directorySeparator = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $editor_path = explode('/', trim(EDITOR_PATH, '/')); $this->skipFolders[] = array_pop($editor_path); // last of cmseditor folders $this->moduleFolderRegExp = '#' . $this->directorySeparator . '(core|modules' . $this->directorySeparator . '.*?)' . $this->directorySeparator . '#'; $this->cloner = $this->Application->makeClass('kUnitConfigCloner', array($this)); } /** * Sets data from cache to object * * @param Array $data */ public function setFromCache(&$data) { $this->cloner->setFromCache($data); $this->prefixFiles = $data['ConfigReader.prefixFiles']; } /** * Gets object data for caching * * @return Array */ public function getToCache() { return array_merge( $this->cloner->getToCache(), array( 'ConfigReader.prefixFiles' => $this->prefixFiles, ) ); } public function scanModules($folder_path, $cache = true) { if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL && !defined('FORCE_CONFIG_CACHE') ) { // disable config caching during installation $cache = false; } if ( $cache ) { $restored = $this->Application->cacheManager->LoadUnitCache(); if ( $restored ) { if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('UnitConfigReader: Restoring Cache'); } return; } } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('UnitConfigReader: Generating Cache'); } // === lines below would only executed on cold start (no unit config cache) === // no cache found -> include all unit configs to create it ! $this->includeConfigFiles($folder_path, $cache); $this->parseConfigs(); $this->sortRouters(); // tell AfterConfigRead to store cache if needed // can't store it here because AfterConfigRead needs ability to change config data $this->storeCache = $cache; if ( !$this->Application->InitDone ) { // scanModules is called multiple times during installation process $this->Application->InitManagers(); } $this->Application->cacheManager->applyDelayedUnitProcessing(); } /** * Locates (recursively) and reads all unit configs at given path. * * @param string $folder_path Folder path. * @param boolean $cache Store information to cache. * * @throws Exception When unit config file is missing a prefix defined inside it. */ protected function includeConfigFiles($folder_path, $cache = true) { $this->Application->refreshModuleInfo(); if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $data = $this->Application->getCache('master:config_files', false, $cache ? CacheSettings::$unitCacheRebuildTime : 0); } else { $data = $this->Application->getDBCache('config_files', $cache ? CacheSettings::$unitCacheRebuildTime : 0); } if ( $data ) { $this->configFiles = unserialize($data); if ( !(defined('DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS') && DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS) ) { shuffle($this->configFiles); } } else { $this->findConfigFiles(FULL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core'); // search from "core" directory $this->findConfigFiles($folder_path); // search from "modules" directory if ( $cache ) { if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $this->Application->setCache('master:config_files', serialize($this->configFiles)); } else { $this->Application->setDBCache('config_files', serialize($this->configFiles)); } } } foreach ( $this->configFiles as $filename ) { $prefix = $this->PreloadConfigFile($filename); if ( !$prefix ) { throw new Exception('Prefix not defined in config file ' . $filename . ''); } } // TODO: needed? if ( $cache ) { unset($this->configFiles); } } /** * Recursively searches for unit configs in given folder. * * @param string $folder_path Path to the folder. * @param int $level Deep level of the folder. * * @return void */ protected function findConfigFiles($folder_path, $level = 0) { // if FULL_PATH = "/" ensure, that all "/" in $folderPath are not deleted $reg_exp = '/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/'; $folder_path = preg_replace($reg_exp, '', $folder_path, 1); // this make sense, since $folderPath may NOT contain FULL_PATH $base_folder = FULL_PATH . $folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $sub_folders = glob($base_folder . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if ( !$sub_folders ) { return; } if ( $level == 0 ) { // don't scan Front-End themes because of extensive directory structure $sub_folders = array_diff($sub_folders, array($base_folder . 'themes', $base_folder . 