] = $class; } } } if (isset($custom_params['orig_addr1'])) { $params['orig_name'] = $custom_params['orig_name']; $params['orig_addr1'] = $custom_params['orig_addr1']; $params['orig_addr2'] = $custom_params['orig_addr2']; $params['orig_city'] = $custom_params['orig_city']; $params['orig_state'] = $custom_params['orig_state']; $params['orig_postal'] = $custom_params['orig_postal']; $params['orig_country'] = $custom_params['orig_country']; } else { $params['orig_name'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_StoreName'); $params['orig_addr1'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_AddressLine1'); $params['orig_addr2'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_AddressLine2'); $params['orig_city'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_City'); $params['orig_state'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_State'); $params['orig_postal'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_ZIP'); $params['orig_country'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_Country'); } $cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper'); /* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */ if (strlen($params['orig_country']) == 3) { // got 3symbol ISO code -> resolve to 2symbol ISO code $params['orig_country'] = $cs_helper->getCountryIso( $params['orig_country'] ); } if (strlen($params['orig_state']) != 2) { // got state name instead of ISO code -> resolve it to ISO code $country_iso = $cs_helper->getCountryIso($params['orig_country'], true); $params['orig_state'] = $cs_helper->getStateIso($params['orig_state'], $country_iso); } if (isset($custom_params['ShipMethod'])) { $params['ShipMethod'] = $custom_params['ShipMethod']; } $params['packages'] = $custom_params['packages']; $params['dest_name'] = $custom_params['dest_name']; $params['dest_addr1'] = $custom_params['dest_addr1']; $params['dest_addr2'] = $custom_params['dest_addr2']; $params['dest_city'] = $custom_params['dest_city']; $params['dest_state'] = $custom_params['dest_state']; $params['dest_postal'] = $custom_params['dest_postal']; $params['dest_country'] = $custom_params['dest_country']; if (strlen($params['dest_country']) == 3) { // got 3symbol ISO code -> resolve to 2symbol ISO code $params['dest_country'] = $cs_helper->getCountryIso( $params['dest_country'] ); } if(!$params['dest_city'] || !$params['dest_country'] || (($params['dest_country'] == 'US' || $params['dest_country'] == 'CA') && !$params['dest_state']) || !$params['dest_postal'] || !$params['packages']) { $valid = false; } else { $valid = true; } return $valid ? $params : false; } function GenerateId() { static $id; if(!$id) { $id = rand(0, 1000000); } return $id; } function getShipmentId() { return $this->shipment_id; } function GetShippingQuotes($params = null) { if(!is_array($params)) $params = unserialize($params); $params = $this->MergeParams($params); // print_pre($params); if($params == false) { trigger_error('Incorrect params given to intershipper engine', E_USER_WARNING); return; } $target_url = $this->BuildUrl($params); // print_r($target_url); $depth = Array(); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler( $xml_parser, Array(&$this, 'startElement'), Array(&$this, 'endElement') ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $xml_parser, Array(&$this, 'characterData') ); $newdata = curl_post($target_url['url'], $target_url['uri']); $newdata = substr($newdata, strpos($newdata, '<')); if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $newdata, 1)) { trigger_error(sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d'), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser), E_USER_WARNING); } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); return array_shift($this->quotes); // array_shift must be removed after!!! } function startElement(&$Parser, &$Elem, $Attr) { array_push($this->state, $Elem); $states = implode(' ',$this->state); //check what state we are in if($states == 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE') { $this->package_id = $Attr['ID']; } elseif($states == 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE') { $quote = Array('package_id' => $this->package_id, 'id' => $Attr['ID']); } } function characterData($Parser, $Line) { $states = join (' ',$this->state); switch($states) { case 'SHIPMENT ERROR': trigger_error($error = $Line, E_USER_WARNING); break; case 'SHIPMENT