clsParsedItem(); $this->tablename=GetTablePrefix()."PortalUser"; $this->type=6; $this->BasePermission="USER"; $this->id_field = "PortalUserId"; $this->TagPrefix="user"; $this->Vars = array(); $VarsLoaded = FALSE; $this->debuglevel = 0; if(isset($UserId)) $this->LoadFromDatabase($UserId); } function Delete() { global $objGroups, $objFavorites; $g = $objGroups->GetPersonalGroup($this->Get("Login")); if(is_object($g)) $g->Delete(); $objFavorites->DeleteUser($this->Get("PortalUserId")); //delete favorites parent::Delete(); } function RemoveFromAllGroups() { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup WHERE PortaluserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function RemoveFromGroup($GroupId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup WHERE PortaluserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); $sql .= " AND GroupId=$GroupId"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function PrimaryGroup($ReturnField = "GroupId") { global $objGroups; $ret = ""; if(!is_object($this->PrimeGroup)) { if((int)$this->Get("GroupId")>0) { $this->PrimeGroup =& $objGroups->GetItem($this->Get("GroupId")); } else { $this->PrimeGroup = new clsPortalGroup(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."PortalGroup ON (".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup.GroupId=".GetTablePrefix()."PortalGroup.GroupId) WHERE PrimaryGroup = 1 AND PortalUserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); //echo $sql; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $this->PrimeGroup->SetFromArray($rs->fields); } } $ret = $this->PrimeGroup->Get($ReturnField); return $ret; } function SetPrimaryGroup($GroupId) { if($this->IsInGroup($GroupId)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup SET PrimaryGroup=0 WHERE PortalUserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $sql = "UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup SET PrimaryGroup=1 WHERE GroupId=$GroupId AND PortalUserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } } function GetGroupList() { $ret = array(); $sql = "SELECT GroupId FROM %sUserGroup WHERE PortalUserId = %s ORDER BY PrimaryGroup"; $sql = sprintf($sql, GetTablePrefix(), $this->Get("PortalUserId")); $ret = $this->adodbConnection->GetCol($sql); return $ret; } function IsInGroup($GroupId) { $groups = $this->GetGroupList(); if( $groups === false ) return false; return in_array($GroupId, $groups) ? true : false; } function GetPersonalGroup($CreateIfMissing = FALSE) { global $objGroups; $n = "_".$this->Get("Login"); $g = $objGroups->GetItemByField("Name",$n); if(!is_object($g) && $CreateIfMissing) $g = $this->CreatePersonalGroup(); return $g; } function CreatePersonalGroup() { global $objGroups; $Description = $this->Get("FirstName")." ".$this->Get("LastName"); $CreatedOn=time(); $n = "_".$this->Get("Login"); $g = $objGroups->Add_Group($n, $Description, $CreatedOn, 1, 0); $g->Set("Personal",1); $g->Set("System",0); $g->Set("Enabled",1); $g->Update(); if(is_object($g)) $g->AddUser($this->Get("PortalUserId")); return $g; } function Validate() { global $Errors; $dataValid = true; if(!strlen($this->Get("Login"))) { $Errors->AddError("error.fieldIsRequired",'Login',"","",get_class($this),"Validate"); $dataValid = false; } if(!strlen($this->Get("Email"))) { $Errors->AddError("error.fieldIsRequired",'Email',"","",get_class($this),"Validate"); $dataValid = false; } return $dataValid; } function Approve() { $this->Set("Status", 1); $this->Update(); $this->SendUserEventMail("USER.APPROVE",$this->Get("PortalUserId")); $this->SendAdminEventMail("USER.APPROVE"); } function Deny($IsBanned = 0) { $this->Set( Array('Status','IsBanned'), Array(0,$IsBanned) ); $this->Update(); $this->SendUserEventMail("USER.DENY",$this->Get("PortalUserId")); $this->SendAdminEventMail("USER.DENY"); } function HasSystemPermission($PermissionName) { global $objGroups; $GroupList = $this->GetGroupList(); for($i=0;$iGetItem($GroupList[$i]); $value = $g->HasSystemPermission($PermissionName); if($value != -1) break; } return $value; } function LoadPersistantVars() { unset($this->Vars); $this->Vars = array(); $user_id = $this->HasField('PortalUserId') ? $this->Get('PortalUserId') : 0; $sql = "SELECT VariableName, VariableValue FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."PersistantSessionData WHERE PortalUserId = 0 OR PortalUserId = ".