getObject($params); /* @var $object kDBList */ $item_prefix = $this->Application->findModule('Name', $object->GetDBField('Module'), 'Var'); $item_config = $this->Application->getUnitConfig($item_prefix); $edit_template = $item_config->getAdminTemplatePath() . '/' . $item_config->getAdminTemplatePrefix() . 'edit'; $url_params = Array ( 'm_opener' => 'd', $item_prefix.'_mode' => 't', $item_prefix.'_event' => 'OnEdit', $item_prefix.'_id' => $object->GetDBField('CatalogItemId'), 'm_cat_id' => $object->GetDBField('CatalogItemCategory'), 'pass' => 'all,'.$item_prefix, 'no_pass_through' => 1, ); return $this->Application->HREF($edit_template,'', $url_params); } function HelpfulLink($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /* @var $object kDBItem */ $parent_prefix = $this->getUnitConfig()->getParentPrefix(); $params['events[' . $parent_prefix . ']'] = 'OnReviewHelpful'; $params['review_id'] = $object->GetID(); return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag($parent_prefix, 'ItemLink', $params); } /** * Prints overall rating statistics * * @param Array $params * @return string */ protected function PrintRatingPercents($params) { static $cache = null; $object = $this->getObject($params); /* @var $object kDBItem */ $parent_prefix = $this->getUnitConfig()->getParentPrefix(); $main_object = $this->Application->recallObject($parent_prefix); /* @var $main_object kCatDBItem */ if ( !isset($cache) ) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*), Rating FROM ' . $object->TableName . ' WHERE ItemId = ' . $main_object->GetDBField('ResourceId') . ' GROUP BY Rating'; $cache = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'Rating'); } $ratings = array_reverse( array_keys( $object->GetFieldOption('Rating', 'options') ) ); if ( !isset($params['show_none']) || !$params['show_none'] ) { $none_index = array_search(0, $ratings); if ( $none_index !== false ) { unset($ratings[$none_index]); } } $ret = ''; $total = array_sum($cache); $block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params); $block_params['name'] = $params['render_as']; $block_params['strip_nl'] = 2; foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $block_params['rating'] = $rating; $block_params['count'] = isset($cache[$rating]) ? $cache[$rating] : 0; $block_params['percent'] = $total ? round(($block_params['count'] / $total) * 100) : 0; $ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params); } return $ret; } /** * Returns requested field value * * @param Array $params * @return string * @access public */ function Field($params) { $field = $this->SelectParam($params, 'name,field'); $object = $this->getObject($params); /* @var $object kDBItem */ if ($field == 'ReviewText') { if ($object->GetDBField('TextFormat') == 1) { $params['no_special'] = 'no_special'; } else { unset($params['no_special']); } } return parent::Field($params); } function AlreadyReviewed($params) { $parent_prefix = $this->getUnitConfig()->getParentPrefix(); $main_object = $this->Application->recallObject($parent_prefix); /* @var $main_object kCatDBItem */ $spam_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('SpamHelper'); /* @var $spam_helper SpamHelper */ $spam_helper->InitHelper($main_object->GetDBField('ResourceId'), 'Review', 0, $main_object->GetCol('ResourceId')); return $spam_helper->InSpamControl(); } function HasError($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /* @var $object kDBItem */ return method_exists($object, 'GetErrorMsg') ? parent::HasError($params) : 0; } /** * Preserve main item id in subitem pagination url * * @param Array $params * @return string */ function PageLink($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /* @var kDBList */ $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo(); if ($parent_info['ParentId'] > 0) { $params['pass'] = 'm,'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().','.$parent_info['ParentPrefix']; } return parent::PageLink($params); } function InitCatalogTab($params) { $tab_params['mode'] = $this->Application->GetVar('tm'); // single/multi selection possible $tab_params['special'] = $this->Application->GetVar('ts'); // use special for this tab $tab_params['dependant'] = $this->Application->GetVar('td'); // is grid dependant on categories grid // set default params (same as in catalog) if ($tab_params['mode'] === false) $tab_params['mode'] = 'multi'; if ($tab_params['special'] === false) $tab_params['special'] = ''; if ($tab_params['dependant'] === false) $tab_params['dependant'] = 'yes'; // pass params to block with tab content $params['name'] = $params['render_as']; $params['prefix'] = trim($this->Prefix.'.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.'); $params['cat_prefix'] = trim('c.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.'); $params['tab_mode'] = $tab_params['mode']; $params['grid_name'] = ($tab_params['mode'] == 'multi') ? $params['default_grid'] : $params['radio_grid']; $params['tab_dependant'] = $tab_params['dependant']; $params['show_category'] = $tab_params['special'] == 'showall' ? 1 : 0; // this is advanced view -> show category name $params['tab_name'] = $this->Application->GetVar('tab_name'); return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params, 1); } /** * Returns reviews count for each item type (in "Reviews" section) * * @param Array $params * @return string */ function CatalogItemCount($params) { $params['skip_quering'] = true; $object =& $this->GetList($params); return $object->GetRecordsCount(false) != $object->GetRecordsCount() ? $object->GetRecordsCount().' / '.$object->GetRecordsCount(false) : $object->GetRecordsCount(); } /** * Dynamic votes indicator * * @param Array $params * * @return string */ function VotesIndicator($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /* @var $object kDBItem */ $rating_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('RatingHelper'); /* @var $rating_helper RatingHelper */ $rating = isset($params['rating']) ? $params['rating'] : $object->GetDBField('Rating'); $small_style = array_key_exists('small_style', $params) ? $params['small_style'] : false; return $rating_helper->ratingBarSimple($rating, '', null, $small_style); } }