BasePath = FULL_PATH . THEMES_PATH; $this->_compileToDatabase = defined('SAFE_MODE') && SAFE_MODE; if ( $this->Application->isAdmin ) { // prepare module template paths for quick access $module_paths = Array (); foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_info) { $module_paths[mb_strtolower($module_name)] = rtrim($module_info['Path'], '/'); } $this->_modulePaths = $module_paths; } } /** * Based on template name gets it's location on disk and owner module * * @param string $filename * @return Array 0 - path on disk, 1 - template name */ function GetTemplatePaths($filename) { if ( $this->Application->isAdmin && array_key_exists($filename, $this->Application->ReplacementTemplates) ) { // process admin template replacement $filename = $this->Application->ReplacementTemplates[$filename]; } // allows to use non-replaced version of replaced template $filename = preg_replace('/^original:(.*)/', '\\1', $filename); if ( preg_match('#^[\/]{0,1}([^\/]*)\/(.*)#', $filename, $regs) ) { $first_dir = $regs[1]; $module_filename = $regs[2]; } else { $first_dir = ''; $module_filename = $filename; } if ( is_string($this->forceThemeName) ) { // when defined, then all templates are read from given theme name $first_dir = 'theme:' . $this->forceThemeName . ($first_dir ? '/' . $first_dir : ''); } if ( $this->Application->isAdmin && array_key_exists($first_dir, $this->_modulePaths) ) { // template belongs to one of the modules $path = FULL_PATH . '/' . $this->_modulePaths[$first_dir] . '/admin_templates'; } elseif ( $this->forceThemeName && preg_match('/^theme:(.*)/', $first_dir, $regs) ) { // ability to use Front-End templates in admin (only during mass compilation) $path = FULL_PATH . '/themes/' . $regs[1]; } else { // template from "core" module $path = $this->BasePath; $module_filename = $first_dir . '/' . $module_filename; } return Array ($path, $module_filename); } /** * Returns template filename by given template name * * @param string $filename * @return string */ function GetRealFilename($filename) { list ($path, $module_filename) = $this->GetTemplatePaths($filename); return $path . '/' . trim($module_filename, '/'); } /** * Checks, that given template exists on disk * * @param string $filename * @return bool */ function TemplateExists($filename) { if ( (strpos($filename, '../') !== false) || (trim($filename) !== $filename) ) { // when relative paths or special chars are found template names from url, then it's hacking attempt return false; } $real_file = $this->GetRealFilename($filename); if ( substr($real_file, -4) != '.tpl' ) { // add ".tpl" file extension, when not specified in template name $real_file .= '.tpl'; } return file_exists($real_file); } /** * Returns information about template compilation status * * @param string $template * @return Array */ function GetPreParsed($template) { $real_name = $this->GetRealFilename($template); $fname = str_replace(FULL_PATH, WRITEABLE . '/cache', $real_name . '.php'); $tname = $real_name . '.tpl'; if ( !file_exists($tname) ) { // given template doesn't exist return false; } if ( $this->_compileToDatabase ) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'SystemCache WHERE VarName = "' . $fname . '"'; $cached = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql); if ( $cached !== false && $cached['Cached'] > filemtime($tname) ) { return Array ('active' => 1, 'fname' => $fname, 'tname' => $tname, 'mode' => 'db', 'content' => $cached['Data']); } } else { if ( file_exists($fname) && file_exists($tname) && filemtime($fname) > filemtime($tname) ) { return Array ('active' => 1, 'fname' => $fname, 'tname' => $tname, 'mode' => 'file'); } if ( !file_exists($fname) ) { // make sure to create directory if pre-parsed file does not exist $this->CheckDir(dirname($fname), WRITEABLE . '/cache'); } } // when compiled template is expired or doesn't exist return Array ('active' => 0, 'fname' => $fname, 'tname' => $tname, 'mode' => 'file'); } /** * Saves compiled template version to database or disk * * @param string $filename * @param string $compiled_template * @return void * @throws ParserException */ function saveTemplate($filename, &$compiled_template) { if ( $this->_compileToDatabase ) { $fields_hash = Array ( 'VarName' => $filename, 'Data' => &$compiled_template, 'Cached' => time(), ); $this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, TABLE_PREFIX . 'SystemCache', 'REPLACE'); return ; } $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); if ( !fwrite($fp, $compiled_template) ) { throw new ParserException('Saving compiled template failed'); } fclose($fp); } /** * Runs template and returns result (template already should be compiled by now) * * @param NParser $_parser * @param Array $pre_parsed * @return string */ function &runTemplate(&$_parser, &$pre_parsed) { ob_start(); if ( $this->_compileToDatabase ) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'SystemCache WHERE VarName = "' . $pre_parsed['fname'] . '"'; $cached = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql); if ( ($cached !== false) && ($cached['Cached'] > filemtime($pre_parsed['tname'])) ) { eval('?' . '>' . $cached['Data']); } } else { if ( $pre_parsed['mode'] == 'file' ) { include($pre_parsed['fname']); } else { eval('?' . '>' . $pre_parsed['content']); } } $output = ob_get_clean(); return $output; } /** * Recursive mkdir * * @param string $dir * @param string $base_path base path to directory where folders should be created in * @return bool * @access protected */ protected function CheckDir($dir, $base_path = '') { if ( file_exists($dir) ) { return true; } // remove $base_path from beginning because it is already created during install $dir = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($base_path . '/', '/') . '/', '', $dir, 1); $segments = explode('/', $dir); $cur_path = $base_path; foreach ($segments as $segment) { // do not add leading / for windows paths (c:\...) $cur_path .= preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]{1}:/', $segment) ? $segment : '/' . $segment; if ( !file_exists($cur_path) ) { if ( !mkdir($cur_path) ) { return false; } } } return false; } }