$user_id." ORDER BY PortalUserId ASC"; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); while ($result && !$result->EOF) { $data = $result->fields; $this->Vars[$data["VariableName"]] = $data["VariableValue"]; $result->MoveNext(); } $this->VarsLoaded=TRUE; } function SetPersistantVariable($variableName, $variableValue) { global $objConfig; if(!$this->VarsLoaded) $this->LoadPersistantVars(); $userid = $this->Get("PortalUserId"); $objConfig->Set($variableName,$variableValue,1); $fields = array_keys($this->Vars); if(strlen($variableValue)>0) { if(in_array($variableName,$fields)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."PersistantSessionData SET VariableValue='$variableValue' WHERE VariableName='$variableName' AND PortalUserId=$userid"; } else $sql = "INSERT INTO ".GetTablePrefix()."PersistantSessionData (VariableName,VariableValue,PortalUserId) VALUES ('$variableName','$variableValue',$userid)"; } else $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."PersistantSessionData WHERE VariableName='$variableName' AND PortalUserId=$userid"; $this->Vars[$variableName] = $variableValue; // echo "
SQL: $sql
"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function GetPersistantVariable($variableName) { global $objConfig; if(!$this->VarsLoaded) $this->LoadPersistantVars(); $fields = array_keys($this->Vars); if(in_array($variableName,$fields)) { $val = $this->Vars[$variableName]; } else $val = $objConfig->Get($variableName); return $val; } function GetAllPersistantVars() { if(!$this->VarsLoaded) $this->LoadPersistantVars(); return $this->Vars; } function GetIcon() { } function StatusIcon() { global $imagesURL; $url = $imagesURL."/itemicons/icon16_user"; if($this->Get("Status")==0) { $url .= "_disabled"; } else if($this->Get("Status")==2) { $url .= "_pending"; } $url .= ".gif"; return $url; } function IsFriend($UserId) { $ftable = GetTablePrefix()."Favorites"; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as FriendCount FROM $ftable WHERE PortalUserId=$UserId AND ResourceId="; $sql .=$this->Get("ResourceId")." AND ItemTypeId=6"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) return ($rs->fields["FriendCount"]>0); return FALSE; } function GetUserTime($timestamp) { if(is_numeric($this->Get("tz"))) { return GetLocalTime($timestamp,$this->Get("tz")); } else return GetLocalTime($timestamp); } function ParseObject($element) { global $objConfig, $objUsers, $objCatList,$objSession, $var_list_update, $var_list, $m_var_list_update; //echo "
"; print_r($element); echo "
"; if (strtolower($element->name) == 'touser') { $this->TagPrefix = "touser"; } $extra_attribs = ExtraAttributes($element->attributes); if(strtolower($element->name)==$this->TagPrefix) { $field = strtolower($element->attributes["_field"]); if(substr($field,0,3)=="pp_") { $perm = $objSession->GetPersistantVariable($field); if($perm) { $field = substr($field,3); } else $field = ""; } switch($field) { /* @field:user.login @description:User's login name */ case "username": case "login": $ret = $this->Get("Login"); break; case "firstname": $ret = $this->Get("FirstName"); break; case "lastname": $ret = $this->Get("LastName"); break; case "password": /* @field:user.password @description:User password */ $ret = $this->Get("Password"); break; case "email": $ret = $this->Get("Email"); break; case "street": $ret = $this->Get("Street"); break; case "city": $ret = $this->Get("City"); break; case "state": $ret = $this->Get("State"); break; case "zip": $ret = $this->Get("Zip"); break; case "phone": $ret = $this->Get("Phone"); break; case "country": $ret = $this->Get("Country"); break; case "primarygroup": /* @field:user.primarygroup @description:Parses a field from the user's primary group @attrib:_groupfield::group field name to parse, defaults to group name */ $groupfield = $element->attributes["_groupfield"]; if(!strlen($groupfield)) $groupfield="Name"; $ret = $this->PrimaryGroup($groupfield); break; case "date": /* @description:Returns the date/time the user was created @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get("CreatedOn"); if($element->attributes["_tz"]) { $d = GetLocalTime($d,$objSession->Get("tz")); } $part = strtolower($element->attributes["_part"]); if(strlen($part)) { $ret = ExtractDatePart($part,$d); } else { if($d<=0) { $ret = ""; } else $ret = LangDate($d); } break; case "dob": /* @field:user.dob @description:Returns the date/time of the users date of birth @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get("dob"); if($element->attributes["_tz"]) { $d = GetLocalTime($d,$objSession->Get("tz")); } $part = strtolower($element->attributes["_part"]); if(strlen($part)) { $ret = ExtractDatePart($part,$d); } else { if($d<=0) { $ret = ""; } else $ret = LangDate($d); } break; case "modified": /* @field:user.modified @description:Returns the date/time the user was last modified @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get("Modified"); if($d<=0) $d = $this->Get("CreatedOn"); if($element->attributes["_tz"]) { $d = GetLocalTime($d,$objSession->Get("tz")); } $part = strtolower($element->attributes["_part"]); if(strlen($part)) { $ret = ExtractDatePart($part,$d); } else { if($d<=0) { $ret = ""; } else $ret = LangDate($d); } break; case "profile_link": /* @field:user.profile_link @description:Create a link to the user's profile @attrib:_template:tpl:template the link should point to */ $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($t)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $t; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $ret = GetIndexURL()."?env=" . BuildEnv()."&UserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); break; case "add_friend_link": /* @field:user.add_friend_link @description:link to add a user to the friends list @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link shoukd point to */ if($element->attributes["_force"] || !$this->IsFriend($objSession->Get("PortalUserId")) && $this->Get("PortalUserId") != $objSession->Get("PortalUserId")) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($t)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $t; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $action = "m_add_friend"; $ret = GetIndexURL()."?env=" . BuildEnv()."&Action=".$action."&UserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); } else $ret = ""; break; case "del_friend_link": /* @field:user.del_friend_link @description:link to remove a user from the friends list @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link shoukd point to */ if($element->attributes["_force"] || $this->IsFriend($objSession->Get("PortalUserId")) && $this->Get("PortalUserId") != $objSession->Get("PortalUserId")) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($t)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $t; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $action = "m_del_friend"; $ret = GetIndexURL()."?env=" . BuildEnv()."&Action=".$action."&UserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId"); } else $ret = ""; break; case "icon": $ret = $this->GetIcon(); break; case "image": /* @field:user.image @description:Return an image associated with the user @attrib:_default:bool:If true, will return the default image if the requested image does not exist @attrib:_name::Return the image with this name @attrib:_thumbnail:bool:If true, return the thumbnail version of the image @attrib:_imagetag:bool:If true, returns a complete image tag. exta html attributes are passed to the image tag */ $default = $element->attributes["_primary"]; $name = $element->attributes["_name"]; if(strlen($name)) { $img = $this->GetImageByName($name); // echo "
";print_r($img); echo "
"; } else { if($default) $img = $this->GetDefaultImage(); } if($img) { if($element->attributes["_thumbnail"]) { $url = $img->parsetag("thumb_url"); } else $url = $img->parsetag("image_url"); } else { $url = $element->attributes["_defaulturl"]; } if($element->attributes["_imagetag"]) { if(strlen($url)) { $ret = ""; } else $ret = ""; } else $ret = $url; break; case "custom": /* @field:cat.custom @description:Returns a custom field @attrib:_customfield::field name to return @attrib:_default::default value */ $field = $element->attributes["_customfield"]; $default = $element->attributes[" "]; $ret = $this->GetPersistantVariable($field); if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = $this->GetCustomFieldValue($field,$default); break; } } else { $ret = $this->parsetag($element->name); } return $ret; } function parsetag($tag) { global $m_var_list_update, $var_list_update, $var_list, $objConfig; if(is_object($tag)) { $tagname = $tag->name; } else $tagname = $tag; switch($tagname) { case "user_id": return $this->Get("ResourceId"); break; case "user_login": return $this->Get("Login"); break; case "user_group": return $this->Get("PrimaryGroupName"); break; case "user_firstname": return $this->Get("FirstName"); break; case "user_lastname": return $this->Get("LastName"); break; case "user_email": return $this->Get("Email"); break; case "user_date": return LangDate($this->Get("CreatedOn")); break; case "user_dob": return LangDate($this->Get("dob")); break; case "user_password": return $this->Get("Password"); break; case "user_phone": return $this->Get("Phone"); break; case "user_street": return $this->Get("Street"); break; case "user_city": return $this->Get("City"); break; case "user_state": return $this->Get("State"); break; case "user_zip": return $this->Get("Zip"); break; case "user_country": return $this->Get("Country"); break; case "user_resourceid": return $this->Get("ResourceId"); break; case "user_icon": return $this->GetIcon(); break; case "user_profile_link": $var_list_update["t"] = "user_profile"; $m_var_list_update["action"] = $this->Get("UserId"); $ret = GetIndexURL()."?env=" . BuildEnv(); unset($m_var_list_update["action"], $var_list_update["t"]); return $ret; break; case "user_messages": return $this->NewMessages(); break; case "user_messages_link": $var_list_update["t"] = "inbulletin/bb_private_msg_list"; return GetIndexURL()."?env=" . BuildEnv(); unset($var_list_update); break; default: return "Undefined:$tagname"; break; } } } /* class clsPortalUser*/ class clsUserManager extends clsItemList //clsItemCollection { /*this class wraps common user-related functions */ // var $Page; function clsUserManager() { $this->clsItemCollection(); // clsItemList() // need to use this, but double limit clause being created (normal+default 0,100) $this->classname = "clsPortalUser"; $this->SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."PortalUser"; $this->Page = isset($_GET['lpn']) ? $_GET['lpn'] : 1; $this->EnablePaging = true; $this->PerPageVar = "Perpage_User"; $this->AdminSearchFields = array("Login","FirstName","LastName","Email","Street","City", "State","Zip","Country","Phone"); } function GetPageLinkList($dest_template=NULL,$link_template=NULL,$page = "") { global $objConfig, $m_var_list_update, $var_list_update, $var_list; if(!strlen($page)) $page = GetIndexURL(); $NumPages = $this->GetNumPages($objConfig->Get("Perpage_Topics")); if(strlen($dest_template)>0) { $var_list_update["t"]=$dest_template; } else { $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; } $o = ""; if($this->Page>1) { $m_var_list_update["p"]=$this->Page-1; $prev_url = $page."?env=".BuildEnv(); } if($this->Page<$NumPages) { $m_var_list_update["p"]=$this->Page+1; $next_url = $page."?env=".BuildEnv(); } for($p=1;$p<=$NumPages;$p++) { $t = template($link_template); if($p!=$this->Page) { $m_var_list_update["p"]=$p; $href = $page."?env=".BuildEnv(); $t = str_replace("<%page_link%>", $href, $t); $t = str_replace("<%page_number%>",$p,$t); $t = str_replace("<%prev_url%>",$prev_url,$t); $t = str_replace("<%next_url%>",$next_url,$t); $o .= $t; } else { $o .= "$p"; } } return $o; } function GetUser($ID) { $u = $this->GetItem($ID); return $u; } function GetUserName($Id) { $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute("SELECT Login from ".$this->SourceTable." where PortalUserId=$Id"); return $rs->fields["Login"]; } function GetUserId($Login) { $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute("SELECT PortalUserId from ".$this->SourceTable." where Login LIKE '$Login'"); return $rs->fields["PortalUserId"]; } function GetTotalUsers() { return $this->UserCount("1"); } function GetLatestUser() { global $Errors; $sql = "SELECT max(CreatedOn) as LastDate FROM ".$this->SourceTable; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false || !is_object($result)) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"GetLatestUser"); return false; } $sql = "SELECT PortalUserId FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE CreatedOn >= ".$result->fields["LastDate"]; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if (!rs || $rs->EOF) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"GetLatestUser"); return false; } $u = $this->GetUser($result->fields["PortalUserId"]); return $u; } function &Add_User($Login, $Password, $Email, $CreatedOn, $FirstName="", $LastName="", $Status=2, $Phone="", $Street="", $City="", $State="", $Zip="", $Country="", $dob=0, $ip="", $CheckBanned=FALSE) { $u = new clsPortalUser(NULL); $u->tablename = $this->SourceTable; //echo "Creating User..
