array( 'initial' =>'scroll', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BACKGROUND-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'transparent', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BACKGROUND-IMAGE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BACKGROUND-POSITION' => array( 'initial' =>'0% 0%', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to the size of the box itself' ), 'BACKGROUND-REPEAT' => array( 'initial' =>'repeat', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BACKGROUND' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'allowed on background-position' ), 'BORDER-COLLAPSE' => array( 'initial' =>'separate', 'applies' => 'table and inline-table elements', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-SPACING' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => 'table and inline-table elements�', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-TOP-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'black', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'black', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'black', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-LEFT-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'black', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-TOP-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-LEFT-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-TOP-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'medium', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'medium', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'medium', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'medium', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BORDER' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'BOTTOM' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'positioned elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to height of containing block' ), 'CAPTION-SIDE' => array( 'initial' =>'top', 'applies' => 'table-caption elements', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'CLEAR' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => 'block-level elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'CLIP' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'absolutely positioned elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'black', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'CONTENT' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => ':before and :after pseudo-elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'COUNTER-INCREMENT' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'COUNTER-RESET' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'CURSOR' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'DIRECTION' => array( 'initial' =>'ltr', 'applies' => '"all elements, but see prose"', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'DISPLAY' => array( 'initial' =>'inline', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'EMPTY-CELLS' => array( 'initial' =>'show', 'applies' => 'table-cell elements', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'FLOAT' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '"all, but see 9.7"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'FONT-FAMILY' => array( 'initial' =>'helvetica', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'FONT-SIZE' => array( 'initial' => '10', //'medium', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => 'refer to parent element\'s font size' ), 'FONT-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'FONT-VARIANT' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'FONT-WEIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'FONT' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => 'see individual properties' ), 'HEIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => '"all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'see prose' ), 'LEFT' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'positioned elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'LETTER-SPACING' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'LINE-HEIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => 'refer to the font size of the element itself' ), 'LIST-STYLE-IMAGE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => 'elements with display: list-item', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'LIST-STYLE-POSITION' => array( 'initial' =>'outside', 'applies' => 'elements with display: list-item', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'LIST-STYLE-TYPE' => array( 'initial' =>'disc', 'applies' => 'elements with display: list-item', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'LIST-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => 'elements with display: list-item', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'MARGIN-RIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => 'all elements except elements with table display types other than table and inline-table', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'MARGIN-LEFT' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => 'all elements except elements with table display types other than table and inline-table', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'MARGIN-TOP' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => 'all elements except elements with table display types other than table and inline-table', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'MARGIN-BOTTOM' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => 'all elements except elements with table display types other than table and inline-table', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'MARGIN' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => 'all elements except elements with table display types other than table and inline-table', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'MAX-HEIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '"all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'see prose' ), 'MAX-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '"all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table rows, and row groups"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'MIN-HEIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'see prose' ), 'MIN-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table rows, and row groups"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'ORPHANS' => array( 'initial' =>'2', 'applies' => 'block-level elements', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'OUTLINE-COLOR' => array( 'initial' =>'invert', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'OUTLINE-STYLE' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'OUTLINE-WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'medium', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'OUTLINE' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'OVERFLOW' => array( 'initial' =>'visible', 'applies' => '"non-replaced block-level elements, table cells, and inline-block elements"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'PADDING-TOP' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"all elements except elements with table display types other than table, inline-table, and table-cell"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'PADDING-RIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"all elements except elements with table display types other than table, inline-table, and table-cell"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'PADDING-BOTTOM' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"all elements except elements with table display types other than table, inline-table, and table-cell"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'PADDING-LEFT' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"all elements except elements with table display types other than table, inline-table, and table-cell"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'PADDING' => array( 'initial' =>'see individual properties', 'applies' => '"all elements except elements with table display types other than table, inline-table, and table-cell"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'PAGE-BREAK-AFTER' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'block-level elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'block-level elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'PAGE-BREAK-INSIDE' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'block-level elements', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'POSITION' => array( 'initial' =>'static', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'QUOTES' => array( 'initial' =>'depends on user agent', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'RIGHT' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'positioned elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'TABLE-LAYOUT' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'table and inline-table elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'TEXT-ALIGN' => array( 'initial' =>'left if direction is ltr; right if direction is rtl', 'applies' => '"block-level elements, table cells and inline blocks"', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'TEXT-DECORATION' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => 'no (see prose)', 'percentages' => '' ), 'TEXT-INDENT' => array( 'initial' =>'0', 'applies' => '"block-level elements, table cells and inline blocks"', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'TEXT-TRANSFORM' => array( 'initial' =>'none', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'TOP' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'positioned elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to height of containing block' ), 'UNICODE-BIDI' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '"all elements, but see prose"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), 'VERTICAL-ALIGN' => array( 'initial' =>'baseline', 'applies' => 'inline-level and table-cell elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to the line-height of the element itself' ), 'VISIBILITY' => array( 'initial' =>'visible', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'WHITE-SPACE' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'WIDOWS' => array( 'initial' =>'2', 'applies' => 'block-level elements', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'WIDTH' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => '"all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table rows, and row groups"', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => 'refer to width of containing block' ), 'WORD-SPACING' => array( 'initial' =>'normal', 'applies' => '', 'inherited' => true, 'percentages' => '' ), 'Z-INDEX' => array( 'initial' =>'auto', 'applies' => 'positioned elements', 'inherited' => false, 'percentages' => '' ), ); static function IsInherited($property) { return kCSSDefaults::$CSS_PROPERTIES[$property]['inherited']; // return isset(kCSSDefaults::$CSS_PROPERTIES[$property]) ? : false; } static function IsValid($property) { return isset(kCSSDefaults::$CSS_PROPERTIES[$property]); } static function GetDefaultValue($property) { return kCSSDefaults::$CSS_PROPERTIES[$property]['initial']; // return isset(kCSSDefaults::$CSS_PROPERTIES[$property]) ? kCSSDefaults::$CSS_PROPERTIES[$property]['initial'] : false; } }