checkConnector(); $this->checkRequest(); $_config =& CKFinder_Connector_Core_Factory::getInstance("Core_Config"); $_thumbnails = $_config->getThumbnailsConfig(); if (!$_thumbnails->getIsEnabled()) { $this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_THUMBNAILS_DISABLED); } if (!$this->_currentFolder->checkAcl(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ACL_FILE_VIEW)) { $this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED); } if (!isset($_GET["FileName"])) { $this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST); } $fileName = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_FileSystem::convertToFilesystemEncoding($_GET["FileName"]); $_resourceTypeInfo = $this->_currentFolder->getResourceTypeConfig(); if (!CKFinder_Connector_Utils_FileSystem::checkFileName($fileName)) { $this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST); } $sourceFilePath = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_FileSystem::combinePaths($this->_currentFolder->getServerPath(), $fileName); if ($_resourceTypeInfo->checkIsHiddenFile($fileName) || !file_exists($sourceFilePath)) { $this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $thumbFilePath = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_FileSystem::combinePaths($this->_currentFolder->getThumbsServerPath(), $fileName); // If the thumbnail file doesn't exists, create it now. if (!file_exists($thumbFilePath)) { if(!$this->createThumb($sourceFilePath, $thumbFilePath, $_thumbnails->getMaxWidth(), $_thumbnails->getMaxHeight(), $_thumbnails->getQuality(), true, $_thumbnails->getBmpSupported())) { $this->_errorHandler->throwError(CKFINDER_CONNECTOR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } } $size = filesize($thumbFilePath); $sourceImageAttr = getimagesize($thumbFilePath); $mime = $sourceImageAttr["mime"]; $rtime = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])?strtotime($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]):0; $mtime = filemtime($thumbFilePath); $etag = dechex($mtime) . "-" . dechex($size); $is304 = false; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"] === $etag) { $is304 = true; } else if($rtime == $mtime) { $is304 = true; } if ($is304) { header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); exit(); } //header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate"); //header("Pragma: public"); //header("Expires: 0"); header('Cache-control: public'); header('Etag: ' . $etag); header("Content-type: " . $mime . "; name=\"" . CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::mbBasename($thumbFilePath) . "\""); header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime) . " GMT"); //header("Content-type: application/octet-stream; name=\"{$file}\""); //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$file}\""); header("Content-Length: ".$size); readfile($thumbFilePath); exit; } /** * Create thumbnail * * @param string $sourceFile * @param string $targetFile * @param int $maxWidth * @param int $maxHeight * @param boolean $preserverAspectRatio * @param boolean $bmpSupported * @return boolean * @static * @access public */ function createThumb($sourceFile, $targetFile, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $quality, $preserverAspectRatio, $bmpSupported = false) { $sourceImageAttr = @getimagesize($sourceFile); if ($sourceImageAttr === false) { return false; } $sourceImageWidth = isset($sourceImageAttr[0]) ? $sourceImageAttr[0] : 0; $sourceImageHeight = isset($sourceImageAttr[1]) ? $sourceImageAttr[1] : 0; $sourceImageMime = isset($sourceImageAttr["mime"]) ? $sourceImageAttr["mime"] : ""; $sourceImageBits = isset($sourceImageAttr["bits"]) ? $sourceImageAttr["bits"] : 8; $sourceImageChannels = isset($sourceImageAttr["channels"]) ? $sourceImageAttr["channels"] : 3; if (!$sourceImageWidth || !$sourceImageHeight || !