$this->manager->getTemplateName('index')); } $vars = Array (); $more_vars = strpos($env_var, '&'); if ( $more_vars !== false ) { parse_str(substr($env_var, $more_vars + 1), $vars); $env_var = substr($env_var, 0, $more_vars); } // replace escaped ":" symbol not to explode by it $env_var = str_replace('\:', '_&+$$+&_', $env_var); // replace escaped "=" with spec-chars :) $parts = explode(':', $env_var); if ( !$this->Application->RewriteURLs() || ($this->Application->RewriteURLs() && $this->Application->GetVar('rewrite') != 'on') ) { $vars = array_merge($vars, $this->extractSIDAndTemplate($parts)); } if ( $parts ) { $passed = Array (); foreach ($parts as $mixed_part) { list ($passed[], $processed_vars) = $this->_parseEnvPart($mixed_part); $vars = array_merge($vars, $processed_vars); } $vars[$pass_name] = implode(',', array_unique($passed)); } return $vars; } /** * Retrieves SessionID and current template from given ENV parts * * @param Array $parts * @return array * @access protected */ protected function extractSIDAndTemplate(&$parts) { $template = ''; $vars = Array (); if ( preg_match('/^([\d]+|)-(.*)$/', $parts[0], $regs) ) { // first "env" component matches "sid-template" format // (will be false, when mod-rewrite url to home page is built) $sid = $regs[1]; $template = $regs[2]; array_shift($parts); if ( $sid ) { // Save Session ID $this->Application->SetVar('sid', $sid); $vars['sid'] = $sid; } } // Save Template Name $vars['t'] = $this->manager->getDefaultTemplate($template); return $vars; } /** * Converts environment part into variable array (based on query map for given prefix) * * @param string $mixed_part * @return Array * @access protected */ protected function _parseEnvPart($mixed_part) { // In-portal old style env conversion - adds '-' between prefix and first var $mixed_part = str_replace('_&+$$+&_', ':', $mixed_part); $mixed_part = preg_replace("/^([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)-(.*)/", "$1-$2-$3", $mixed_part); // replace escaped "-" symbol not to explode by it $escaped_part = str_replace('\-', '_&+$$+&_', $mixed_part); $escaped_part = explode('-', $escaped_part); $mixed_part = Array(); foreach ($escaped_part as $escaped_val) { $mixed_part[] = str_replace('_&+$$+&_', '-', $escaped_val); } $vars = Array (); $prefix_special = array_shift($mixed_part); // l.pick, l $http_query =& $this->Application->recallObject('HTTPQuery'); /* @var $http_query kHTTPQuery */ $query_map = $http_query->discoverUnit($prefix_special); // from $_GET['env'] // if config is not defined for prefix in QueryString, then don't process it if ($query_map) { foreach ($query_map as $index => $var_name) { // l_id, l_page, l_bla-bla-bla $val = $mixed_part[$index - 1]; if ($val == '') $val = false; $vars[$prefix_special.'_'.$var_name] = $val; } } return Array ($prefix_special, $vars); } /** * Builds url * * @param string $t * @param Array $params * @param string $pass * @param bool $pass_events * @param bool $env_var * @return string * @access public */ public function build($t, $params, $pass='all', $pass_events = false, $env_var = true) { if ( $this->Application->GetVar('admin') || (array_key_exists('admin', $params) && $params['admin']) ) { $params['admin'] = 1; if ( !array_key_exists('editing_mode', $params) ) { $params['editing_mode'] = EDITING_MODE; } } $session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ $ssl = isset($params['__SSL__']) ? $params['__SSL__'] : 0; $sid = $session->NeedQueryString() && !$this->Application->RewriteURLs($ssl) ? $this->Application->GetSID() : ''; $ret = ''; if ( $env_var ) { $ret = ENV_VAR_NAME . '='; } $ret .= $sid . '-'; // SID-TEMPLATE $encode = false; if ( isset($params['__URLENCODE__']) ) { $encode = $params['__URLENCODE__']; unset($params['__URLENCODE__']); } if ( isset($params['__SSL__']) ) { unset($params['__SSL__']); } $env_string = ''; $category_id = isset($params['m_cat_id']) ? $params['m_cat_id'] : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id'); $item_id = false; $pass_info = $this->getPassInfo($pass); if ( $pass_info ) { if ( $pass_info[0] == 'm' ) { array_shift($pass_info); } foreach ($pass_info as $pass_element) { list($prefix) = explode('.', $pass_element); $require_rewrite = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $prefix); if ( $require_rewrite ) { $item_id = isset($params[$pass_element . '_id']) ? $params[$pass_element . '_id'] : $this->Application->GetVar($pass_element . '_id'); } $env_string .= ':' . $this->BuildModuleEnv($pass_element, $params, $pass_events); } } if ( strtolower($t) == '__default__' ) { if ( is_numeric($item_id) ) { $this->manager->initRewrite(); $t = $this->manager->rewrite->GetItemTemplate($category_id, $pass_element); // $pass_element should be the last processed element // $t = $this->Application->getCategoryCache($category_id, 'item_templates'); } elseif ( $category_id ) { $t = strtolower(preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $this->Application->getCategoryCache($category_id, 'filenames'))); } else { $t = 'index'; } } $ret .= $t . ':' . $this->BuildModuleEnv('m', $params, $pass_events) . $env_string; unset($params['pass'], $params['opener'], $params['m_event']); if ( array_key_exists('escape', $params) && $params['escape'] ) { $ret = addslashes($ret); unset($params['escape']); } if ( $params ) { $params_str = ''; $join_string = $encode ? '&' : '&'; foreach ($params as $param => $value) { $params_str .= $join_string . $param . '=' . $value; } $ret .= $params_str; } if ( $encode ) { $ret = str_replace('\\', '%5C', $ret); } return $ret; } /** * Builds env part that corresponds prefix passed * * @param string $prefix_special item's prefix & [special] * @param Array $params url params * @param bool $pass_events * @return string * @access public */ public function BuildModuleEnv($prefix_special, &$params, $pass_events = false) { list($prefix) = explode('.', $prefix_special); $query_vars = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'QueryString', Array ()); /* @var $query_vars Array */ //if pass events is off and event is not implicitly passed if ( !$pass_events && !isset($params[$prefix_special . '_event']) ) { $params[$prefix_special . '_event'] = ''; // remove event from url if requested //otherwise it will use value from get_var } if ( !$query_vars ) { return ''; } $tmp_string = Array (0 => $prefix_special); foreach ($query_vars as $index => $var_name) { //if value passed in params use it, otherwise use current from application $var_name = $prefix_special . '_' . $var_name; $tmp_string[$index] = isset($params[$var_name]) ? $params[$var_name] : $this->Application->GetVar($var_name); if ( isset($params[$var_name]) ) { unset($params[$var_name]); } } $escaped = array (); foreach ($tmp_string as $tmp_val) { $escaped[] = str_replace(Array ('-', ':'), Array ('\-', '\:'), $tmp_val); } $ret = implode('-', $escaped); if ( $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'PortalStyleEnv') == true ) { $ret = preg_replace('/^([a-zA-Z]+)-([0-9]+)-(.*)/', '\\1\\2-\\3', $ret); } return $ret; } }