CalcReport($params); if ($field_values['offset'] == $field_values['total']) { $this->Application->Redirect($this->Application->RecallVar('reports_finish_t')); $this->Application->RemoveVar('report_options'); } else { $this->Application->StoreVar('report_options', serialize($field_values)); } return $field_values['offset'] * 100 / $field_values['total']; } function CalcReport($params) { $field_values = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('report_options')); $per_step = 20; $cats = $this->Conn->Query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category ORDER BY CategoryId LIMIT '.$field_values['offset'].', '.$per_step); foreach ($cats as $a_cat) { if ($field_values['Recursive']) { $cat_filter = 'c.ParentPath LIKE '.$this->Conn->qstr($a_cat['ParentPath'].'%'); } else { $cat_filter = 'c.CategoryId = '.$a_cat['CategoryId']; } $q = 'INSERT INTO '.$field_values['table_name'].' SELECT c.CategoryId, SUM(od.Quantity) as Qty, SUM(od.Cost) as Cost, SUM(od.Price) as SaleAmount, 0 as Tax, 0 as Shipping, 0 as Processing, SUM(od.Price - od.Cost) as Profit FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON p.ProductId = od.ProductId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems AS ci ON ci.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category AS c ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId WHERE o.Status = 4 AND ci.PrimaryCat = 1 AND '.$cat_filter.' GROUP BY c.CategoryId'; $this->Conn->Query($q); $field_values['offset']++; } return $field_values; } function ReportTypeEquals($params) { $field_values = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('report_options')); return ($field_values['ReportType'] == $params['value']); } function CalculateChart($params) { $a_report_options = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('report_options')); $metric = $this->Application->RecallVar('ChartMetric'); if ($metric == '') { // get first option from unit config $a_virtual_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption('rep', 'VirtualFields'); foreach ($a_virtual_fields['Metric']['options'] AS $field => $label) { $metric = $field; break; } } $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('rep.params', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); $object->ID = 1; $object->SetDBField('Metric', $metric); if (!($a_report_options['from'] && $a_report_options['to'])) { // calculate from & to as extreme order dates $sql = 'SELECT MAX(OrderDate) AS date_to, MIN(OrderDate) AS date_frm FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders WHERE Status IN (4,6) '; $a_dates = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql); $a_report_options['from'] = adodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $a_dates['date_frm']), date('d', $a_dates['date_frm']), date('Y', $a_dates['date_frm'])); $a_report_options['to'] = adodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $a_dates['date_to']), date('d', $a_dates['date_to']) + 1, date('Y', $a_dates['date_to'])) - 1; } $filter_value = 'AND o.OrderDate >= '.$a_report_options['from'].' AND o.OrderDate <= '.$a_report_options['to']; if ($a_report_options['ReportType'] == 12) { // Overall $selected_days = round(($a_report_options['to'] - $a_report_options['from'] + 1) / 3600 / 24); // determine date interval if ($selected_days < 2) { $step_seconds = 3600; $step_labels = Array(); for ($i=0; $i<24; $i++) { $hour = str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $step_labels[$i] = $hour; } } elseif ( ($selected_days < 31) || (date('mY', $a_report_options['from']) == date('mY', $a_report_options['to'])) ) { $step_seconds = 24*3600; $step_labels = Array(); $curr_date = $a_report_options['from']; while ($curr_date <= $a_report_options['to']) { $curr_date += $step_seconds; $step_labels[] = date('d-M', $curr_date); } } else { $start_year = date('Y', $a_report_options['from']); $start_month = date('m', $a_report_options['from']); $end_month_year = date('Ym', $a_report_options['to']); // big interval - move from date to the first day ot the month $a_report_options['from'] = adodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $a_report_options['from']), 1, date('Y', $a_report_options['from'])); $curr_time = $a_report_options['from']; while (date('Ym', $curr_time) <= $end_month_year) { $step_labels[date('Ym', $curr_time)] = date('M-Y', $curr_time); // add month $curr_time = adodb_mktime(0,0,0, date('m', $curr_time) + 1, 1, date('Y', $curr_time)); } $step_seconds = 0; } $a_expressions = Array( 'Qty' => 'od.Quantity', 'Cost' => 'od.Cost * od.Quantity', 'Amount' => 'od.Price * od.Quantity', 'Tax' => 'o.VAT * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Shipping' => 'o.ShippingCost * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Processing' => 'o.ProcessingFee * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Profit' => '(od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity', ); if ($step_seconds) { $period_sql = 'FLOOR( (o.OrderDate - '.