The Advanced View section allows you to manage categories and items across all categories. This is especially useful, when you are looking for a particular category or item, if you do not know their location (in which category they are located). One of the most common ways to use the Advanced View section is to review pending items. To do this, simply use the View menu to filter only Pending items of each type.

In the Advanced View section, you can only manage existing items – delete, edit, approve or deny them. All these actions are the same in this section as they are in the Catalog. To add a new item, please use the Catalog section.

The Advanced View allows you to filter using the View menu and Search, similar to the Catalog section. The essential difference is that while in the Catalog the filtering options only apply to the current category you are looking at, in the Advanced View section they apply to all of the items of each type.

The section is divided into tabs, a tab for Categories, and a tab for each module installed on your system. Each tab retains its individual filter settings (Search keyword and View menu options).