BasePath = empty( $basePath ) ? CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH : $basePath ; $this->Width = empty( $width ) ? '100%' : $width ; $this->Height = empty( $height ) ? 400 : $height ; $this->SelectFunction = $selectFunction ; $this->SelectThumbnailFunction = $selectFunction ; } // Renders CKFinder in the current page. function Create() { echo $this->CreateHtml() ; } // Gets the HTML needed to create a CKFinder instance. function CreateHtml() { $className = $this->ClassName ; if ( !empty( $className ) ) $className = ' class="' . $className . '"' ; $id = $this->Id ; if ( !empty( $id ) ) $id = ' id="' . $id . '"' ; return '' ; } function _BuildUrl( $url = "" ) { if ( !$url ) $url = $this->BasePath ; $qs = "" ; if ( empty( $url ) ) $url = CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH ; if ( $url[ strlen( $url ) - 1 ] != '/' ) $url = $url . '/' ; $url .= 'ckfinder.html' ; if ( !empty( $this->SelectFunction ) ) $qs .= '?action=js&func=' . $this->SelectFunction ; if ( !empty( $this->SelectFunctionData ) ) { $qs .= $qs ? "&" : "?" ; $qs .= 'data=' . rawurlencode($this->SelectFunctionData) ; } if ( $this->DisableThumbnailSelection ) { $qs .= $qs ? "&" : "?" ; $qs .= "dts=1" ; } else if ( !empty( $this->SelectThumbnailFunction ) || !empty( $this->SelectFunction ) ) { $qs .= $qs ? "&" : "?" ; $qs .= 'thumbFunc=' . ( !empty( $this->SelectThumbnailFunction ) ? $this->SelectThumbnailFunction : $this->SelectFunction ) ; if ( !empty( $this->SelectThumbnailFunctionData ) ) $qs .= '&tdata=' . rawurlencode( $this->SelectThumbnailFunctionData ) ; else if ( empty( $this->SelectThumbnailFunction ) && !empty( $this->SelectFunctionData ) ) $qs .= '&tdata=' . rawurlencode( $this->SelectFunctionData ) ; } if ( !empty( $this->StartupPath ) ) { $qs .= ( $qs ? "&" : "?" ) ; $qs .= "start=" . urlencode( $this->StartupPath . ( $this->StartupFolderExpanded ? ':1' : ':0' ) ) ; } if ( !empty( $this->ResourceType ) ) { $qs .= ( $qs ? "&" : "?" ) ; $qs .= "type=" . urlencode( $this->ResourceType ) ; } if ( !$this->RememberLastFolder ) { $qs .= ( $qs ? "&" : "?" ) ; $qs .= "rlf=0" ; } if ( !empty( $this->Id ) ) { $qs .= ( $qs ? "&" : "?" ) ; $qs .= "id=" . urlencode( $this->Id ) ; } return $url . $qs ; } // Static "Create". function CreateStatic( $basePath = CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH, $width = '100%', $height = 400, $selectFunction = null ) { $finder = new CKFinder( $basePath, $width, $height, $selectFunction ) ; $finder->Create() ; } // Static "SetupFCKeditor". function SetupFCKeditor( &$editorObj, $basePath = CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH, $imageType = null, $flashType = null ) { if ( empty( $basePath ) ) $basePath = CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH ; // If it is a path relative to the current page. if ( $basePath[0] != '/' ) { $basePath = substr( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 0, strrpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/' ) + 1 ) . $basePath ; } $ckfinder = new CKFinder( $basePath ) ; $ckfinder->SetupFCKeditorObject( $editorObj, $imageType, $flashType ); } // Non-static method of attaching CKFinder to FCKeditor function SetupFCKeditorObject( &$editorObj, $imageType = null, $flashType = null ) { $url = $this->BasePath ; // If it is a path relative to the current page. if ( isset($url[0]) && $url[0] != '/' && strpos($url, "://") === false ) { $url = substr( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 0, strrpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/' ) + 1 ) . $url ; } $url = $this->_BuildUrl( $url ) ; $qs = ( strpos($url, "?") !