SetRawText($text); if(strlen($text)) $this->parse(); } function Clear() { $this->parsed = FALSE; $this->rawtext = NULL; $this->prefix = ""; $this->name = ""; $this->attributes = NULL; $this->inner_html = ""; } function ValidTag() { return (strlen($this->prefix) && strlen($this->name)); } function SetRawText($text) { $this->Clear(); if($text != NULL) $text = trim($text); $this->rawtext = $text; } function GetAttributeByName($attr) { if(is_array($this->attributes)) { $attr = strtolower($attr); if( array_key_exists($attr,$this->attributes)) { return $this->attributes[$attr]; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } function SetAttributeByName($attr,$value) { if(!is_array($this->attributes)) { $this->attributes = array(); } $this->attributes[$attr] = $value; } function GetAttributeByIndex($index) { if(is_array($this->attributes)) { if($index < count($this->attributes)) { return $this->attributes[$index]; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } function ParseAttributes($attributes) { unset($output); $attribute = ""; $attributes = str_replace("\\>",">",$attributes); $attributes = str_replace("\\<","<",$attributes); $attributes = str_replace("\\\\","\\",$attributes); while(strpos($attributes,"=")>0) { $pos = strpos($attributes,"="); $attribute = trim(substr($attributes,0,$pos)); $attributes = trim(substr($attributes,$pos+1)); $pos2 = strpos($attributes,"\""); $pos3 = strpos($attributes,"'"); if(!($pos3===false) and !($pos2===false) and ($pos3<$pos2)) $pos2 = $pos3; if(!($pos3===false) and ($pos2===false) and (($pos3<$pos) or ($pos==0))) $pos2 = $pos3; if(!($pos2===false) and (($pos2<$pos) or ($pos==0))) { if (substr($attributes,0,1) == "\"") { $pos = strpos($attributes,"\"",1); $val = substr($attributes,1,$pos-1); } elseif (substr($attributes,0,1) == "'") { $pos = strpos($attributes,"'",1); $val = substr($attributes,1,$pos-1); } else { $pos1 = strpos($attributes,"=",1); $val = substr($attributes,0,$pos1); $pos1a = strrpos($val," "); $pos = $pos1-(strlen($val)-$pos1a); $val = substr($val,0,$pos1a); } while (strpos($attribute," ")>0) { $pos1 = strpos($attribute," "); $attr1 = substr($attribute,0,$pos1); $output[$attr1] = null; $attribute = trim(substr($attribute,$pos1+1)); } $output[strtolower($attribute)] = $val; $attributes = trim(substr($attributes,$pos+1)); } elseif ($pos>0) { if (strpos($attributes,"=")>0) { $pos = strpos($attributes,"="); $val = substr($attributes,0,$pos); } else { $val = $attributes; } $pos2 = strrpos($val," "); if($pos2>0) { $len = strlen($val); $val = substr($val,0,$pos2); $attributes = trim(substr($attributes,($pos-$len)+$pos2)); } else { $len = strlen($val); $attributes = trim(substr($attributes,$len)); } while (strpos($attribute," ")>0) { $pos1 = strpos($attribute," "); $attr1 = substr($attribute,0,$pos1); $output[$attr1] = null; $attribute = trim(substr($attribute,$pos1+1)); } $output[strtolower($attribute)] = $val; } else { while (strpos($attribute," ")>0) { $pos1 = strpos($attribute," "); $attr1 = substr($attribute,0,$pos1); $output[$attr1] = null; $attribute = trim(substr($attribute,$pos1+1)); } $output[strtolower($attribute)] = $attributes; } } if(strlen(trim($attributes))>0) { while (strpos($attribute," ")>0) { $pos1 = strpos($attribute," "); $attr1 = substr($attribute,0,$pos1); $output[$attr1] = null; $attribute = trim(substr($attribute,$pos1+1)); } $output[strtolower($attributes)] = null; } if (isset($output)) return($output); } function parse() { global $objSession; $html = $this->rawtext; $html = substr($html,1,strlen($html)-2); if(substr($html,strlen($html)-1,1)=="/") { $html = substr($html,0,strlen($html)-1); } $tagparts = explode(" ",$html,2); $tagname = $tagparts[0]; $attribs = array(); if(count($tagparts)>0) $attribs = $this->ParseAttributes( isset($tagparts[1]) ? $tagparts[1] : ''); if(is_object($objSession) && is_array($attribs)) { $referer = $objSession->GetVariable("Template_Referer"); foreach($attribs as $key=>$value) { if($value=="_referer_") $attribs[$key] = $referer; } } $name = explode(":",$tagname); $this->prefix = strtolower($name[0]); $this->name = strtolower($name[1]); if(is_array($attribs)) { foreach($attribs as $key=>$value) { if(!strlen($value)) { $attribs[$key]=1; } } $this->attributes = $attribs; } else { $this->attributes = array(); } $this->parsed=TRUE; } function Execute() { $func = $this->name; $override = "_".$func; if( function_exists($override) ) { $ret = @$override($this->attributes); } else { if(function_exists($func)) { $ret = @$func($this->attributes); } else { //$ret = "{Unknown Tag:" .$this->name."}"; $ret = ''; } } return $ret; } } class clsTemplate { var $source; var $name; var $out; var $error; function clsTemplate($template=NULL) { $this->name=$template; $this->source=NULL; $this->out = NULL; $this->error = ""; } function LoadByFileName($file,$SupressError=FALSE) { if(file_exists($file)) { $fp = fopen ($file, "r"); if($fp) { $this->source = fread($fp, filesize ($file)); $this->source = trim($this->source); fclose($fp); return TRUE; } else { if(!$SupressError) $this->error = "lu_read_error"; return FALSE; } } else { if(!$SupressError) $this->error = "lu_missing_error"; return FALSE; } } function HasExtension() { $t = strtolower($this->name); if(strlen($t)) { return (substr($t,-4)==".tpl"); } else return false; } function TemplateFilename($template_root) { if(!$this->HasExtension()) { $filename = $template_root.$this->name.".tpl"; } else $filename = $template_root.$this->name; return $filename; } function LoadFile($template_root="",$SupressError=FALSE, $tbody) { if (class_exists('kApplication') ) { if ( !isset($tbody) ) { $application =& kApplication::Instance(); $t = $this->name; $t = preg_replace("/\.tpl$/", '', $t); $tbody = $application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $t, 'from_inportal' => true), null, true ); } $this->source = $tbody; return true; } $filename = $this->TemplateFilename($template_root); if(file_exists($filename)) { //echo "Loading $filename from Filesystem
\n"; $fp = @fopen ($filename, "r"); if($fp) { $this->source = fread($fp, filesize ($filename)); $this->source = trim($this->source); fclose($fp); return TRUE; } else { if(!$SupressError) $this->error = "lu_read_error"; return FALSE; } } else { if(!$SupressError) $this->error = "lu_missing_error"; return FALSE; } } function WriteFile($template_root="") { $filename = $this->TemplateFilename($template_root); $pos = strrpos($this->name,"/"); if(!is_dir(substr($template_root,0,-1))) @mkdir(substr($tempalate_root0,-1)); if($pos>0) $path=$template_root.substr($this->name,0,$pos); if(!is_dir($path)) { @mkdir($path); } if(strlen($this->out)) { $fp = @fopen($filename, "w"); if($fp) { fwrite($fp,$this->out); fclose($fp); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } } class clsTemplateList { var $templates; var $root_dir; var $ErrorStr; var $ErrorNo; var $stack; var $SkipIncludes = 0; function clsTemplateList($root_dir) { $this->templates = array(); $this->root_dir = $root_dir; $this->ErrorStr = ""; $this->ErrorNo = 0; $this->SkipIncludes = 0; $this->stack = array(); } function InStack($template) { return in_array($template,$this->stack) ? true : false; } function GetTemplate($name,$SupressError=FALSE, $tbody=null) { if(!strlen($name)) { $ret = FALSE; if(!