\n"; $u->Set(array("Login", "Password", "FirstName", "LastName", "Email", "Status", "Phone","Street", "City", "State", "Zip", "Country", "CreatedOn","dob"), array($Login, $Password, $FirstName, $LastName, $Email, $Status, $Phone, $Street, $City, $State, $Zip, $Country, $CreatedOn, $dob)); if($CheckBanned) { $BrokenRule = $u->CheckBanned(); } if(!$BrokenRule) { $u->Create(); return $u; } return $BrokenRule; /*md5($Password)*/ } function &Edit_User($UserId, $Login, $Password, $Email, $CreatedOn, $FirstName="", $LastName="", $Status=2, $Phone="", $Street="", $City="", $State="", $Zip="", $Country="", $dob=0) { //echo "Editing User: [$UserId]
"; $u =& $this->GetItem($UserId); if(!$CreatedOn) $CreatedOn = $u->Get("CreatedOn"); // $u->debuglevel=1; if (is_object($u)) { $IsBanned = $u->Get('IsBanned'); if($Status == 1) $IsBanned = 0; $u->Set(array("Login", "FirstName", "LastName", "Email", "Status", "Phone", "Street", "City", "State", "Zip", "Country", "CreatedOn","dob","IsBanned"), array($Login, $FirstName, $LastName, $Email, $Status, $Phone, $Street, $City, $State, $Zip, $Country, $CreatedOn,$dob,$IsBanned)); if(strlen($Password)) $u->Set("Password",$Password); $u->Update(); } return $u; } function Delete_User($UserId) { $u = $this->GetItemByField("ResourceId",$UserId); if(is_object($u)) { $u->RemoveFromAllGroups(); $u->Delete(); } } function LoadUsers($where = "",$orderBy = "") { global $objConfig; $this->Clear(); if($this->Page<1) $this->Page=1; if(is_numeric($objConfig->Get("Perpage_Users"))) { $Start = ($this->Page-1)*$objConfig->Get("Perpage_Users"); $limit = "LIMIT ".$Start.",".$objConfig->Get("Perpage_Users"); } else $limit = NULL; $where = trim($where); $orderBy = trim($orderBy); if(!strlen($where)) $where = "1"; $this->QueryItemCount=TableCount($this->SourceTable,$where,0); if($this->QueryItemCount>0) { if ($orderBy!="") { $this->Query_PortalUser($where,$orderBy,$limit); } else { $this->Query_PortalUser($where,"Login DESC",$limit); } } } function Query_PortalUser($whereClause,$orderByClause="", $limitClause="") { global $m_var_list,$Errors, $objSession; $resultSet = array(); $utable = $this->SourceTable; $gtable = GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $utable LEFT JOIN $gtable ON ($utable.PortalUserId=$gtable.PortalUserId)"; if(isset($whereClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$whereClause); if(isset($orderByClause)) if(strlen(trim($orderByClause))>0) $sql = sprintf('%s ORDER BY %s',$sql,$orderByClause); if(isset($limitClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s %s',$sql,$limitClause); return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function Query_GroupPortalUser($whereClause,$orderByClause) { global $m_var_list,$objSession,$Errors; $resultSet = array(); $table = $this->SourceTable; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table LEFT JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup USING (PortalUserId) "; if(isset($whereClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$whereClause); if(isset($orderByClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s ORDER BY %s',$sql,$orderByClause); return $this->query_item($sql); } function UserCount($whereClause) { $count = TableCount($this->SourceTable,$whereClause,0); return $count; } function CountActive() { return $this->UserCount("Status=1"); } function CountPending() { return $this->UserCount("Status=2"); } function CountDisabled() { return $this->UserCount("Status=0"); } function CopyFromEditTable($idfield) { global $objSession; $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $edit_table"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); // echo $sql."
"; while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $data = $rs->fields; $c = new $this->classname; $c->SetFromArray($data); $c->idfield = $idfield; $c->Dirty(); if($c->Get($idfield)<1) { $old_id = $c->Get($idfield); $c->UnsetIdField(); $c->Create(); $sql = "UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup SET PortalUserId=".$c->Get("PortalUserId"); $sql .=" WHERE PortalUserId=0"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } else $c->Update(); unset($c); $rs->MoveNext(); } @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE $edit_table"); } function PurgeEditTable() { parent::PurgeEditTable(); $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup WHERE PortalUserId=0"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } } /*clsUserManager*/ ?>