| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: var_export.php,v 1.1 2004-10-26 18:22:16 kostja Exp $ // /** * Replace var_export() * * @category PHP * @package PHP_Compat * @link http://php.net/function.var_export * @author Aidan Lister * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ * @since PHP 4.2.0 * @require PHP 4.0.1 (trigger_error) */ if (!function_exists('var_export')) { function var_export ($array, $return = false) { // Common output variables $indent = ' '; $doublearrow = ' => '; $lineend = ",\n"; $stringdelim = '\''; $newline = "\n"; // Check the export isn't a simple string / int if (is_string($array)) { $out = $stringdelim . $array . $stringdelim; } elseif (is_int($array)) { $out = (string)$array; } // Begin the array export else { // Start the string $out = "array (\n"; // Loop through each value in array foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // If the key is a string, delimit it if (is_string($key)) { $key = $stringdelim . addslashes($key) . $stringdelim; } // If the value is a string, delimit it if (is_string($value)) { $value = $stringdelim . addslashes($value) . $stringdelim; } // We have an array, so do some recursion elseif (is_array($value)) { // Do some basic recursion while increasing the indent $recur_array = explode($newline, var_export($value, true)); $recur_newarr = array (); foreach ($recur_array as $recur_line) { $recur_newarr[] = $indent . $recur_line; } $recur_array = implode($newline, $recur_newarr); $value = $newline . $recur_array; } // Piece together the line $out .= $indent . $key . $doublearrow . $value . $lineend; } // End our string $out .= ")"; } // Decide method of output if ($return === true) { return $out; } else { echo $out; return null; } } } ?>