$value) { if(strlen($key)) { $parser_name = $key . "_ParseEnv"; if(function_exists($parser_name)) { @$parser_name(); } } } } } else { $envsections = explode(":", $env); foreach($mod_prefix as $key => $value) { if(strlen($key)) { $parsed=FALSE; $parser_name = $key . "_ParseEnv"; for($i=1; $i\n"; if ($env != "") { $envsections = explode(":", $env); foreach($mod_prefix as $key => $value) { if(strlen($key)) { $parsed=FALSE; for($i=1; $i\n"; if(($objConfig->Get("CookieSessions")==0 || !$FrontEnd || ($objConfig->Get("CookieSessions")==2 && $SessionQueryString==TRUE))) { if(!$objSession->UseTempKeys) { $sessionkey = $objSession->GetSessionKey(); } else $sessionkey = $objSession->Get("CurrentTempKey"); $env = $sessionkey; } $env .= "-"; if (isset($var_list_update["t"])) { if($var_list_update["t"]=="_referer_") { $var_list_update["t"] =$objSession->GetVariable("Template_Referer"); } $t = $var_list_update["t"]; if(!is_numeric($t)) { if(!is_object($theme)) $theme = $objThemes->GetItem($m_var_list["theme"]); $id = $theme->GetTemplateId($t); $var_list_update["t"] = $id; } $env .= $var_list_update["t"]; } else { $t = $var_list["t"]; if(!is_numeric($t)) { if(!is_object($theme)) $theme = $objThemes->GetItem($m_var_list["theme"]); $id = $theme->GetTemplateId($t); $t = $id; } $env .= $t; } if(is_array($mod_prefix)) { foreach($mod_prefix as $key => $value) { $builder_name = $key . "_BuildEnv"; if(function_exists($builder_name)) { $GLOBALS[$key.'_var_list_update']['test'] = 'test'; $env .= $builder_name(); } } } $extra = ""; $keys = array_keys($ExtraVars); if(is_array($keys)) { for($i=0;$i $value) { $function_name = $key."_".$basename; if(function_exists($function_name)) { $function_name($CatList); } } } function RegisterEnv($Var,$Value) { global $ExtraVars; $ExtraVars[$Var] = $Value; } function UnregisterEnv($Var) { global $ExtraVars; unset($ExtraVars[$Var]); } function ModuleTagPrefix($name) { global $modules_loaded; $ret = ""; foreach($modules_loaded as $prefix=>$mod_name) { if($name==$mod_name) { $ret = $prefix; break; } } return $ret; } function ModuleEnabled($name) { global $template_path; $a = array_keys($template_path); if(in_array($name,$a)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } function GetModuleArray($array_name="mod_prefix") { switch($array_name) { case "mod_prefix": global $mod_prefix; return $mod_prefix; break; case "admin": global $mod_prefix, $modules_loaded; $mod = array(); if(is_array($mod_prefix) && is_array($modules_loaded)) { foreach ($mod_prefix as $key=>$value) { if(_ModuleLicensed($modules_loaded[$key]) || $key=="m") { $mod[$key] = $value; } } } return $mod; break; case "loaded": global $modules_loaded; return $modules_loaded; break; case "template": global $template_path; return $template_path; case "rootcat": global $mod_root_cats; return $mod_root_cats; break; } } function admin_login() { global $objSession,$login_error, $objConfig,$g_Allow,$g_Deny; //echo "
"; print_r($objSession); echo "
"; if( GetVar('help_usage') == 'install' ) return true; $env_arr = explode('-', $_GET['env']); $get_session_key = $env_arr[0]; if(!$objSession->ValidSession() || ($objSession->GetSessionKey() != $get_session_key && $_POST['adminlogin'] != 1)) { if ($_GET['expired'] == 1) { $login_error = admin_language("la_text_sess_expired"); } return FALSE; //echo "Expired
"; } if ($objSession->HasSystemPermission("ADMIN") == 1) return TRUE; if(count($_POST)==0 || $_POST["adminlogin"]!=1) return FALSE; $login=$_POST["login"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; if (strlen($login) && strlen($password)) { if(!_IpAccess($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$g_Allow,$g_Deny)) { $login_error = admin_language("la_text_address_denied"); return FALSE; } $valid = $objSession->Login($login, md5($password)); $hasperm = ($objSession->HasSystemPermission("ADMIN") == 1); if (($login=="root" || $hasperm) && $valid) { if(_ValidateModules()) { return TRUE; } else $login_error = "Missing or invalid In-Portal License"; } else { if(!$hasperm && $valid) { $login_error = admin_language("la_text_nopermissions"); } else { $login_error = admin_language("la_Text_Access_Denied"); } return FALSE; } } else { if(!strlen($login)) { $login_error = admin_language("la_Text_Missing_Username"); } else if(!strlen($password)) $login_error = admin_language("la_Text_Missing_Password"); return FALSE; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _EnableCookieSID() { global $var_list, $objConfig; if((!$_COOKIE["sid"] && $objConfig->Get("CookieSessions")>0 && strlen($var_list["sid"])<2 && !headers_sent()) || strlen($_COOKIE["sid"])>0) { return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } function _IsSpider($UserAgent) { global $robots, $pathtoroot; $lines = file($pathtoroot."robots_list.txt"); if(!is_array($robots)) { $robots = array(); for($i=0;$i1 && !$IsIp) { $p = explode(".",$d); $ret = $p[count($p)-2].".".$p[count($p)-1]; } else $ret = $d; return $ret; } function _MatchIp($ip1,$ip2) { $matched = TRUE; $ip = explode(".",$ip1); $MatchIp = explode(".",$ip2); for($i=0;$i"; $domain = _GetDomain(); //echo "Domain: ".$domain."