$a_report_options['from'].') /'.$step_seconds.' )'; } else { $period_sql = 'CONCAT(YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(o.OrderDate)),LPAD(MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(o.OrderDate)), 2, \'0\'))'; } if ($this->Application->isModuleEnabled('in-auction')) { $sql = 'SELECT '.$period_sql.' AS Period, SUM(IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), '.$a_expressions[$metric].', 0)) as StoreMetric, SUM(IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, '.$a_expressions[$metric].')) as eBayMetric FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'eBayOrderItems AS eod ON od.OptionsSalt = eod.OptionsSalt WHERE o.Status IN (4,6) '.$filter_value.' GROUP BY Period'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT '.$period_sql.' AS Period, SUM('.$a_expressions[$metric].') as StoreMetric, 0 as eBayMetric FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId WHERE o.Status IN (4,6) '.$filter_value.' GROUP BY Period'; } $a_data = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'Period'); // create series array $a_serie1 = Array(); $a_serie2 = Array(); foreach ($step_labels AS $key => $label) { $a_serie1[$key] = (isset($a_data[$key]['eBayMetric']) && !is_null($a_data[$key]['eBayMetric'])) ? $a_data[$key]['eBayMetric'] : 0; $a_serie2[$key] = (isset($a_data[$key]['StoreMetric']) && !is_null($a_data[$key]['StoreMetric'])) ? $a_data[$key]['StoreMetric'] : 0; } $show_date_from = date('m/d/Y', $a_report_options['from']); $show_date_to = date('m/d/Y', $a_report_options['to']); $show_date = ($show_date_from == $show_date_to) ? $show_date_to : $show_date_from.' - '.$show_date_to; $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_metric', $object->GetField('Metric').' :: ('.$show_date.') :: '.DOMAIN); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_serie1', serialize($a_serie1)); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_serie2', serialize($a_serie2)); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_serie1_label', $this->Application->Phrase('la_eBayMarketplace')); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_serie2_label', $this->Application->Phrase('la_OnlineStore')); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_labels', serialize($step_labels)); return; } $ebay_joins = ''; if ($this->Application->isModuleEnabled('in-auction')) { $ebay_joins = ' LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'eBayOrderItems AS eod ON od.OptionsSalt = eod.OptionsSalt '; } if ($a_report_options['ReportType'] == 1) { // pie chart by category $a_expressions = Array( 'Qty' => 'od.Quantity', 'Cost' => 'od.Cost * od.Quantity', 'Amount' => 'od.Price * od.Quantity', 'Tax' => 'o.VAT * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Shipping' => 'o.ShippingCost * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Processing' => 'o.ProcessingFee * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Profit' => '(od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity', 'StoreQty' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), od.Quantity, 0)', 'eBayQty' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, od.Quantity)', 'StoreAmount' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), od.Price * od.Quantity, 0)', 'eBayAmount' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, od.Price * od.Quantity)', 'StoreProfit' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), (od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity, 0)', 'eBayProfit' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, (od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity)', ); $lang = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang'); $sql = 'SELECT LEFT(c.l'.$lang.'_Name, 60) AS Name, c.CategoryId, SUM('.$a_expressions[$metric].') as Metric FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON p.ProductId = od.ProductId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems AS ci ON ci.