Conn->Query($query); $id = $this->Conn->getInsertID(); $query = "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."GatewayConfigFields` ( `GWConfigFieldId` , `SystemFieldName` , `FieldName` , `ElementType` , `ValueList` , `GatewayId` ) VALUES ( '', 'submit_url', 'Submit URL', 'text', '', '$id' ), ( '', 'user_account', 'User Account', 'text', '', '$id' ), ( '', 'password', 'User Account', 'text', '', '$id' ), ( '', 'encapsulate_char', 'Encapsualte Char', 'text', '', '$id' )"; $this->Conn->Query($query); }*/ function DirectPayment($item_data, $gw_params) { /*$post_fields["card_holder"] = "test test"; $post_fields["cardtype"] = "Visa"; $post_fields["card_number"] = "4444333322221111"; $post_fields["cvv2"] = "123"; $post_fields["exp_mon"] = "05"; $post_fields["exp_year"] = "05"; $post_fields["address1"] = "test"; $post_fields["city"] = "test"; $post_fields["state"] = "CA"; $post_fields["zip"] = "90069"; $post_fields["country"] = "USA"; $post_fields["firstname"] = "test"; $post_fields["lastname"] = "test"; $post_fields["email"] = ""; $post_fields["merchant_account"] = "demo"; $post_fields["trans_amount"] = "8.98"; $post_fields["user1"] = "DELIM"; $post_fields["ALIAS"] = ""; $post_fields["customer_ip"] = $this->Application->getClientIp(); $post_fields["ADMIN_EMAIL"] = "";*/ $post_fields = Array(); // -- Login Information -- //$post_fields['x_version'] = '3.1'; $post_fields["user1"] = "DELIM"; //$post_fields['x_type'] = $gw_params['shipping_control'] == SHIPPING_CONTROL_PREAUTH ? 'AUTH_ONLY' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE'; $post_fields['merchant_account'] = $gw_params['user_account']; $post_fields['merchant_pass'] = $gw_params['password']; if( $this->IsTestMode() ) $post_fields['x_test_request'] = 'True'; // -- Payment Details -- $names = explode(' ', $item_data['BillingTo'], 2); $post_fields['firstname'] = getArrayValue($names, 0); $post_fields['lastname'] = getArrayValue($names, 1); $post_fields['trans_amount'] = sprintf('%.2f', $item_data['TotalAmount']); //$post_fields['x_company'] = $item_data['BillingCompany']; $post_fields['card_number'] = $item_data['PaymentAccount']; $post_fields['card_holder'] = $item_data['PaymentNameOnCard']; $post_fields['cvv2'] = $item_data['PaymentCVV2']; list($exp_mon,$exp_year) = explode('/', $item_data['PaymentCCExpDate']); $post_fields['exp_mon'] = $exp_mon; $post_fields['exp_year'] = $exp_year; $post_fields['address1'] = $item_data['BillingAddress1']; $post_fields['address2'] = $item_data['BillingAddress2']; $post_fields['city'] = $item_data['BillingCity']; $post_fields['state'] = $item_data['BillingState']; $post_fields['zip'] = $item_data['BillingZip']; $post_fields['country'] = $item_data['BillingCountry']; $post_fields['user2'] = $item_data['PortalUserId']; $post_fields['user3'] = $item_data['OrderNumber']; $post_fields['customer_email'] = 'FALSE'; $post_fields['customer_addr'] = $item_data['OrderIP']; // according to fields list in doc $post_fields['customer_ip'] = $item_data['OrderIP']; // according to example from doc $post_fields["email"] = $item_data['BillingEmail']; $post_fields["ADMIN_EMAIL"] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('DefaultEmailSender'); $curl_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('CurlHelper'); /* @var $curl_helper kCurlHelper */ $curl_helper->SetPostData($post_fields); $this->gw_responce = $curl_helper->Send($gw_params['submit_url']); $gw_responce = $this->parseGWResponce(null, $gw_params); // gw_error_msg: $gw_response['responce_reason_text'] // gw_error_code: $gw_response['responce_reason_code'] return ($gw_responce['responce_code'] != 1) ? false : true; } /** * Captures Authorized transaction by transaction ID * * @param Array $item_data * @param Array $gw_params * @return bool */ function Charge($item_data, $gw_params) { return true; } /** * Parse previosly saved gw responce into associative array * * @param string $gw_responce * @param Array $gw_params * @return Array */ function parseGWResponce($gw_responce = null, $gw_params) { if( !isset($gw_responce) ) $gw_responce = $this->gw_responce; $fields = Array( 'responce_code', // 0 'responce_sub_code', // 1 'responce_reason_code', // 2 'responce_reason_text', // 3 'approval_code', // 4 'avs_result_code', // 5 'transaction_id', // 6 'fraud_score', // 7 'not_used8', // 8 'amount', // 9 'not_used10', // 10 'transaction_type', // 11 'not_used_customer_id', // 12 'first_name', // 13 'last_name', // 14 'not_documented_empty_field', // 15 !!!!!!!!!!! DOES NOT MATCH DOCUMENTATION 'address', // 16 'city', // 17 'state', // 18 'zip', // 19 'country', // 20 'phone', // 21 'fax', // 22 'email', // 23 'ship_name', // 24 'not_used25', // 25 'not_used26', // 26 'ship_address', // 27 'ship_city', // 28 'ship_state', // 29 'ship_zip', // 30 'ship_country', // 31 'tax', // 32 'not_used32', // 33 'not_used33', // 34 'not_used34', // 35 'not_used35', // 36 'not_used36', // 37 'cvv_responce', // 38 'receipt_number', // 39 'passthru1', // 40 'passthru2', // 41 'passthru3', // 42 'passthru4', // 43 'passthru5', // 44 'passthru6', // 45 'passthru7', // 46 'passthru8', // 47 'passthru9', // 48 'passthru10', // 49 ); $encapsulate_char = $gw_params['encapsulate_char']; if($encapsulate_char) { $ec_length = strlen($encapsulate_char); $gw_responce = substr($gw_responce, $ec_length, $ec_length * -1); } $gw_responce = explode($encapsulate_char.','.$encapsulate_char, $gw_responce); $ret = Array(); foreach($fields as $field_index => $field_name) { $ret[$field_name] = $gw_responce[$field_index]; unset($gw_responce[$field_index]); } $this->parsed_responce = $ret; return kUtil::array_merge_recursive($ret, $gw_responce); // returns unparsed fields with they original indexes together with parsed ones } function getGWResponce() { return serialize($this->parsed_responce); } }