# Section "in-bulletin:configuration_output": INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_Highlight_OpenTag', '', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_Highlight_CloseTag', '', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_SortOrder', 'desc', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_sortfield_prompt', 'select', '', 'asc=la_common_Ascending||desc=la_common_Descending', 10.01, 2, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_SortField', 'LastPostDate', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_sortfield_prompt', 'select', '', 'TopicText=la_opt_TopicText||Posts=la_opt_NumberOfPosts||CreatedOn=la_opt_CreatedOn||LastPostDate=la_opt_LastUpdated||Views=la_opt_TopicViews||CachedRating=la_opt_Rating||LastPoser=la_opt_LastPoster||SELECT Prompt AS OptionName, CONCAT("cust_", FieldName) AS OptionValue FROM CustomField WHERE (Type = 3) AND (IsSystem = 0)', 10.01, 1, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_SortOrder2', 'desc', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_sortfield2_prompt', 'select', '', 'asc=la_common_Ascending||desc=la_common_Descending', 10.02, 2, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_SortField2', 'Posts', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_sortfield2_prompt', 'select', '', 'TopicText=la_opt_TopicText||Posts=la_opt_NumberOfPosts||CreatedOn=la_opt_CreatedOn||LastPostDate=la_opt_LastUpdated||Views=la_opt_TopicViews||CachedRating=la_opt_Rating||LastPoser=la_opt_LastPoster||SELECT Prompt AS OptionName, CONCAT("cust_", FieldName) AS OptionValue FROM CustomField WHERE (Type = 3) AND (IsSystem = 0)', 10.02, 1, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Perpage_Topics', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_perpage_prompt', 'text', '', '', 10.03, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Perpage_Topics_Short', '3', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_perpage_short_prompt', 'text', '', '', 10.04, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_NewDays', '6', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_newdays_prompt', 'text', '', '', 10.05, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_MinPopRating', '3', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_fld_Topic_MinPopRating', 'text', '', '', 10.06, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_MinPopVotes', '8', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_fld_Topic_MinPopVotes', 'text', '', '', 10.07, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_MaxHotNumber', '3', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_fld_Topic_MaxHotNumber', 'text', '', '', 10.08, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Topic_EditorPicksAbove', '1', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_topic_editorpicksabove_prompt', 'checkbox', '', '', 10.09, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'topic_ReviewDelay_Interval', '60', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_prompt_DupReviews', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec||60=la_opt_Min||3600=la_opt_Hour||86400=la_opt_Day||604800=la_opt_Week||2419200=la_opt_Month||29030400=la_opt_Year', 10.1, 2, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'topic_ReviewDelay_Value', '10', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_prompt_DupReviews', 'text', '', 'style="width: 50px;"', 10.1, 1, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'topic_RatingDelay_Interval', '3600', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_prompt_DupRating', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec||60=la_opt_Min||3600=la_opt_Hour||86400=la_opt_Day||604800=la_opt_Week||2419200=la_opt_Month||29030400=la_opt_Year', 10.11, 2, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'topic_RatingDelay_Value', '1', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_prompt_DupRating', 'text', '', 'style="width: 50px;"', 10.11, 1, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'AutoTopicLockPosts', '0', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Topics', 'la_prompt_PostsToLock', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.12, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Perpage_Postings', '25', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_posts_subheading', 'la_posts_perpage_prompt', 'text', '', '', 20.01, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Posts_NewDays', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_posts_subheading', 'la_posts_newdays_prompt', 'text', '', '', 20.02, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Perpage_TopicReviews', '10', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Reviews', 'la_review_perpage_prompt', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.01, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_CategoryTemplate', '/in-bulletin/designs/section', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_Templates', 'la_fld_CategoryTemplate', 'text', '', '', 40.01, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_ItemTemplate', 'in-bulletin/designs/detail', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_Templates', 'la_fld_ItemTemplate', 'text', '', '', 40.02, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_MaxImageCount', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_MaxImageCount', 'text', '', '', 50.01, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_ThumbnailImageWidth', '120', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_ThumbnailImageWidth', 'text', '', '', 50.02, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_ThumbnailImageHeight', '120', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_ThumbnailImageHeight', 'text', '', '', 50.03, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_FullImageWidth', '450', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_FullImageWidth', 'text', '', '', 50.04, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'bb_FullImageHeight', '450', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_FullImageHeight', 'text', '', '', 50.05, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'poll_CommentDelay_Value', '10', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Polls', 'la_prompt_DupPollComments', 'text', '', 'style="width: 50px;"', 60.1, 1, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'poll_CommentDelay_Interval', '60', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_output', 'la_Text_Polls', 