root */ private $_xsendfileNginx = array(); function __construct() { $this->loadValues(); } /** * Get file system encoding, returns null if encoding is not set * * @access public * @return string */ public function getFilesystemEncoding() { return $this->_filesystemEncoding; } /** * Get "secureImageUploads" value * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function getSecureImageUploads() { return $this->_secureImageUploads; } /** * Get "checkSizeAfterScaling" value * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function checkSizeAfterScaling() { return $this->_checkSizeAfterScaling; } /** * Get "htmlExtensions" value * * @access public * @return array */ public function getHtmlExtensions() { return $this->_htmlExtensions; } /** * Get "forceAscii" value * * @access public * @return array */ public function forceAscii() { return $this->_forceAscii; } /** * Get regular expression to hide folders * * @access public * @return array */ public function getHideFoldersRegex() { static $folderRegex; if (!isset($folderRegex)) { if (is_array($this->_hideFolders) && $this->_hideFolders) { $folderRegex = join("|", $this->_hideFolders); $folderRegex = strtr($folderRegex, array("?" => "__QMK__", "*" => "__AST__", "|" => "__PIP__")); $folderRegex = preg_quote($folderRegex, "/"); $folderRegex = strtr($folderRegex, array("__QMK__" => ".", "__AST__" => ".*", "__PIP__" => "|")); $folderRegex = "/^(?:" . $folderRegex . ")$/uim"; } else { $folderRegex = ""; } } return $folderRegex; } /** * Get regular expression to hide files * * @access public * @return array */ public function getHideFilesRegex() { static $fileRegex; if (!isset($fileRegex)) { if (is_array($this->_hideFiles) && $this->_hideFiles) { $fileRegex = join("|", $this->_hideFiles); $fileRegex = strtr($fileRegex, array("?" => "__QMK__", "*" => "__AST__", "|" => "__PIP__")); $fileRegex = preg_quote($fileRegex, "/"); $fileRegex = strtr($fileRegex, array("__QMK__" => ".", "__AST__" => ".*", "__PIP__" => "|")); $fileRegex = "/^(?:" . $fileRegex . ")$/uim"; } else { $fileRegex = ""; } } return $fileRegex; } /** * Get "Check double extension" value * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function getCheckDoubleExtension() { return $this->_checkDoubleExtension; } /** * Get "Disallow unsafe characters" value * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function getDisallowUnsafeCharacters() { return $this->_disallowUnsafeCharacters; } /** * Get default resource types * * @access public * @return array() */ public function getDefaultResourceTypes() { return $this->_defaultResourceTypes; } /** * Is CKFinder enabled * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function getIsEnabled() { return $this->_isEnabled; } /** * Get license key * * @access public * @return string */ public function getLicenseKey() { return $this->_licenseKey; } /** * Get license name * * @access public * @return string */ public function getLicenseName() { return $this->_licenseName; } /** * Get chmod settings for uploaded files * * @access public * @return integer */ public function getChmodFiles() { return $this->_chmodFiles; } /** * Get chmod settings for created directories * * @access public * @return integer */ public function getChmodFolders() { return $this->_chmodFolders; } /** * Get role sesion variable name * * @access public * @return string */ public function getRoleSessionVar() { return $this->_roleSessionVar; } /** * Get resourceTypeName config * * @param string $resourceTypeName * @return CKFinder_Connector_Core_ResourceTypeConfig|null * @access public */ public function &getResourceTypeConfig($resourceTypeName) { $_null = null; if (isset($this->_resourceTypeConfigCache[$resourceTypeName])) { return $this->_resourceTypeConfigCache[$resourceTypeName]; } if (!isset($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType'])) { return $_null; } reset($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType']); while (list($_key,$_resourceTypeNode) = each($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType'])) { if ($_resourceTypeNode['name'] === $resourceTypeName) { $this->_resourceTypeConfigCache[$resourceTypeName] = new CKFinder_Connector_Core_ResourceTypeConfig($_resourceTypeNode); return $this->_resourceTypeConfigCache[$resourceTypeName]; } } return $_null; } /** * Get thumbnails config * * @access public * @return CKFinder_Connector_Core_ThumbnailsConfig */ public function &getThumbnailsConfig() { if (!isset($this->_thumbnailsConfigCache)) { $this->_thumbnailsConfigCache = new CKFinder_Connector_Core_ThumbnailsConfig(isset($GLOBALS['config']['Thumbnails']) ? $GLOBALS['config']['Thumbnails'] : array()); } return $this->_thumbnailsConfigCache; } /** * Get images config * * @access public * @return CKFinder_Connector_Core_ImagesConfig */ public function &getImagesConfig() { if (!isset($this->_imagesConfigCache)) { $this->_imagesConfigCache = new