Special == 'downl' ) { return ''; } return parent::getMainSpecial($event); } /** * Apply any custom changes to list's sql query * * @param kEvent $event * @return void * @access protected * @see kDBEventHandler::OnListBuild() */ protected function SetCustomQuery(kEvent &$event) { parent::SetCustomQuery($event); $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBList */ switch ($event->Special) { case 'downl': $object->addFilter('is_active', '%1$s.Status = 1'); break; } } /** * Occurs before updating item * * @param kEvent $event * @return void * @access protected */ protected function OnBeforeItemUpdate(&$event) { parent::OnBeforeItemUpdate($event); $this->itemChanged($event); } /** * Occurs before creating item * * @param kEvent $event * @return void * @access protected */ protected function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event) { parent::OnBeforeItemCreate($event); $this->itemChanged($event); $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBItem */ $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo($event->Special); $sql = 'SELECT FileId FROM ' . $object->TableName . ' WHERE IsPrimary = 1 AND ' . $parent_info['ForeignKey'] . ' = ' . $parent_info['ParentId']; $file_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ( !$file_id ) { $object->SetDBField('IsPrimary', 1); $object->SetDBField('Status', 1); } $object->SetDBField('AddedById', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id')); } /** * Occurs before item is changed * * @param kEvent $event */ function itemChanged(&$event) { $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBItem */ if ( $object->GetDBField('IsPrimary') ) { $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo($event->Special); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $object->TableName . ' SET IsPrimary = 0 WHERE ' . $parent_info['ForeignKey'] . ' = ' . $parent_info['ParentId']; $this->Conn->Query($sql); $object->SetDBField('Status', 1); } if ( $object->GetDBField('Name') == '' ) { $object->SetDBField('Name', $object->GetDBField('FilePath')); } } /** * Enter description here... * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnSetPrimary(&$event) { $ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event); $id = array_shift($ids); $object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) ); $object->Load($id); $object->SetDBField('IsPrimary', 1); $object->Update(); } /** * Don't allow to delete primary product file, when there are no more files * * @param kEvent $event * @param string $type * @return void * @access protected */ protected function customProcessing(&$event, $type) { if ( $event->Name == 'OnMassDelete' && $type == 'before' ) { $ids = $event->getEventParam('ids'); $object =& $event->getObject(); /* @var $object kDBItem */ $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo($event->Special); $sql = 'SELECT FileId FROM ' . $object->TableName . ' WHERE IsPrimary = 1 AND ' . $parent_info['ForeignKey'] . ' = ' . $parent_info['ParentId']; $primary_file_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ( $primary_file_id ) { $file_id_index = array_search($primary_file_id, $ids); if ( $file_id_index ) { // allow deleting of primary product file, when there is another file to make primary $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $object->TableName . ' WHERE IsPrimary = 0 AND ' . $parent_info['ForeignKey'] . ' = ' . $parent_info['ParentId']; $non_primary_file_count = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ( $non_primary_file_count ) { unset($ids[$file_id_index]); } } } $event->setEventParam('ids', $ids); } } }