'la_prompt_DupPollComments', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec||60=la_opt_Min||3600=la_opt_Hour||86400=la_opt_Day||604800=la_opt_Week||2419200=la_opt_Month||29030400=la_opt_Year', 60.2, 2, 1, NULL); # Section "in-bulletin:configuration_search": INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Increase_topics', '30', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', 'la_config_DefaultIncreaseImportance', 'la_text_increase_importance', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Keyword_topics', '90', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', 'la_config_SearchRel_DefaultKeyword', 'la_text_keyword', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Pop_topics', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', 'la_config_DefaultPop', 'la_text_popularity', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Rating_topics', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', 'la_config_DefaultRating', 'la_prompt_Rating', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Increase_posts', '30', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Keyword_posts', '90', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Pop_posts', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Rating_posts', '5', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Search_ShowMultiple_topics', '0', 'In-Bulletin', 'in-bulletin:configuration_search', 'la_config_ShowMultiple', 'la_Text_MultipleShow', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'BBTags', 'b:;i:;u:;ul:type|align;font:color|face|size;url:href;img:src|border', 'In-Bulletin', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (1, 'Happy Smile', ':)', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (2, 'Big Grin', ':grin:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (3, 'Wink', ';)', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (4, 'Scared', ':scared:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (5, 'Teasing', ':eek:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (6, 'Cool', ':cool:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (7, 'Angry', ':@', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (8, 'Squint', ':squint:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (9, 'Oops', ':o', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (10, 'Sad', ':(', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (11, 'Cry', ':cry:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (12, 'Smirk', ';]', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (13, 'Happy sleep', ':sleep:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (14, 'Very angry', ':x', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (15, 'Geek', ':geek:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (16, 'Upset', ';(', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (17, 'LOL', ':lol:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (18, 'Yawn', ':O', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (19, 'Thinking', ':hm:', 1, ''); INSERT INTO Emoticon VALUES (20, 'Secret', ':|', 1, ''); UPDATE Emoticon SET EmotionImage = CONCAT('0_',EmoticonId,'.gif'); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.ADD', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Topic Added', 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.ADD', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Topic Added', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.ADD.PENDING', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Add Pending Topic', 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.ADD.PENDING', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Add Pending Topic', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.MODIFY', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Modify Topic', 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.MODIFY', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Modify Topic', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.MODIFY.PENDING', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Topic Modifications Pending', 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.MODIFY.PENDING', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Topic Modifications Pending', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.APPROVE', NULL, 1, 0, 'In-Bulletin', 'Approve Topic', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'POST.ADD', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Post Added', 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'POST.MODIFY', NULL, 1, 1, 'In-Bulletin', 'Post Modified', 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'POST.ADD', NULL, 1, 0, 'In-Bulletin', 'Post Added', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'PM.ADD', NULL, 1, 0, 'In-Bulletin', 'New Private Message', 0, 1, 1); INSERT INTO ItemTypes VALUES (3, 'In-Bulletin', 'bb', 'Topic', 'TopicText', 'OwnerId', 'Views', 'CachedRating', 'la_ItemTab_Topics', 1, '', 'clsTopic', 'Topic'); INSERT INTO ItemTypes VALUES (30, 'In-Bulletin', 'posting', 'Posting', 'Subject', 'CreatedById', NULL, NULL, 'la_ItemTab_Posts', 0, '', '', 'Post'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.VIEW', 'la_PermName_Topic.View_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.ADD', 'la_PermName_Topic.Add_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.ADD.PENDING', 'la_PermName_Topic.Add.Pending_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.DELETE', 'la_PermName_Topic.Delete_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.MODIFY', 'la_PermName_Topic.Modify_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REPLY.DELETE', 'la_PermName_Topic.Reply.Delete_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REPLY.VIEW', 'la_PermName_Topic.Reply.View_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REPLY.ADD', 'la_PermName_Topic.Reply.Add_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REPLY.MODIFY', 'la_PermName_Topic.Reply.Modify_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.RATE', 'la_PermName_Topic.Rate_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REVIEW', 'la_PermName_Topic.Review_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REPLY.OWNER.MODIFY', 'la_PermName_Topic.Reply.Owner.Modify_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.REPLY.OWNER.DELETE', 'la_PermName_Topic.Reply.Owner.Delete_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.OWNER.DELETE', 'la_PermName_Topic.Owner.Delete_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.MODIFY.PENDING', 