"; if(!_IsLocalSite($domain)) { $domain = _StripDomainHost($domain); //echo "New domain: $domain
"; // echo "
"; print_r($i_Keys); echo "
"; for($x=0;$x0) { return TRUE; } } else return TRUE; return FALSE; } function _ModuleLicensed($name) { global $i_Keys, $objConfig, $pathtoroot; $vars = parse_portal_ini($pathtoroot."config.php"); while($key = key($vars)) { $key = "g_".$key; global $$key; $$key = current($vars); //variable variables if(strlen($$key)>80) { $lic = base64_decode($$key); } next($vars); } //$lic = base64_decode($g_License); _ParseLicense($lic); $modules = array(); if(!_IsLocalSite(_GetDomain())) { for($x=0;$x"; $modules = explode(",",$key["mod"]); } } if(in_array($name,$modules)) { //echo "ok
"; return TRUE; } } else { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function _GetDomain() { global $objConfig, $g_Domain; if($objConfig->Get("DomainDetect")) { $d = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else $d = $g_Domain; return $d; } function _keyED($txt,$encrypt_key) { $encrypt_key = md5($encrypt_key); $ctr=0; $tmp = ""; for ($i=0;$i15 && $p[1]<32) $localb=TRUE; } if($domain=="localhost" || $domain=="" || substr($domain,0,7)=="192.168" || substr($domain,0,3)=="10." || $localb || strpos($domain,".")==0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } LogEntry("Loading Modules\n"); /* get the module list from the database */ $adodbConnection = GetADODBConnection(); $sql = "SELECT Name, Path, Var,TemplatePath, RootCat from ".GetTablePrefix()."Modules where Loaded=1 ORDER BY LoadOrder"; $rs = $adodbConnection->Execute($sql); while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $key = $rs->fields["Var"]; $mod_prefix[$key] = $rs->fields["Path"]; $modules_loaded[$key] = $rs->fields["Name"]; $name = $rs->fields["Name"]; $template_path[$name] = $rs->fields["TemplatePath"]; $mod_root_cats[$name] = $rs->fields["RootCat"]; // echo $key . "=". $modules_loaded[$key]."