'tools')); } foreach ( $sub_folders as $full_path ) { $sub_folder = substr($full_path, strlen($base_folder)); if ( in_array($sub_folder, $this->skipFolders) || preg_match('/^\./', $sub_folder) ) { // don't scan skipped or hidden folders continue; } $config_name = $this->getConfigName($folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sub_folder); if ( file_exists(FULL_PATH . $config_name) ) { $this->configFiles[] = $config_name; } $this->findConfigFiles($full_path, $level + 1); } } /** * Process all read config files - called ONLY when there is no cache! * * @return void */ protected function parseConfigs() { $this->parseUnitConfigs($this->getUnitConfigsWithoutPriority()); $this->parseUnitConfigs($this->getUnitConfigsWithPriority()); } /** * Parses unit config sub-set. * * @param array $prefixes Unit config prefixes. * * @return array */ protected function parseUnitConfigs(array $prefixes) { foreach ( $prefixes as $prefix ) { $this->configData[$prefix]->parse(); } $this->cloner->extrudeAndParse($prefixes); } /** * Returns unit configs prefixes without priority defined. * * @return array */ protected function getUnitConfigsWithoutPriority() { $ret = array(); foreach ( $this->configData as $prefix => $config ) { if ( $config->getConfigPriority() === false ) { $ret[] = $prefix; } } return $ret; } /** * Returns unit configs prefixes with priority defined. * * @return array */ protected function getUnitConfigsWithPriority() { $ret = array(); foreach ( $this->configData as $prefix => $config ) { $priority = $config->getConfigPriority(); if ( $priority !== false ) { $ret[$prefix] = $priority; } } asort($ret); return array_keys($ret); } public function AfterConfigRead($store_cache = null) { $this->finalStage = true; foreach ($this->configData as $prefix => $config) { $this->runAfterConfigRead($prefix); } if ( !isset($store_cache) ) { // $store_cache not overridden -> use global setting $store_cache = $this->storeCache; } if ( $store_cache || (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) ) { // cache is not stored during install, but dynamic clones should be processed in any case $this->cloner->processDynamicallyAdded(); $this->retrieveCollections(); } if ( $store_cache ) { $this->Application->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnAfterCacheRebuild')); $this->Application->cacheManager->UpdateUnitCache(); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS') && DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS ) { // validate configs here to have changes from OnAfterConfigRead hooks to prefixes foreach ( $this->configData as $config ) { if ( !$config->getTableName() ) { continue; } $config->validate(); } } } } /** * Sort routers according to their weight (non-prioritized routers goes first). * * @return void */ protected function sortRouters() { $sorted_routers = array(); $prioritized_routers = array(); $routers = $this->collectRouters(); // Process non-prioritized routers. foreach ( $routers as $prefix => $router_data ) { if ( $router_data['priority'] === false ) { $sorted_routers[$prefix] = $router_data; } else { $prioritized_routers[$prefix] = $router_data['priority']; } } // Process prioritized routers. asort($prioritized_routers, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ( $prioritized_routers as $prefix => $priority ) { $sorted_routers[$prefix] = $routers[$prefix]; } $this->Application->routers = $sorted_routers; } /** * Collects routers. * * @return array */ protected function collectRouters() { $routers = array(); $router_classes = $this->Application->getSubClasses('AbstractRouter'); foreach ( $router_classes as $router_class ) { if ( !class_exists($router_class) ) { // This can happen, when: // - router class (coming from cache) was renamed; // - new cache is built based on outdated class map. continue; } /** @var AbstractRouter $router */ $router = new $router_class(); $routers[$router->getPrefix()] = array( 'class' => $router_class, 'priority' => $router->getWeight(), ); } return $routers; } /** * Re-reads all configs. * * @return void */ public function ReReadConfigs() { // don't reset prefix file, since file scanning could slow down the process $prefix_files_backup = $this->prefixFiles; $this->Application->cacheManager->EmptyUnitCache(); $this->prefixFiles = $prefix_files_backup; // parse all configs $this->afterConfigProcessed = array(); $this->includeConfigFiles(MODULES_PATH, false); $this->parseConfigs(); $this->sortRouters(); $this->AfterConfigRead(false); $this->cloner->processDynamicallyAdded(); $this->retrieveCollections(); } /** * Process all collectible unit config options here to also catch ones, defined from OnAfterConfigRead events * */ protected function retrieveCollections() { foreach ( $this->configData as $prefix => $config ) { // collect replacement templates if ( $config->getReplacementTemplates() ) { $this->Application->ReplacementTemplates = array_merge($this->Application->ReplacementTemplates, $config->getReplacementTemplates()); } } } public function loadConfig($prefix) { $preloaded_prefix = $this->PreloadConfigFile($this->getPrefixFile($prefix)); if ( $this->finalStage ) { // run prefix OnAfterConfigRead so all hooks to it can define their clones $this->runAfterConfigRead($preloaded_prefix); } // Only use cached clones for calls in the middle of initialization (e.g. url parsing). $clones = $this->cloner->extrude($preloaded_prefix, !$this->finalStage); if ( $this->finalStage ) { foreach ( $clones as $a_prefix ) { $this->runAfterConfigRead($a_prefix); } } } /** * Runs OnAfterConfigRead event for given prefix once. * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return void */ public function runAfterConfigRead($prefix) { if ( in_array($prefix, $this->afterConfigProcessed) ) { return; } $this->Application->HandleEvent(new kEvent($prefix . ':OnAfterConfigRead')); if ( !(defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) ) { // allow to call OnAfterConfigRead multiple times during install array_push($this->afterConfigProcessed, $prefix); } } /** * Loads unit config file contents from disk. * * @param string $filename Unit config filename. * * @return string */ protected function PreloadConfigFile($filename) { $config_found = file_exists(FULL_PATH . $filename) && $this->configAllowed($filename); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_PROFILE_INCLUDES') && DBG_PROFILE_INCLUDES ) { if ( in_array($filename, get_included_files()) ) { return ''; } global $debugger; if ( $config_found ) { $file = FULL_PATH . $filename; $file_crc = crc32($file); $debugger->ProfileStart('inc_' . $file_crc, $file); include_once($file); $debugger->ProfileFinish('inc_' . $file_crc); $debugger->profilerAddTotal('includes', 'inc_' . $file_crc); } } elseif ( $config_found ) { include_once(FULL_PATH . $filename); } if ( $config_found ) { /* @var $config kUnitConfig|Array */ if ( isset($config) && $config ) { // config file is included for 1st time -> save it's content for future processing if ( !is_object($config) ) { $prefix = array_key_exists('Prefix', $config) ? $config['Prefix'] : ''; $config = new kUnitConfig($prefix, $config); } else { $prefix = $config->getPrefix(); } preg_match($this->moduleFolderRegExp, $filename, $regs); $config->setModuleFolder(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $regs[1])); $config->setBasePath(dirname(FULL_PATH . $filename)); if ( $config->getAdminTemplatePath() !== false ) { // append template base folder for admin templates path of this prefix $module_templates = $regs[1] == 'core' ? '' : substr($regs[1], 8) . '/'; $config->setAdminTemplatePath($module_templates . $config->getAdminTemplatePath()); } if ( array_key_exists($prefix, $this->prefixFiles) && ($this->prefixFiles[$prefix] != $filename) ) { trigger_error( 'Single unit config prefix "' . $prefix . '" ' . 'is used in multiple unit config files: ' . '"' . $this->prefixFiles[$prefix] . '", "' . $filename . '"', E_USER_WARNING ); } $this->add($config, $filename); return $prefix; } else { $prefix = array_search($filename, $this->prefixFiles); if ( $prefix ) { // attempt is made to include config file twice or more, but include_once prevents that, // but file exists on hdd, then it is already saved to all required arrays, just return it's prefix return $prefix; } } } return 'dummy'; } /** * Sets a file, for a given prefix. * * @param kUnitConfig $config Unit config. * @param string $filename File. * * @return void */ public function add(kUnitConfig $config, $filename) { $config->setFilename($filename); $prefix = $config->getPrefix(); $this->configData[$prefix] = $config; $this->prefixFiles[$prefix] = $filename; } /** * Removes unit config. * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return void */ public function remove($prefix) { unset($this->configData[$prefix], $this->prefixFiles[$prefix]); } /** * Returns unit config for given prefix * * @param string $prefix * @return kUnitConfig */ public function getUnitConfig($prefix = null) { if ( !isset($this->configData[$prefix]) ) { $this->loadConfig($prefix); } return $this->configData[$prefix]; } /** * Returns prefixes of unit configs, that were registered * * @return Array */ public function getPrefixes() { return array_keys($this->configData); } /** * Get's config file name based * on folder name supplied * * @param string $folder_path * @return string */ protected function getConfigName($folder_path) { return $folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($folder_path) . '_config.php'; } /** * Checks if config file is allowed for inclusion (if module of config is installed). * * @param string $config_path Relative path from In-Portal directory. * * @return boolean */ protected function configAllowed($config_path) { static $module_paths = null; if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL ) { // at installation start no modules in db and kernel configs could not be read return true; } if ( preg_match('#^' . $this->directorySeparator . 'core#', $config_path) ) { // always allow to include configs from "core" module's folder return true; } if ( !$this->Application->ModuleInfo ) { return false; } if ( !isset($module_paths) ) { $module_paths = array(); foreach ( $this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_info ) { $module_paths[] = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, rtrim($module_info['Path'], '/')); } $module_paths = array_unique($module_paths); } preg_match($this->moduleFolderRegExp, $config_path, $regs); // config file path starts with module folder path return in_array($regs[1], $module_paths); } /** * Returns true if config exists and is allowed for reading * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return boolean */ public function prefixRegistered($prefix) { return isset($this->prefixFiles[$prefix]); } /** * Returns unit config file location by it's prefix. * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return string * @throws Exception When unit config is not found. */ public function getPrefixFile($prefix) { if ( !isset($this->prefixFiles[$prefix]) ) { throw new Exception('Configuration file for prefix "' . $prefix . '" is unknown'); } return $this->prefixFiles[$prefix]; } }