$SupressError) { $this->ErrorNo = -2; $this->ErrorStr=language("lu_template_error").":".language("lu_no_template_error"); } } else { $ret = FALSE; if ( !isset($tbody) ) { //Kernel4 fix $ret = isset($this->templates[$name]) ? $this->templates[$name] : false; // this was original: /*foreach($this->templates as $n => $t) { if($n == $name) { $ret = $t; break; } }*/ } if(!is_object($ret)) { $ret = new clsTemplate($name); if($ret->LoadFile($this->root_dir, $SupressError, $tbody)) { $this->templates[$name]=$ret; } else { if( IsDebugMode() ) { $GLOBALS['debugger']->appendHTML('Warning: Template '.$name.' not found'); } if(!$SupressError) { $this->ErrorNo = -1; $this->ErrorStr = language("lu_template_error").":".language($ret->error).":"."'$name'"; LogEntry($this->ErrorStr); } } } } return $ret; } function GetTemplateCache($template,$SupressError=FALSE) { global $CurrentTheme, $pathtoroot; $ret = ''; if( $CurrentTheme->Get("CacheTimeout") > 0) { $id = $CurrentTheme->GetTemplateId($template); if($id) { $exp = isset($CurrentTheme->ParseCacheDate[$id]) ? $CurrentTheme->ParseCacheDate[$id] : false; if($exp) { //echo "$template Cache expires: ".date("m-d-Y h:m s",$exp)."
\n"; if( $exp > time() ) { /* look for a cache file */ $t = new clsTemplate($template); $dir = $CurrentTheme->ThemeDirectory(); if( $t->LoadFile($dir."/_cache/",$SupressError) ) $ret = $t->source; } } } } return $ret; } function SaveTemplateCache($objTemplate) { global $CurrentTheme, $objThemes, $pathtoroot; if(!is_object($CurrentTheme)) $CurrentTheme = $objThemes->GetItem($m_var_list["theme"]); if($CurrentTheme->Get("CacheTimeout")>0) { $TemplateId = $CurrentTheme->GetTemplateId($objTemplate->name); if($TemplateId) { if(isset($CurrentTheme->ParseCacheDate[$TemplateId])) { //echo "Writing Template ".$objTemplate->name."
\n"; $interval = $CurrentTheme->ParseCacheTimeout[$TemplateId]; $CurrentTheme->UpdateFileCacheData($TemplateId,time()+$interval); $dir = $CurrentTheme->ThemeDirectory()."/_cache/"; $objTemplate->WriteFile($dir); } } } } function IncludeTemplate($tag, $SupressError=FALSE) { global $LogLevel, $objSession,$objLanguages, $var_list; $t = ''; $ret = ''; $SupressError = ($SupressError || $tag->GetAttributeByName("_supresserror")); switch($tag->name) { case 'perm_include': $perms = $tag->GetAttributeByName('_permission'); if(strlen($perms)) { $plist = explode(',',$perms); $value=0; $CheckSys = $tag->GetAttributeByName('_system'); for($p=0;$pHasCatPermission(trim($plist[$p]))) { $value = 1; break; } else { if($CheckSys) { if($objSession->HasSystemPermission(trim($plist[$p]))) { $value = 1; break; } } } } $t = $tag->GetAttributeByName( $value ? '_template' : '_noaccess'); } else { $module = $tag->GetAttributeByName('_module'); if(strlen($module)) { $t = $tag->GetAttributeByName( ModuleEnabled($module) ? '_template' : '_noaccess' ); } } break; case "lang_include": $lang = $tag->GetAttributeByName("_language"); if(strlen($lang)) { $LangId = $objSession->Get("Language"); $l = $objLanguages->GetItem($LangId); if(strtolower($lang)==strtolower($l->Get("PackName"))) { $t = $tag->GetAttributeByName("_template"); } } break; case 'include': $t = $tag->GetAttributeByName("_template"); break; } LogEntry("Parsing $t\n"); $LogLevel++; if($t) { if(!$this->InStack($t)) { //return $this->ParseTemplate($t); //if(!