clsParsedItem(); if($FullItem==TRUE) { $this->Reviews = new clsItemReviewList(); $this->Related = new clsRelationshipList(); } $this->Images = new clsImageList(); $this->CustomFields = array(); $this->FieldClass = new clsCustomFieldList(); } function ClearCacheData() { DeleteModuleTagCache('kernel'); DeleteModuleTagCache('inlink'); DeleteModuleTagCache('innews'); DeleteModuleTagCache('inbulletin'); } /* item reviews */ function &GetItemReviews($Page=1) { $res_id = $this->Get("ResourceId"); $this->Reviews->itemID=$res_id; $this->Reviews->PerPageVar = $this->ReviewPerPageVar; $this->Reviews->Page = $Page; $this->Reviews->GetReviewList("Status=1",$this->ReviewSortOrder); return $this->Reviews; } function ReviewCount($TodayOnly=FALSE) { if(is_numeric($this->Get("CachedReviewsQty")) && !$TodayOnly) return (int)$this->Get("CachedReviewsQty"); $this->Reviews->itemID=$this->Get("ResourceId"); return (int)$this->Reviews->GetItemReviewCount($TodayOnly); } function ReviewsLoaded() { if($this->Reviews->itemID==$this->Get("ResourceId")) { return $this->Reviews->ItemCount(); } else return 0; } function &AddReview($createdBy,$reviewText,$isPending,$ip=NULL,$ForceIP=0, $Module="", $CreatedOn = 0) { $this->Reviews->itemID=$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($ip == NULL) $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if(!$CreatedOn) $CreatedOn = mktime(0,0,0,adodb_date("m"),adodb_date("d"),adodb_date("Y")); $Status = 1; if($isPending) $Status = 2; $AutoModule = GetModuleByAction(); // determine module name by action if( $Module && ($AutoModule != $Module) ) $AutoModule = $Module; $r = $this->Reviews->AddReview($CreatedOn,$reviewText,$Status,$ip,0,$this->Get("ResourceId"),$this->type,$createdBy,0,$AutoModule); $this->Increment("CachedReviewsQty"); return $r; } function ReviewIPExists($ip) { return ip_exists($ip,$this->Get("ResourceId"),$this->Reviews->SourceTable); } function DeleteReview($reviewID) { $r = $this->Reviews->GetReview($reviewID); if(is_object($r)) { $r->Delete(); $this->Decrement("CachedReviewsQty"); } } function DeleteReviews() { $res_id = $this->Get("ResourceId"); if($res_id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."ItemReview WHERE ItemId=$res_id"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); unset($this->Reviews); $this->Reviews = new clsItemReviewList($res_id); } } /* item custom fields */ function LoadCustomFields($force = null) { if((!is_null($force) || !$this->CustomLoaded) && $this->Get("ResourceId")>0) { $this->FieldClass = new clsCustomFieldList(); $this->FieldClass->Type = $this->type; $this->FieldClass->LoadFieldsAndValues($this->Get("ResourceId")); foreach($this->FieldClass->Items as $f) { if (strlen($f->Get("ValueList") && (($f->Get("ElementType") == "select") || ($f->Get("ElementType") == "radio")))) { if ($f->HasField('Value')) { $ValueList = explode(",", $f->Get("ValueList")); if (is_array($ValueList)) { foreach ($ValueList as $curr => $value) { $c_data = explode("=", $value); if ($c_data[0] == $f->Get('Value')) { $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['value'] = $f->Get('Value'); $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['lang_value'] = language($c_data[1]); } } } else { $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['value'] = $f->HasField('Value') ? $f->Get('Value') : ''; $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['lang_value'] = null; } } else { $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['value'] = strlen($f->HasField('Value')) ? $f->Get('Value') : ''; $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['lang_value'] = null; } } else { $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['value'] = strlen($f->HasField('Value')) ? $f->Get('Value') : ''; $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]['lang_value'] = null; } } $this->CustomLoaded = 1; } } function SetCustomField($fieldname,$value) { // echo "Setting CF [$fieldname] = [$value]
"; if(!$this->CustomLoaded) $this->LoadCustomFields(); $this->CustomFields[$fieldname] = $value; } function SaveCustomFields() { //echo "Saving CFs
"; if(!(int)$this->Get("ResourceId")) return TRUE; if(!$this->CustomLoaded) return TRUE; $data = new clsCustomDataList(); $data->LoadResource($this->Get("ResourceId")); foreach($this->FieldClass->Items as $f) { $value = $this->CustomFields[$f->Get("FieldName")]; $data->SetFieldValue($f->Get("CustomFieldId"),$this->Get("ResourceId"),$value); } $data->SaveData(); unset($data); } /* function GetCustomFieldValue($fieldname,$default="") { if(!$this->CustomLoaded) $this->LoadCustomFields(); $fieldname=strtolower($fieldname); foreach($this->CustomFields as $k=>$v) if(strtolower($k)==$fieldname) return $v; return $default; if(isset($this->CustomFields[$fieldname])) { $ret = $this->CustomFields[$fieldname]; } elseif(isset($this->CustomFields[$fieldname=strtolower($fieldname)])) { $ret = $this->CustomFields[$fieldname]; } else $ret = $default; return $ret; } */ function GetCustomFieldValue($fieldname, $default="", $ListValue = 0) { if(!