debugMode = $this->Application->isDebugMode(); $this->superAdminMode = $this->Application->RecallVar('super_admin'); } /** * Set's prefix and special * * @param string $prefix * @param string $special * @access public */ public function Init($prefix, $special) { parent::Init($prefix, $special); $this->BuildTree(); } /** * Builds xml for tree in left frame in admin * * @return void * @access public */ public function BuildTree() { if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $data = $this->Application->getCache('master:sections_parsed', false, CacheSettings::$sectionsParsedRebuildTime); } else { $data = $this->Application->getDBCache('sections_parsed', CacheSettings::$sectionsParsedRebuildTime); } if ( $data ) { $this->Tree = unserialize($data); return ; } if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $this->Application->rebuildCache('master:sections_parsed', kCache::REBUILD_NOW, CacheSettings::$sectionsParsedRebuildTime); } else { $this->Application->rebuildDBCache('sections_parsed', kCache::REBUILD_NOW, CacheSettings::$sectionsParsedRebuildTime); } if ( !defined('IS_INSTALL') || !IS_INSTALL ) { // don't reread all configs during install, because they are reread on every install step $this->Application->UnitConfigReader->ReReadConfigs(); } $this->Tree = Array (); // 1. build base tree (don't update parent with children list yet) // 1.1. process prefixes without priority $prioritized_prefixes = Array (); $prefixes = array_keys($this->Application->UnitConfigReader->configData); foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) { $config =& $this->Application->UnitConfigReader->configData[$prefix]; if ( array_key_exists('ConfigPriority', $config) ) { $prioritized_prefixes[$prefix] = $config['ConfigPriority']; continue; } $this->_processPrefixSections($prefix); } // 2. process prefixes with priority asort($prioritized_prefixes); foreach ($prioritized_prefixes as $prefix => $priority) { $this->_processPrefixSections($prefix); } // 2. apply section adjustments foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) { $config =& $this->Application->UnitConfigReader->configData[$prefix]; $section_adjustments = getArrayValue($config, 'SectionAdjustments'); /* @var $section_adjustments Array */ if ( !$section_adjustments ) { continue; } foreach ($section_adjustments as $section_name => $adjustment_params) { if ( is_array($adjustment_params) ) { if ( !array_key_exists($section_name, $this->Tree) ) { // don't process adjustments for non-existing sections continue; } $this->Tree[$section_name] = kUtil::array_merge_recursive($this->Tree[$section_name], $adjustment_params); } else { // then remove section unset($this->Tree[$section_name]); } } } // 3. foreach ($this->Tree as $section_name => $section_params) { // 3.1. update parent -> children references $parent_section = $section_params['parent']; $section_order = "{$section_params['priority']}"; if ( !isset($parent_section) ) { // don't process parent section of "in-portal:root" section continue; } if ( !array_key_exists('children', $this->Tree[$parent_section]) ) { $this->Tree[$parent_section]['children'] = Array (); } if ( array_key_exists($section_order, $this->Tree[$parent_section]['children']) ) { trigger_error('Section "' . $section_name . '" has replaced section "' . $this->Tree[$parent_section]['children'][$section_order] . '" (parent section: "' . $parent_section . '"; duplicate priority: ' . $section_order . ')', E_USER_WARNING); } $this->Tree[$parent_section]['children'][$section_order] = $section_name; if ( $section_params['type'] == stTAB ) { // if this is tab, then mark parent section as TabOnly $this->Tree[$parent_section]['tabs_only'] = true; } // 3.2. process icons here, because they also can be adjusted if ( isset($section_params['icon']) && preg_match('/([^:]+):(.*)/', $section_params['icon'], $regs) ) { $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon'] = $regs[2]; $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon_module'] = $regs[1]; // set "icon_module" used in "combined_header" block $module_folder = trim($this->Application->findModule('Name', $regs[1], 'Path'), '/'); if ( $module_folder == '' ) { $module_folder = 'core'; } } else { $module_folder = $this->Application->getUnitOption($section_params['SectionPrefix'], 'ModuleFolder'); if ( !array_key_exists('icon_module', $section_params) ) { // set "icon_module" used in "combined_header" block $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon_module'] = $this->Application->findModule('Path', $module_folder . '/', 'Name'); } } // this is to display HELP icon instead of missing one.. can be replaced with some other icon to draw attention $icon_file = $module_folder . '/admin_templates/img/icons/icon24_' . $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon']; /*$core_file = FULL_PATH.'/core/admin_templates/img/icons/icon24_' . $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon'].'.png'; if ($module_folder != 'core' && file_exists($core_file) && file_exists(FULL_PATH.'/'.$icon_file.'.png')) { if (crc32(file_get_contents($core_file)) == crc32(file_get_contents(FULL_PATH.'