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category AS c ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId '.$ebay_joins.' WHERE o.Status IN (4,6) '.$filter_value.' GROUP BY c.CategoryId HAVING NOT ISNULL(CategoryId) ORDER BY Metric DESC LIMIT 0,8 '; $a_data = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'CategoryId'); $other_metric = 0; if (count($a_data) > 7) { // gather ids for "others" call $ids = join(',', array_keys($a_data)); $sql = 'SELECT SUM('.$a_expressions[$metric].') FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON p.ProductId = od.ProductId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems AS ci ON ci.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category AS c ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId '.$ebay_joins.' WHERE o.Status IN (4,6) '.$filter_value.' AND c.CategoryId NOT IN ('.$ids.') '; $other_metric = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ($other_metric != 0) { $a_data[0] = Array( 'Metric' => $other_metric, 'Name' => $this->Application->Phrase('la_text_Others'), ); } } $show_date_from = date('m/d/Y', $a_report_options['from']); $show_date_to = date('m/d/Y', $a_report_options['to']); $show_date = ($show_date_from == $show_date_to) ? $show_date_to : $show_date_from.' - '.$show_date_to; $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_metric', $this->Application->Phrase('la_text_ReportByTopProductCategories').' '.$object->GetField('Metric').' :: ('.$show_date.') :: '.DOMAIN); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_data', serialize($a_data)); return; } if ($a_report_options['ReportType'] == 5) { // pie chart by product $a_expressions = Array( 'Qty' => 'od.Quantity', 'Cost' => 'od.Cost * od.Quantity', 'Amount' => 'od.Price * od.Quantity', 'Tax' => 'o.VAT * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Shipping' => 'o.ShippingCost * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Processing' => 'o.ProcessingFee * od.Price * od.Quantity / o.SubTotal', 'Profit' => '(od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity', 'StoreQty' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), od.Quantity, 0)', 'eBayQty' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, od.Quantity)', 'StoreAmount' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), od.Price * od.Quantity, 0)', 'eBayAmount' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, od.Price * od.Quantity)', 'StoreProfit' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), (od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity, 0)', 'eBayProfit' => 'IF(ISNULL(eod.OptionsSalt), 0, (od.Price - od.Cost) * od.Quantity)', ); $lang = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang'); $sql = 'SELECT LEFT(p.l'.$lang.'_Name, 60) AS Name, p.ProductId, SUM('.$a_expressions[$metric].') as Metric FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON p.ProductId = od.ProductId '.$ebay_joins.' WHERE o.Status IN (4,6) '.$filter_value.' GROUP BY p.ProductId HAVING NOT ISNULL(ProductId) ORDER BY Metric DESC LIMIT 0,8 '; $a_data = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'ProductId'); $other_metric = 0; if (count($a_data) > 7) { // gather ids for "others" call $ids = join(',', array_keys($a_data)); $sql = 'SELECT SUM('.$a_expressions[$metric].') FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders AS o LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems AS od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderId LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON p.ProductId = od.ProductId '.$ebay_joins.' WHERE o.Status IN (4,6) '.$filter_value.' AND p.ProductId NOT IN ('.$ids.') '; $other_metric = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ($other_metric != 0) { $a_data[0] = Array( 'Metric' => $other_metric, 'Name' => $this->Application->Phrase('la_Others'), ); } } $show_date_from = date('m/d/Y', $a_report_options['from']); $show_date_to = date('m/d/Y', $a_report_options['to']); $show_date = ($show_date_from == $show_date_to) ? $show_date_to : $show_date_from.' - '.$show_date_to; $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_metric', $this->Application->Phrase('la_text_ReportByTopProducts').' '.$object->GetField('Metric').' :: ('.$show_date.') :: '.DOMAIN); $this->Application->StoreVar('graph_data', serialize($a_data)); } } function GetRandom($params) { return rand(1,10000000); } function IsPHPxOrGreater($params) { $curver = explode(".", phpversion()); return ($curver[0] >= $params['version']); } }