$tag->GetAttributeByName("_nocache")); $ret = $this->GetTemplateCache($t,$SupressError); if(!strlen($ret)) { $req = $tag->GetAttributeByName("_dataexists"); if($req) { global $content_set; $content_set=1; $temp = $this->ParseTemplate($t,0,0,$SupressError); if($content_set) { $ret = $temp; } else { $t_nodata = $tag->GetAttributeByName("_nodatatemplate"); if(strlen($t_nodata)) { $nodata_tag = new clsHtmlTag(); $nodata = $tag; $nodata->attributes = $tag->attributes; $nodata->SetAttributeByName("_template",$t_nodata); $nodata->SetAttributeByName("_nodatatemplate",""); $nodata->SetAttributeByName("_dataexists",""); $ret = $this->IncludeTemplate($nodata,$SupressError); } else $ret = ""; } } else $ret = $this->ParseTemplate($t,0,0,$SupressError); } } else $ret = ""; } $LogLevel--; if($LogLevel<0) $LogLevel=0; LogEntry("Finished Parsing $t\n"); return $ret; } /* attributes = $tag->attributes; $el->parsed=1; $t = $tag->attributes["_template"]; if(!strlen($t)) $t = $var_list["t"]; $el->name = "perm_include"; $tpath = GetModuleArray("template"); if(!strlen( $tag->GetAttributeByName('_modules') )) { $mods = array_keys($tpath); } else $mods = explode(",",$tag->attributes["_modules"]); foreach($mods as $m) { if($t==$var_list["t"] && !strlen($tpath[$m])) continue; $el->attributes = $tag->attributes; $el->attributes["_template"] = $tpath[$m].$t; $el->attributes["_module"] = $m; if(strlen( $tag->GetAttributeByName('_nodatatemplate') )) { $el->attributes["_nodatatemplate"] = $tpath[$m].$tag->attributes["_nodatatemplate"]; } //print_pre($el); $o .= $this->IncludeTemplate($el,true); } if(!strlen($o) && strlen($tag->attributes["_nodatamaintemplate"])) $o = $this->ParseTemplate($tag->attributes["_nodatamaintemplate"]); return $o; } function ParseTag($raw) { $tag = new clsHtmlTag($raw); $res = ""; switch($tag->name) { case "lang_include": case "include": case "perm_include": $res = $this->IncludeTemplate($tag); break; case "mod_include": $res = $this->ModuleInclude($tag); break; default: //print_pre($tag); $res = $tag->Execute(); break; } unset($tag); return $res; } function ParseTemplateText($text) { $html = $text; $search = "",$next_tag); $tmp = substr($html,$next_tag,$closer+1 - $next_tag); while(substr($html,$closer-1,1)=="\\" && $closer < strlen($html)) { $closer = strpos(strtolower($html),">",$closer+1); } $end_tag = strpos($html,"/>",$next_tag); if(($end_tag < $closer || $closer == 0)) { $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+2); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+2); $inner = $this->ParseTag($tagtext); $html = $pre.$inner.$post; } else { $OldTagStyle = ""; ## Try to find end of TagName $TagNameEnd = strpos($html, " ", $next_tag); ## Support Old version // $closer = strpos(strtolower($html),"",$next_tag); if ($TagNameEnd) { $Tag = strtolower(substr($html, $next_tag, $TagNameEnd-$next_tag)); $TagName = explode(":", $Tag); if (strlen($TagName[1])) $CloserTag = ""; } else { $CloserTag = $OldTagStyle; } $closer = strpos(strtolower($html), $CloserTag, $next_tag); ## Try to find old tag closer if (!$closer && ($CloserTag != $OldTagStyle)) { $CloserTag = $OldTagStyle; $closer = strpos(strtolower($html), $CloserTag, $next_tag); } $end_tag = strpos($html,">",$next_tag); $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+1); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $inner = substr($html,$end_tag+1,$closer-($end_tag+1)); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+1+strlen($inner) + strlen($CloserTag)); $parsed = trim($this->ParseTag($tagtext)); if(strlen($parsed)) { $html = $pre.$this->ParseTemplateText($inner).$post; } else $html = $pre.