/'.$icon_file.'.png'))) { trigger_error('Section "' . $section_name . '" uses icon copy from "Core" module', E_USER_NOTICE); } }*/ if ( !file_exists(FULL_PATH . '/' . $icon_file . '.png') ) { $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon'] = 'help'; $this->Tree[$section_name]['icon_module'] = 'core'; } } $this->Application->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnAfterBuildTree')); if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $this->Application->setCache('master:sections_parsed', serialize($this->Tree)); } else { $this->Application->setDBCache('sections_parsed', serialize($this->Tree)); } } function _processPrefixSections($prefix) { $config =& $this->Application->UnitConfigReader->configData[$prefix]; $sections = getArrayValue($config, 'Sections'); /* @var $sections Array */ if ( !$sections ) { return ; } foreach ($sections as $section_name => $section_params) { // we could also skip not allowed sections here in future if ( isset($section_params['SectionPrefix']) ) { $section_prefix = $section_params['SectionPrefix']; } elseif ( $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'SectionPrefix') ) { $section_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'SectionPrefix'); } else { $section_prefix = $prefix; } if ( is_float($section_params['priority']) ) { $section_params['priority'] = (string)$section_params['priority']; } $section_params['SectionPrefix'] = $section_prefix; $section_params['url']['m_opener'] = 'r'; $section_params['url']['no_pass_through'] = 1; $pass_section = getArrayValue($section_params, 'url', 'pass_section'); if ( $pass_section ) { unset($section_params['url']['pass_section']); $section_params['url']['section'] = $section_name; if ( !isset($section_params['url']['module']) ) { $module_name = $this->Application->findModule('Path', $config['ModuleFolder'] . '/', 'Name'); $section_params['url']['module'] = $module_name; } } if ( !isset($section_params['url']['t']) ) { $section_params['url']['t'] = 'index'; } if ( !isset($section_params['onclick']) ) { $section_params['onclick'] = 'checkEditMode()'; } if ( !isset($section_params['container']) ) { $section_params['container'] = 0; // for js tree printing to xml } $current_data = isset($this->Tree[$section_name]) ? $this->Tree[$section_name] : Array (); if ( $current_data ) { trigger_error('Section "' . $section_name . '" declaration (originally defined in "' . $current_data['SectionPrefix'] . '") was overwriten from "' . $prefix . '"', E_USER_WARNING); } $this->Tree[$section_name] = kUtil::array_merge_recursive($current_data, $section_params); } } /** * Returns details information about section * * @param string $section_name * @return Array */ function &getSectionData($section_name) { if (isset($this->Tree[$section_name])) { $ret =& $this->Tree[$section_name]; } else { $ret = Array(); } return $ret; } /** * Returns first child, that is not a folder * * @param string $section_name * @param bool $check_permission * @return string * @access public */ public function getFirstChild($section_name, $check_permission = false) { $section_data =& $this->getSectionData($section_name); $children = isset($section_data['children']) && $section_data['children'] ? $section_data['children'] : false; /* @var $children Array */ if ( $children ) { // get 1st child ksort($children, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($children as $child_section) { if ( !$this->sectionVisible($child_section, $check_permission) ) { continue; } break; } return $this->getFirstChild($child_section, $check_permission); } return $section_name; } /** * Checks if given section is visible by it's definition and optionally by user permission * * @param string $section_name * @param bool $check_permission * @return bool */ function sectionVisible($section_name, $check_permission = false) { $section_data =& $this->getSectionData($section_name); if (isset($section_data['show_mode']) && is_numeric($section_data['show_mode'])) { $show_mode = $section_data['show_mode']; // if super admin section -> show in super admin mode & debug mode $show_section = $show_mode == smNORMAL || ((($show_mode & smSUPER_ADMIN) == smSUPER_ADMIN) && ($this->superAdminMode || $this->debugMode)); if (!$show_section) { // if section is in debug mode only && debug mode -> show $show_section = (($show_mode & smDEBUG) == smDEBUG) && $this->debugMode; } if (!$show_section) { // visibility by section definition return false; } } // visibility by section permission if ($check_permission) { $perm_section = $this->getPermSection($section_name); return $this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_section.'.view'); } return true; } /** * Returns section for permission checking based on given section * * @param string $section_name * @return string */ function getPermSection($section_name) { $ret = $section_name; $section_data =& $this->getSectionData($section_name); if ($section_data && isset($section_data['perm_prefix'])) { // this section uses other section permissions $ret = $this->Application->getUnitOption($section_data['perm_prefix'].'.main', 'PermSection'); } return $ret; } }