$sourceImageMime) { return false; } $iFinalWidth = $maxWidth == 0 ? $sourceImageWidth : $maxWidth; $iFinalHeight = $maxHeight == 0 ? $sourceImageHeight : $maxHeight; if ($sourceImageWidth <= $iFinalWidth && $sourceImageHeight <= $iFinalHeight) { if ($sourceFile != $targetFile) { copy($sourceFile, $targetFile); } return true; } if ($preserverAspectRatio) { // Gets the best size for aspect ratio resampling $oSize = CKFinder_Connector_CommandHandler_Thumbnail::GetAspectRatioSize($iFinalWidth, $iFinalHeight, $sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight ); } else { $oSize = array('Width' => $iFinalWidth, 'Height' => $iFinalHeight); } CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::setMemoryForImage($sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight, $sourceImageBits, $sourceImageChannels); switch ($sourceImageAttr['mime']) { case 'image/gif': { if (@imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { $oImage = @imagecreatefromgif($sourceFile); } else { $ermsg = 'GIF images are not supported'; } } break; case 'image/jpeg': { if (@imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { $oImage = @imagecreatefromjpeg($sourceFile) ; } else { $ermsg = 'JPEG images are not supported'; } } break; case 'image/png': { if (@imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { $oImage = @imagecreatefrompng($sourceFile) ; } else { $ermsg = 'PNG images are not supported'; } } break; case 'image/wbmp': { if (@imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) { $oImage = @imagecreatefromwbmp($sourceFile); } else { $ermsg = 'WBMP images are not supported'; } } break; case 'image/bmp': { /* * This is sad that PHP doesn't support bitmaps. * Anyway, we will use our custom function at least to display thumbnails. * We'll not resize images this way (if $sourceFile === $targetFile), * because user defined imagecreatefrombmp and imagecreatebmp are horribly slow */ if ($bmpSupported && (@imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) && $sourceFile != $targetFile) { $oImage = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::imageCreateFromBmp($sourceFile); } else { $ermsg = 'BMP/JPG images are not supported'; } } break; default: $ermsg = $sourceImageAttr['mime'].' images are not supported'; break; } if (isset($ermsg) || false === $oImage) { return false; } $oThumbImage = imagecreatetruecolor($oSize["Width"], $oSize["Height"]); if (function_exists('imagesavealpha') && function_exists('imagecolorallocatealpha') && $sourceImageAttr['mime'] == 'image/png') { $bg = imagecolorallocatealpha($oThumbImage, 255, 255, 255, 127); // (PHP 4 >= 4.3.2, PHP 5) imagefill($oThumbImage, 0, 0 , $bg); imagealphablending($oThumbImage, false); imagesavealpha($oThumbImage, true); // (PHP 4 >= 4.3.2, PHP 5) } //imagecopyresampled($oThumbImage, $oImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $oSize["Width"], $oSize["Height"], $sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight); CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::fastImageCopyResampled($oThumbImage, $oImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $oSize["Width"], $oSize["Height"], $sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight, (int)max(floor($quality/20), 6)); switch ($sourceImageAttr['mime']) { case 'image/gif': imagegif($oThumbImage, $targetFile); break; case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/bmp': imagejpeg($oThumbImage, $targetFile, $quality); break; case 'image/png': imagepng($oThumbImage, $targetFile); break; case 'image/wbmp': imagewbmp($oThumbImage, $targetFile); break; } $_config =& CKFinder_Connector_Core_Factory::getInstance("Core_Config"); if (file_exists($targetFile) && ($perms = $_config->getChmodFiles())) { $oldUmask = umask(0); chmod($targetFile, $perms); umask($oldUmask); } imageDestroy($oImage); imageDestroy($oThumbImage); return true; } /** * Return aspect ratio size, returns associative array: *
     * Array
     * (
     *      [Width] => 80
     *      [Heigth] => 120
     * )
* * @param int $maxWidth * @param int $maxHeight * @param int $actualWidth * @param int $actualHeight * @return array * @static * @access public */ function getAspectRatioSize($maxWidth, $maxHeight, $actualWidth, $actualHeight) { $oSize = array("Width"=>$maxWidth, "Height"=>$maxHeight); // Calculates the X and Y resize factors $iFactorX = (float)$maxWidth / (float)$actualWidth; $iFactorY = (float)$maxHeight / (float)$actualHeight; // If some dimension have to be scaled if ($iFactorX != 1 || $iFactorY != 1) { // Uses the lower Factor to scale the oposite size if ($iFactorX < $iFactorY) { $oSize["Height"] = (int)round($actualHeight * $iFactorX); } else if ($iFactorX > $iFactorY) { $oSize["Width"] = (int)round($actualWidth * $iFactorY); } } if ($oSize["Height"] <= 0) { $oSize["Height"] = 1; } if ($oSize["Width"] <= 0) { $oSize["Width"] = 1; } // Returns the Size return $oSize; } }