Ses =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session'); } function AddParam($pattern, $value, $dont_sort=0) { $this->ForSort[] = Array($pattern, $value); if (!$dont_sort) //used when mass-adding params, to escape sorting after every new param $this->SortParams(); //but do sort by default! } //We need to sort params by its name length desc, so that params starting with same word get parsed correctly function SortParams() { uasort($this->ForSort, array ("TemplateParser", "CmpParams")); $this->Pattern = Array(); $this->Values = Array(); foreach($this->ForSort as $pair) { $this->Pattern[] = $pair[0]; $this->Values[] = $pair[1]; } } function CmpParams($a, $b) { $a_len = strlen($a[0]); $b_len = strlen($b[0]); if ($a_len == $b_len) return 0; return $a_len > $b_len ? -1 : 1; } function SetParams($params) { if (!is_array($params)) $params = Array(); $this->Params = $params; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $this->AddParam('/[{]{0,1}\$'.$key.'[}]{0,1}/i', $val, 1); //Do not sort every time } $this->SortParams(); //Sort once after adding is done } function GetParam($name) { //return isset($this->Params[strtolower($name)]) ? $this->Params[strtolower($name)] : false; return isset($this->Params[$name]) ? $this->Params[$name] : false; } function SetParam($name, $value) { $this->Params[strtolower($name)] = $value; } function SetBuffer($body) { $this->Buffers[$this->RecursionIndex] = $body; } function GetBuffer() { return $this->Buffers[$this->RecursionIndex]; } function GetCode() { return $this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex]; } function AppendBuffer($append) { $this->Buffers[$this->RecursionIndex] .= $append; $this->AppendCode( $this->ConvertToCode($append) ); } function AppendOutput($append, $append_code=false) { if ($this->SkipMode == parse) { $this->Output .= $append; //append to Ouput only if we are parsing if ($append_code) $this->AppendCompiledHTML($append); } elseif ($this->SkipMode == skip) { if ($append_code) $this->AppendCompiledHTML($append); } elseif ($this->SkipMode == skip_tags) { $this->AppendBuffer($append); //append to buffer if we are skipping tags } } function ConvertToCode($data) { $code = '$o .= \''. str_replace("'", "\'", $data) .'\';'; $code = explode("\n", $code); return $code; } function AppendCode($code) { if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) { if (!isset($this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex])) { $this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex] = Array(); } if (is_array($code)) { foreach ($code as $line) { $this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex][] = rtrim($line, "\n")."\n"; } } else { $this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex][] .= rtrim($code, "\n")."\n"; } } } function AppendCompiledFunction($f_name, $f_body) { if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) { if ( isset($this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name]) || function_exists($f_name) ) { if (!isset($this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name])) { $real_name = $f_name.'_'; } else { $real_name = $this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name].'_'; } } else { $real_name = $f_name; } $this->CompiledBuffer .= 'if (!function_exists(\''.$real_name.'\')) {'."\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= "\t".'$application->PreParsedBlocks[\''.$f_name.'\'] = \''.$real_name.'\';'; $this->CompiledBuffer .= "\n\t".'function '.$real_name.'($params)'."\n\t{\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= $f_body; $this->CompiledBuffer .= "\t}\n\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= '}'."\n"; $this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name] = $real_name; } } function AppendCompiledCode($code) { if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) { if (is_array($code)) { foreach ($code as $line) { $this->CompiledBuffer .= "\t".rtrim($line, "\n")."\n"; } } else { $this->CompiledBuffer .= $code; } $this->CompiledBuffer .