\n"; $rs->MoveNext(); } LogEntry("Loading Module Parser scripts\n"); /* for each module enabled, load up parser.php */ //foreach($mod_prefix as $key => $value) $LogLevel++; if(is_array($mod_prefix)) { foreach($mod_prefix as $key => $value) { $mod = $pathtoroot . $value . "parser.php"; // LogEntry("Loading parser $mod \n"); require_once($mod); } } $LogLevel--; LogEntry("Finished Loading Module Parser scripts\n"); /*now each module gets a look at the environment string */ $SessionQueryString = FALSE; if(!isset($FrontEnd)) $FrontEnd = false; if($FrontEnd != 1) $SessionQueryString = TRUE; if(is_array($mod_prefix)) ParseEnv(); /* create the session object */ $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if ( !isset($var_list['sid']) ) $var_list['sid'] = ''; if ( !isset($_GET['env']) ) $_GET['env'] = ''; if(strlen($var_list["sid"])==0 && strlen($_GET["env"])>0 && $objConfig->Get("CookieSessions")==2) { if(_IsSpider($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $UseSession = FALSE; } else { /* switch user to GET session var */ if (!$_COOKIE['sid']) { $SessionQueryString = TRUE; } //else { //$SessionQueryString = FALSE; //} $UseSession = TRUE; } } else { $UseSession = TRUE; } if($var_list["sid"]=="_") $var_list["sid"]=""; /*setup action variable*/ $Action = isset($_REQUEST['Action']) ? $_REQUEST['Action'] : ''; if($Action=="m_logout") { $u = new clsUserSession($var_list["sid"] ,($SessionQueryString && $FrontEnd==1)); $u->Logout(); unset($u); $var_list_update["t"] = "index"; $var_list["t"] = ""; $var_list["sid"]=""; setcookie("login","",time()-3600); setcookie("sid","",time()-3600); } $CookieTest = isset($_COOKIE["CookiesTest"]) ? $_COOKIE["CookiesTest"] : ''; $HTTP_REFERER = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; if ( ($CookieTest == 1) || !strstr($HTTP_REFERER, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$objConfig->Get("Site_Path"))) { $SessionQueryString = FALSE; } if ($FrontEnd != 1) { $SessionQueryString = TRUE; } $objSession = new clsUserSession($var_list["sid"],($SessionQueryString && $FrontEnd==1)); if($UseSession) { if(!$objSession->ValidSession()) { /* Get rid of Invalid Session and make a brand new one*/ // echo "Dumping Session ".$var_list["sid"]."
"; unset($var_list["sid"]); $objSession->GetNewSession(); $var_list["sid"] = $objSession->GetSessionKey(); $var_list_update["sid"]=$objSession->GetSessionKey(); if(is_numeric($m_var_list["theme"])) $objSession->SetThemeName($m_var_list["theme"]); if($objConfig->Get("CookieSessions")>0 && !$SessionQueryString && !headers_sent()) setcookie("sid",$var_list["sid"]); //echo "New Session: ".$objSession->GetSessionKey()."
\n"; if(isset($_COOKIE["login"]) && $Action != "m_logout" && $FrontEnd==1) { $parts = explode("|",$_COOKIE["login"]); $username = $parts[0]; $pass = $parts[1]; $objSession->Login($username,$pass); } } else { //echo "Update Session
"; if($objSession->Get("Language")!=$m_var_list["lang"]) { $objSession->Set("Language",$m_var_list["lang"]); } $objSession->LoadSessionData(); $objSession->UpdateAccessTime(); $objSession->Update(); LoadEnv(); } } if(is_numeric($var_list["t"])) { if( !isset($CurrentTheme) ) $CurrentTheme = null; if(!is_object($CurrentTheme)) $CurrentTheme = $objThemes->GetItem($m_var_list["theme"]); $var_list["t"] = $CurrentTheme->GetTemplateById($var_list["t"]); $objSession->Set("Theme",$CurrentTheme->Get("Name")); } /*create the global current user object */ $UserID=$objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); $objCurrentUser = new clsPortalUser($UserID); $objLanguageCache = new clsLanguageCache($m_var_list["lang"]); /* include each module's action.php script */ LogEntry("Loading Module action scripts\n"); ## Global Referer Template $_local_t = $var_list["t"]; if(is_array($mod_prefix)) { foreach($mod_prefix as $key => $value) { if($FrontEnd==0 || !is_numeric($FrontEnd) || $FrontEnd==2) { $rootURL="http://".ThisDomain().$objConfig->Get("Site_Path"); $admin = $objConfig->Get("AdminDirectory"); if(!strlen($admin)) $admin = "admin"; $adminURL = $rootURL.$admin; $imagesURL = $adminURL."/images"; if(_ModuleLicensed($modules_loaded[$key])) { $mod = $pathtoroot.$value."module_init.php"; if(file_exists($mod)) require_once($mod); $mod = $pathtoroot . $value . "action.php"; if(file_exists($mod)) require_once($mod); $mod = $pathtoroot . $value . "searchaction.php"; if(file_exists($mod)) require_once($mod); } } if($FrontEnd==1 || $FrontEnd==2) { $mod = $pathtoroot.$value."module_init.php"; if(file_exists($mod)) require_once($mod); $mod = $pathtoroot . $value . "frontaction.php"; if(file_exists($mod)) require_once($mod); } } } if( !isset($SearchPerformed) ) $SearchPerformed = false; if($SearchPerformed == true) $objSearch->BuildIndexes(); LogEntry("Finished Loading Module action scripts\n"); ?>