== false ) ? "&" : "?" ; if ( $this->Width !== '100%' && is_numeric( str_replace( "px", "", strtolower( $this->Width ) ) ) ) { $width = intval( $this->Width ); $editorObj->Config['LinkBrowserWindowWidth'] = $width ; $editorObj->Config['ImageBrowserWindowWidth'] = $width ; $editorObj->Config['FlashBrowserWindowWidth'] = $width ; } if ( $this->Height !== 400 && is_numeric( str_replace( "px", "", strtolower( $this->Height ) ) ) ) { $height = intval( $this->Height ); $editorObj->Config['LinkBrowserWindowHeight'] = $height ; $editorObj->Config['ImageBrowserWindowHeight'] = $height ; $editorObj->Config['FlashBrowserWindowHeight'] = $height ; } $editorObj->Config['LinkBrowserURL'] = $url ; $editorObj->Config['ImageBrowserURL'] = $url . $qs . 'type=' . ( empty( $imageType ) ? 'Images' : $imageType ) ; $editorObj->Config['FlashBrowserURL'] = $url . $qs . 'type=' . ( empty( $flashType ) ? 'Flash' : $flashType ) ; $dir = substr( $url, 0, strrpos( $url, "/" ) + 1 ) ; $editorObj->Config['LinkUploadURL'] = $dir . urlencode( 'core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files' ) ; $editorObj->Config['ImageUploadURL'] = $dir . urlencode( 'core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=') . ( empty( $imageType ) ? 'Images' : $imageType ) ; $editorObj->Config['FlashUploadURL'] = $dir . urlencode( 'core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=') . ( empty( $flashType ) ? 'Flash' : $flashType ) ; } // Static "SetupCKEditor". function SetupCKEditor( &$editorObj, $basePath = CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH, $imageType = null, $flashType = null ) { if ( empty( $basePath ) ) $basePath = CKFINDER_DEFAULT_BASEPATH ; $ckfinder = new CKFinder( $basePath ) ; $ckfinder->SetupCKEditorObject( $editorObj, $imageType, $flashType ); } // Non-static method of attaching CKFinder to CKEditor function SetupCKEditorObject( &$editorObj, $imageType = null, $flashType = null ) { $url = $this->BasePath ; // If it is a path relative to the current page. if ( isset($url[0]) && $url[0] != '/' && strpos($url, "://") === false ) { $url = substr( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 0, strrpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/' ) + 1 ) . $url ; } $url = $this->_BuildUrl( $url ) ; $qs = ( strpos($url, "?") !== false ) ? "&" : "?" ; if ( $this->Width !== '100%' && is_numeric( str_ireplace( "px", "", $this->Width ) ) ) { $width = intval( $this->Width ); $editorObj->config['filebrowserWindowWidth'] = $width ; } if ( $this->Height !== 400 && is_numeric( str_ireplace( "px", "", $this->Height ) ) ) { $height = intval( $this->Height ); $editorObj->config['filebrowserWindowHeight'] = $height ; } $editorObj->config['filebrowserBrowseUrl'] = $url ; $editorObj->config['filebrowserImageBrowseUrl'] = $url . $qs . 'type=' . ( empty( $imageType ) ? 'Images' : $imageType ) ; $editorObj->config['filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl'] = $url . $qs . 'type=' . ( empty( $flashType ) ? 'Flash' : $flashType ) ; $dir = substr( $url, 0, strrpos( $url, "/" ) + 1 ) ; $editorObj->config['filebrowserUploadUrl'] = $dir . 'core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files' ; $editorObj->config['filebrowserImageUploadUrl'] = $dir . 'core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=' . ( empty( $imageType ) ? 'Images' : $imageType ) ; $editorObj->config['filebrowserFlashUploadUrl'] = $dir . 'core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=' . ( empty( $flashType ) ? 'Flash' : $flashType ) ; } }