= "\t".'echo $o;'."\n\t".'$o = \'\';'."\n"; } } function AppendCompiledHTML($append) { if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) { $this->CompiledBuffer .= '?'.'>'."\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= rtrim($append, "\t"); $this->CompiledBuffer .= '<'.'?php'."\n"; } } function ResetCode() { $this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex] = Array(); } function FindTag2() { $openings = Array('<%' => '%>', ' Array('>', '/>'), ' '>', '' => ''); $tag_open_pos = false; foreach ($openings as $an_opening => $closings) { $pos = strpos($this->Template, $an_opening, $this->Position); if ($pos !== false && ($tag_open_pos === false || (int) $pos <= (int) $tag_open_pos)) { $tag_open_pos = $pos; $open_len = strlen($an_opening); $opening_tag = $an_opening; $tag_closings = $closings; } } if ($tag_open_pos === false) { //If no tags left - adding all other data $this->AppendOutput(substr($this->Template, $this->Position), true); return false; } //Adding all data before tag open $this->AppendOutput(substr($this->Template, $this->Position, $tag_open_pos - $this->Position), true); if (is_array($tag_closings)) { $tag_close_pos = false; foreach ($tag_closings as $a_closing) { $pos = strpos($this->Template, $a_closing, $tag_open_pos); if ($pos !== false && ($tag_close_pos === false || (int) $pos <= (int) $tag_close_pos)) { $tag_close_pos = $pos; $closing_tag = $a_closing; } } } elseif ($opening_tag == '') { $closing_tag = ''; $tag_close_pos = $tag_open_pos + $open_len; } else { $closing_tag = $tag_closings; $tag_close_pos = strpos($this->Template, $closing_tag, $tag_open_pos); } $close_len = strlen($closing_tag); //Cutting out the tag itself $tag = substr($this->Template, $tag_open_pos + $open_len, $tag_close_pos - $tag_open_pos - $open_len); if ($opening_tag == '') { //empty closing means old style in-portal if .... $tag = 'm:endif'; } if ($opening_tag == 'Params, 'PrefixSpecial'); $tag = $prefix.$tag; } // temporary - for backward compatability with in-portal style if if ($opening_tag == '' && $tag_part != 'm_if' && $tag_part != 'm_DefineElement') { if (strpos($the_tag, ' ') !== false) { list($function, $params) = explode(' ', $the_tag, 2); } else { $function = $the_tag; $params = ''; } $tag = 'm:if prefix="'.$prefix.'" function="'.$function.'" '.$params; } $this->Position = $tag_close_pos + $close_len; return $tag; } function CurrentLineNumber() { return substr_count(substr($this->Template, 0, $this->Position), "\n")+1; } function SkipModeName() { switch ($this->SkipMode) { case skip: return 'skip'; case skip_tags: return 'skip_tags'; case parse: return 'parse'; } } function Parse($template, $name='unknown', $pre_parse = 1) { $this->Template = $template; $this->TemplateName = $name; $this->Position = 0; $this->Output = ''; $this->TagHolder = new MyTagHolder(); if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') && $pre_parse) { $template_cache =& $this->Application->recallObject('TemplatesCache'); $fname = $template_cache->GetRealFilename($this->TemplateName).'.php'; $tname = $template_cache->GetRealFilename($this->TemplateName).'.tpl'; if (file_exists($fname) && filemtime($fname) > filemtime($tname)) { ob_start(); include($fname); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } $this->CompiledBuffer .= '<'.'?php'."\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= 'global $application;'."\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= '$o = \'\';'."\n"; } if (!getArrayValue($this->Params, 'PrefixSpecial')) { $this->Params['PrefixSpecial'] = '$PrefixSpecial'; } //While we have more tags while ($tag_data = $this->FindTag2()) { //Create tag object from passed tag data if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && dbg_ConstOn('DBG_SHOW_TAGS') ) { global $debugger; $debugger->appendHTML('mode: '.$this->SkipModeName().' tag '.$debugger->highlightString($tag_data).' in '.$debugger->getFileLink($debugger->getLocalFile(DOC_ROOT.BASE_PATH.THEMES_PATH.'/'.$this->TemplateName).'