$post; } //$next_tag = strpos($html,"GetTemplate($tname,$SupressError); if(is_object($t)) { if(!$NoStack) array_push($this->stack,$tname); $html = $t->source; $html = $this->ParseTemplateText($html); if(!$NoStack) array_pop($this->stack); $t->out = $html; if(!$NoCache) $this->SaveTemplateCache($t); } unset($t); return $html; } function ParseTemplateFromBuffer($tname, $tbody, $NoCache=0, $NoStack=0,$SupressError=FALSE) { $html = ""; if( defined('TEMPLATE_PREFIX') ) $tname = TEMPLATE_PREFIX.'/'.$tname; $t = $this->GetTemplate($tname, $SupressError, $tbody); if(is_object($t)) { if(!$NoStack) array_push($this->stack,$tname); $html = $t->source; $html = $this->ParseTemplateText($html); if(!$NoStack) array_pop($this->stack); $t->out = $html; if(!$NoCache) $this->SaveTemplateCache($t); } unset($t); return $html; } } class clsAdminTemplateList extends clsTemplateList { function clsAdminTemplateList() { global $TemplateRoot; $this->clsTemplateList($TemplateRoot); } function GetTemplate($file) { $ret = FALSE; $ret = new clsTemplate(); if(!$ret->LoadByFileName($file)) { $this->ErrorNo = -1; $this->ErrorStr = "Error Loading Template '$file'"; } return $ret; } } class clsTemplateChecker extends clsTemplateList { var $Dependencies; var $TemplateType; var $Tags; function clsTemplateChecker($rootdir) { $this->clsTemplateList($rootdir); $this->Dependencies = Array(); $this->Tags = array(); $this->TemplateType="global"; //default } function ParseTag($text) { $this->Tags[] = new clsHtmlTag($text); return ""; } function ParseTemplateText($text) { $html = $text; $search = "",$next_tag); $end_tag = strpos($html,"/>",$next_tag); if($end_tag < $closer || $closer == 0) { $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+2); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+2); $inner = $this->ParseTag($tagtext); $html = $pre.$inner.$post; } else { $closer = strpos(strtolower($html),"",$next_tag); $end_tag = strpos($html,">",$next_tag); $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+1); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $inner = substr($html,$end_tag+1,$closer-($end_tag+1)); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+1+strlen($inner)+6); $parsed = $this->ParseTag($tagtext); if(strlen($parsed)) { $html = $pre.$inner.$post; } else $html = $pre.$post; } //$next_tag = strpos($html,"GetTemplate($tname,$SupressError); if(is_object($t)) { $html = $this->ParseTemplateText($t->source); $t->out = $html; } unset($t); return $html; } function ReadTemplateTags($tname) { $this->Tags[]=Array(); $this->ParseTemplate($tname,1,1,TRUE); return $this->Tags; } function GetTemplateType($tname) { global $ItemTypePrefixes; $ret = "global"; $this->ReadTemplateTags($tname); if(count($this->Tags)>0) { foreach($this->Tags as $t) { if(in_array($t->name,$ItemTypePrefixes)) { $ret = $t->name; break; } } } return $ret; } function IncludeTemplate($tag, $SupressError=FALSE) { $this->AddDependency($tag->GetAttributeByName("_template")); $this->AddDependency($tag->GetAttributeByName("_noaccess")); } function ModuleInclude($tag) { } function AddDependency($template) { $template = strtolower($template); if(!in_array($template,$this->Dependencies)) $this->Dependencies[] = $template; } } function admintemplate($fileh) { if(file_exists($fileh)) { $fd = fopen($fileh, "r"); $ret=fread($fd, filesize($fileh)); fclose($fd); return $ret; } else echo "Unable to load $fileh"; } function ExtraAttributes($attribs) { $html_attr = ""; if(is_array($attribs)) { foreach($attribs as $name=>$value) { if(substr($name,0,1)!="_") $html_attr .= $name."=\"$value\" "; } } return $html_attr; } ?>