CKFinder_Connector_Core_ImagesConfig(isset($GLOBALS['config']['Images']) ? $GLOBALS['config']['Images'] : array()); } return $this->_imagesConfigCache; } /** * Get access control config * * @access public * @return CKFinder_Connector_Core_AccessControlConfig */ public function &getAccessControlConfig() { if (!isset($this->_accessControlConfigCache)) { $this->_accessControlConfigCache = new CKFinder_Connector_Core_AccessControlConfig(isset($GLOBALS['config']['AccessControl']) ? $GLOBALS['config']['AccessControl'] : array()); } return $this->_accessControlConfigCache; } /** * Load values from config * * @access private */ private function loadValues() { if (function_exists('CheckAuthentication')) { $this->_isEnabled = CheckAuthentication(); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['LicenseName'])) { $this->_licenseName = (string)$GLOBALS['config']['LicenseName']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['LicenseKey'])) { $this->_licenseKey = (string)$GLOBALS['config']['LicenseKey']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['FilesystemEncoding'])) { $this->_filesystemEncoding = (string)$GLOBALS['config']['FilesystemEncoding']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['RoleSessionVar'])) { $this->_roleSessionVar = (string)$GLOBALS['config']['RoleSessionVar']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['CheckDoubleExtension'])) { $this->_checkDoubleExtension = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::booleanValue($GLOBALS['config']['CheckDoubleExtension']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['DisallowUnsafeCharacters'])) { $this->_disallowUnsafeCharacters = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::booleanValue($GLOBALS['config']['DisallowUnsafeCharacters']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['SecureImageUploads'])) { $this->_secureImageUploads = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::booleanValue($GLOBALS['config']['SecureImageUploads']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['CheckSizeAfterScaling'])) { $this->_checkSizeAfterScaling = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::booleanValue($GLOBALS['config']['CheckSizeAfterScaling']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['ForceAscii'])) { $this->_forceAscii = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::booleanValue($GLOBALS['config']['ForceAscii']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['HtmlExtensions'])) { $this->_htmlExtensions = (array)$GLOBALS['config']['HtmlExtensions']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['HideFolders'])) { $this->_hideFolders = (array)$GLOBALS['config']['HideFolders']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['HideFiles'])) { $this->_hideFiles = (array)$GLOBALS['config']['HideFiles']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['ChmodFiles'])) { $this->_chmodFiles = $GLOBALS['config']['ChmodFiles']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['ChmodFolders'])) { $this->_chmodFolders = $GLOBALS['config']['ChmodFolders']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['DefaultResourceTypes'])) { $_defaultResourceTypes = (string)$GLOBALS['config']['DefaultResourceTypes']; if (strlen($_defaultResourceTypes)) { $this->_defaultResourceTypes = explode(",", $_defaultResourceTypes); } } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['TempDirectory'])) { $this->_tempDirectory = $GLOBALS['config']['TempDirectory']; } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['XSendfile'])) { $this->_xsendfile = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_Misc::booleanValue($GLOBALS['config']['XSendfile']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['XSendfileNginx'])) { $this->_xsendfileNginx = (array)$GLOBALS['config']['XSendfileNginx']; } } /** * Get all resource type names defined in config * * @return array * @access public */ public function getResourceTypeNames() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType'])) { return array(); } $_names = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['config']['ResourceType'] as $key => $_resourceType) { if (isset($_resourceType['name'])) { $_names[] = (string)$_resourceType['name']; } } return $_names; } /** * Get temporary directory * @access public * @return string */ public function getTempDirectory() { return $this->_tempDirectory; } /** * Get X-Sendfile option */ public function getXSendfile(){ return $this->_xsendfile; } /** * Get the dditional Nginx X-Sendfile configuration (location => root) */ public function getXSendfileNginx(){ $xsendfileNginx = array(); foreach ( $this->_xsendfileNginx as $location => $root ){ $root = (string)$root; $location = rtrim((string)$location,'/').'/'; if ( substr($root,-1,1) != '/' && substr($root,-1,1) != '\\') { // root and location paths are concatenated // @see $root = CKFinder_Connector_Utils_FileSystem::combinePaths(rtrim($root,'/'),$location); } $xsendfileNginx[$location] = $root; } return $xsendfileNginx; } }