.tpl', $this->CurrentLineNumber(), '', true)); } // $tag =& new MyTag($tag_data, $this); $tag =& $this->TagHolder->GetTag($tag_data, $this); if (!$this->CheckRecursion($tag)) //we do NOT process closing tags { $tag->Process(); } } if ( !$this->GetParam('from_inportal') ) { if ( strpos($this->Output, 'Application->recallObject('Inp1Parser'); $this->Output = $inp1_parser->Parse($name, $this->Output); } } if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') && $pre_parse) { // $this->CompiledBuffer .= 'echo $o;'."\n"; $this->CompiledBuffer .= '?'.'>'."\n"; $compiled = fopen($fname, 'w'); fwrite($compiled, $this->CompiledBuffer); fclose($compiled); } return $this->Output; } function ParseBlock($params, $force_pass_params=0, $as_template=false) { if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && dbg_ConstOn('DBG_SHOW_TAGS') ) { global $debugger; $debugger->appendHTML('ParseBlock '.$params['name'].' pass_params is '.$params['pass_params'].' force is '.$force_pass_params.' in '.$debugger->getFileLink($debugger->getLocalFile(DOC_ROOT.BASE_PATH.THEMES_PATH.'/'.$this->TemplateName).'.tpl', $this->CurrentLineNumber(), '', true)); } if ( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && dbg_ConstOn('DBG_PRE_PARSE') ) { global $debugger; $debugger->CurrentPreParsedBlock = $params['name']; } if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) { $this->MainParser = false; if (isset($this->Application->PreParsedBlocks[$params['name']]) ) { if ($this->ParamsRecursionIndex == 0) { $this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex] = $this->Params; } if (isset($params['pass_params']) || $force_pass_params) { $pass_params = array_merge($this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex], $params); } else { $pass_params = $params; } $this->ParamsStack[++$this->ParamsRecursionIndex] = $pass_params; $this->Params = $pass_params; $f = $this->Application->PreParsedBlocks[$params['name']]; // $this->ParamsRecursionIndex--; //$this->SetParams($params); $ret = $f($pass_params); unset($this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex--]); $this->Params = $this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex]; $this->MainParser = true; return $ret; } } $BlockParser =& $this->Application->makeClass('TemplateParser'); if (isset($params['pass_params']) || $force_pass_params) { $BlockParser->SetParams(array_merge($this->Params, $params)); } else $BlockParser->SetParams($params); $this->Application->Parser =& $BlockParser; if (!isset($params['name'])) trigger_error('***Error: Block name not passed to ParseBlock', E_USER_ERROR); $templates_cache =& $this->Application->recallObject('TemplatesCache'); $template_name = $as_template ? $params['name'] : $templates_cache->GetTemplateFileName($params['name']) . '-block:'.$params['name']; $silent = getArrayValue($params, 'from_inportal') && !defined('DBG_TEMPLATE_FAILURE'); $o = $BlockParser->Parse( $templates_cache->GetTemplateBody($params['name'], $silent), $template_name ); if (getArrayValue($params, 'BlockNoData') && !$BlockParser->DataExists) { $template_name = $as_template ? $params['BlockNoData'] : $templates_cache->GetTemplateFileName($params['BlockNoData']) . '-block:'.$params['BlockNoData']; $o = $BlockParser->Parse( $templates_cache->GetTemplateBody($params['BlockNoData'], $silent), $template_name ); } $this->Application->Parser =& $this; $this->Application->Parser->DataExists = $this->Application->Parser->DataExists || $BlockParser->DataExists; return $o; } function Recurve(&$tag) { $this->Recursion[++$this->RecursionIndex] =& $tag; } function CheckRecursion(&$tag) { if ($this->RecursionIndex > 0) { //If we are inside the recursion if ($this->Recursion[$this->RecursionIndex]->CheckRecursion($tag)) { //If we can close this recursion unset($this->Recursion[$this->RecursionIndex--]); //unsetting current recursion level and decreasing it at the same time return true; //we should inform not to process closing tag } } return false; } function SetSkipMode($mode) { $this->SkipMode = $mode; } } ?>