'la_PermName_Topic.Modify.Pending_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.OWNER.MODIFY.PENDING', 'la_PermName_Topic.Owner.Modify.Pending_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.OWNER.MODIFY', 'la_PermName_Topic.Owner.Modify_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO PermissionConfig VALUES (DEFAULT, 'TOPIC.LOCK', 'la_PermName_Topic.Lock_desc', 'In-Bulletin'); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT count(*) FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE Status=1', NULL, 'la_prompt_ActiveTopics', 0, 1); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicsTotal', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ActiveTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicsActive', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS PendingTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE Status = 2', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicsPending', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS DisabledTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE Status = 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicsDisabled', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS NewTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE (NewItem = 1) OR ( (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - CreatedOn) <= <%m:config name="Topic_NewDays"%>*86400 AND (NewItem = 2) )', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewTopics', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE EditorsPick = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_EditorsPickTopics', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS HotTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE (HotItem = 1) OR (Posts >= <%m:config name="Topic_MaxHotNumber"%> AND (HotItem = 2) )', NULL, 'la_prompt_HotTopics', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS PopularTopics FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE (PopItem = 1) OR ( (CachedRating >= <%topic:hit_count type="top"%>) AND <%topic:hit_count type="top"%> AND (PopItem = 2) )', NULL, 'la_prompt_PopularTopics', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="AVG(CachedRating)" type="currency" precision="2"%> FROM <%prefix%>Topic WHERE CachedRating > 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicAverageRating', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT MAX(Views) AS MaxTopicHits FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_MaxTopicHits', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT MAX(CachedVotesQty) AS MaxTopicVotes FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_MaxTopicVotes', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(CreatedOn)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewestTopicDate', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(CreatedOn)" type="time"%> FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewestTopicTime', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(Modified)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_LastUpdatedTopicDate', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(Modified)" type="time"%> FROM <%prefix%>Topic', NULL, 'la_prompt_LastUpdatedTopicTime', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <%prefix%>ItemReview WHERE Module = \'<%modules:get_current%>\'', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicReviews', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalPosts FROM <%prefix%>Posting', NULL, 'la_prompt_PostsTotal', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(CreatedOn)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Posting', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewestPostDate', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(CreatedOn)" type="time"%> FROM <%prefix%>Posting', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewestPostTime', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(Modified)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Posting', NULL, 'la_prompt_LastUpdatedPostDate', 0, 2); INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Bulletin', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(Modified)" type="time"%> FROM <%prefix%>Posting', NULL, 'la_prompt_LastUpdatedPostTime', 0, 2); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'NotifyOwnerOnChanges', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_notifyowneronchanges', 'lu_field_notifyowneronchanges', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 1, DEFAULT, 0, 'boolean', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'TopicId', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_topicid', 'lu_field_topicid', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 0, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'Priority', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_priority', 'lu_field_priority', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 8, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'OwnerId', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_ownerid', 'lu_field_ownerid', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 9, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'Modified', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_modified', 'lu_field_modified', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 2, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'TopicText', 1, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_topictext', 'lu_field_topictext', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 3, DEFAULT, 1, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'Posts', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_posts', 'lu_field_posts', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 4, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'Views', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_views', 'lu_field_views', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 5, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'EditorsPick', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_editorspick', 'lu_field_editorspick', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 6, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO SearchConfig VALUES ('Topic', 'Status', 0, 1, 'lu_fielddesc_topic_status', 'lu_field_status', 'In-Bulletin', 'la_text_topic', 7, DEFAULT, 0, 'text', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); 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