SHIPMENTID': $this->shipment_id = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE BOXID': $this->box_id = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CARRIER NAME': $this->quote['carrier_name'] = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CARRIER CODE': $this->quote['carrier_code'] = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CLASS NAME': $this->quote['class_name'] = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CLASS CODE': $this->quote['class_code'] = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE SERVICE NAME': $this->quote['service_name'] = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE SERVICE CODE': $this->quote['service_code'] = $Line; break; case 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE RATE AMOUNT': $this->quote['amount'] = $Line / 100; break; default: } } function endElement($Parser, $Elem) { $states = implode(' ',$this->state); if ($states == 'SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE') { unset($this->quote['id']); unset($this->quote['package_id']); // the $key is a combo of the carrier_code and service_code // this is the logical way to key each quote returned $this->quote['amount'] = $this->quote['amount']*(1+$this->PercentSurcharge/100) + $this->FlatSurcharge; $amount_plain = $this->quote['amount'] * 100; $key = 'INTSH_'.$this->quote['carrier_code'].'_'.$this->quote['class_code'].'_'.$amount_plain; $this->quote['ShippingId'] = $key; $this->quote['ShippingName'] = $this->quote['carrier_code'].' - '.$this->quote['service_name']; $this->quote['TotalCost'] = $this->quote['amount']; $this->quotes[$this->box_id][$key] = $this->quote; } array_pop($this->state); } function LoadParams() { $sql = 'SELECT Properties, FlatSurcharge, PercentSurcharge FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('sqe', 'TableName').' WHERE Name="Intershipper.com"'; $db = $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); $data = $db->GetRow($sql); $params = unserialize(getArrayValue($data, 'Properties')); return array_merge($params, array('FlatSurcharge' => $data['FlatSurcharge'], 'PercentSurcharge' => $data['PercentSurcharge'])); } function GetAvailableTypes() { $params = $this->LoadParams(); $carrier_codes = Array('UPS', 'FDX', 'DHL', 'USP', 'ARB'); $classes = Array('1DY', '2DY', '3DY', 'GND'); $i = 0; foreach($carrier_codes as $carrier) { if(isset($params[$carrier.'Enabled']) && $params[$carrier.'Enabled']) { foreach($classes as $class) { if(isset($params[$class.'Enabled']) && $params[$class.'Enabled']) { $a_type['_ClassName'] = get_class($this); $a_type['_Id'] = 'INTSH_'.$carrier.'_'.$class; $a_type['_Name'] = '(Intershipper)'.$carrier.' '.$class; $ret[] = $a_type; } } } } return $ret; } } /*$params = Array( 'AccountLogin' => 'login', 'AccountPassword' => 'password', 'carriers' => Array( Array( 'name' => 'UPS', 'account' => '', 'invoiced' => '0' ), Array( 'name' => 'DHL', 'account' => '', 'invoiced' => '0' ), Array( 'name' => 'FDX', 'account' => '', 'invoiced' => '0' ), Array( 'name' => 'USP', 'account' => '', 'invoiced' => '0' ), Array( 'name' => 'ARB', 'account' => '', 'invoiced' => '0' ), ), 'classes' => Array('1DY', '2DY', '3DY', 'GND'), 'ShipMethod' => 'DRP', 'orig_name' => 'John%20Smith', 'orig_addr1' => '2275%20Union%20Road', 'orig_city' => 'Cheektowaga', 'orig_state' => 'NY', 'orig_postal' => '14227', 'orig_country' => 'US', // this section is required 'dest_name' => 'Vasya%20Pupkin', 'dest_addr1' => '175%20E.Hawthorn%20pkwy.', 'dest_city' => 'Vernon%20Hills', 'dest_state' => 'IL', 'dest_postal' => '60061', 'dest_country' => 'US', // this section is required 'packages' => Array( Array( 'package_key' => 'package1', 'weight' => '50', 'weight_unit' => 'LB', 'length' => '25', 'width' => '15', 'height' => '15', 'dim_unit' => 'IN', 'packaging' => 'BOX', 'contents' => 'OTR', 'insurance' => '0' ), Array( 'package_key' => 'package2', 'weight' => '50', 'weight_unit' => 'LB', 'length' => '25', 'width' => '15', 'height' => '15', 'dim_unit' => 'IN', 'packaging' => 'BOX', 'contents' => 'OTR', 'insurance' => '0' ), ), 'shipment_id' => 1234; ); */ /* Returns: $quotes = Array( 'package1' => Array( Array( 'id' => 'INTSH_FDX_2DY', 'type' => 'FDX', .. 'amount' => 24.24, ) Array( 'type' => 'FDX', .. 'amount' => 24.24, ) ), 'package2' => Array( Array( 'id' => 'INTSH_FDX_3DY', 'type' => 'FDX', .. 'amount' => 24.24, ) Array( 'type' => 'FDX', .. 'amount' => 24.24, ) ), ) */