$this->CustomLoaded) $this->LoadCustomFields(null); elseif (is_array($this->CustomFields) && empty($this->CustomFields)) $this->LoadCustomFields(1); $fieldname = strtolower($fieldname); foreach($this->CustomFields as $k => $v) { if(strtolower($k) == $fieldname) { return $ListValue? $v['lang_value'] : $v['value']; } } return $default; } function DeleteCustomData() { $cdata = new clsCustomDataList(); $cdata->DeleteResource($this->Get("ResourceId")); } function Delete($RecordOnly=FALSE) { global $objFavorites; if($RecordOnly==FALSE) { $this->DeleteReviews(); $this->DeleteRelations(); $this->DeleteCustomData(); if($this->NoResourceId==0) { if($this->UsingTempTable()==FALSE) { if(is_object($this->Images)) $this->Images->DeleteResource($this->Get("ResourceId")); $objFavorites->DeleteItem($this->Get("ResourceId")); } } } parent::Delete(); } /* item relationships */ function GetRelatedItems() { global $objConfig; $where = "SourceId = ".$this->Get("ResourceId"); $where .= " OR (TargetId=".$this->Get("ResourceId")." AND Type=1)"; $orderBy = $objConfig->Get("Relation_Sortfield")." ".$objConfig->Get("Relation_Sortorder"); $orderBy = trim($orderBy); $this->Related->Clear(); $res = $this->Related->LoadRelated($where,$orderBy); return $res; } function &RelationObject() { return $this->Related; } function DeleteRelations() { $res_id = $this->Get("ResourceId"); if($res_id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Relationship WHERE SourceId=$res_id OR TargetId=$res_id"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); unset($this->Reviews); $this->Related = new clsRelationshipList($res_id); } } /* keyword highlighting for searches */ function HighlightField($field) { global $objConfig; if(/*!strlen($OpenTag) || !strlen($CloseTag) ||*/ !is_array($this->Keywords)) { //echo "Missing something
\n"; return $this->Get($field); } if(strlen($this->OpenTagVar)) $OpenTag = $objConfig->Get($this->OpenTagVar); if(strlen($this->CloseTagVar)) $CloseTag = $objConfig->Get($this->CloseTagVar); $k = array_merge($this->Keywords["required"],$this->Keywords["normal"]); if(count($k)) { $result = HighlightKeywords($k, $this->Get($field), $OpenTag, $CloseTag); } else { $result = $this->Get($field); //echo "No Keywords
\n"; } return $result; } function HighlightText($text) { global $objConfig; if(strlen($this->OpenTagVar)) $OpenTag = $objConfig->Get($this->OpenTagVar); if(strlen($this->CloseTagVar)) $CloseTag = $objConfig->Get($this->CloseTagVar); if(!strlen($OpenTag) || !strlen($CloseTag) || !is_array($this->Keywords)) { return $text; } $k = array_merge($this->Keywords["required"],$this->Keywords["normal"]); if(count($k)) { $result = HighlightKeywords($k,$text, $OpenTag, $CloseTag); } else $result = $text; return $result; } /* item status functions */ function Is($name) { $var = "m_" . $name; return ( isset($this->$var) && $this->$var ) ? true : false; } function IsHotItem() { switch($this->Get("HotItem")) { case ALWAYS: return TRUE; break; case NEVER: return FALSE; break; case AUTO: return $this->IsHot; break; } } function SetHotItem() { $this->IsHot = FALSE; } function IsNewItem() { switch($this->Get("NewItem")) { case ALWAYS: return TRUE; break; case NEVER: return FALSE; break; case AUTO: return $this->IsNew; break; } } function SetNewItem() { $this->IsNew = FALSE; } function IsPopItem() { switch($this->Get("PopItem")) { case ALWAYS: return TRUE; break; case NEVER: return FALSE; break; case AUTO: return $this->IsPop; break; } } function SetPopItem() { $this->IsPop = FALSE; } function SetFromArray($data, $dirty = false) { parent::SetFromArray($data, $dirty); if(is_array($data)) { if(array_key_exists("NewItem",$data)) { $this->SetNewItem(); } if(array_key_exists("HotItem",$data)) { $this->SetHotItem(); } if(array_key_exists("PopItem",$data)) { $this->SetPopItem(); } } } function Validate() { /* skeleton*/ return true; } function LoadFromDatabase($Id, $IdField = null) // custom IdField by Alex) { /* skeleton */ parent::LoadFromDatabase($Id, $IdField); } //Changes priority function MoveDown() { $this->Decrement("Priority"); } function MoveUp() { $this->Increment("Priority"); } function CheckPermission($permissionName) { //Check permission and if needs approval set approval global $objSession,$objCatList; $perm = $this->BasePermission; if(strlen($perm)>0) $perm .= "."; $perm .= $permissionName; //get an instance of the forum category $cat =& $objCatList->GetCategory($this->Get("CategoryId")); if(!is_object($cat)) { return FALSE; } else { return ($cat->HasPermission($perm,$objSession->Get("GroupId"))); } } function SubmitVote($voteRating, $voteNotes) { global $Errors; global $REMOTE_ADDR; //echo "Submitting vote
"; /* if($this->rating_ip_exists($REMOTE_ADDR)) { // $Errors->AddError("error.already_voted","","","",get_class($this),"SubmitVote"); return false; }*/ $vote = new clsItemRating(NULL); $vote->Set("ItemId",$this->UniqueId()); $vote->Set("RatingValue",$voteRating); if(!$vote->Create()) { //echo "Submitting Failed
"; return false; } $NumVotes = (int)$this->Get('CachedVotesQty'); $CurrentRating = $this->Get('CachedRating'); $Rating = (($NumVotes * $CurrentRating) + $voteRating)/($NumVotes+1); $this->Set("CachedRating",$Rating); $this->Update(); $this->Increment("CachedVotesQty"); //echo "Submitting Done
"; } function rating_ip_exists($ip) { $count = 0; $id = $this->Get("ResourceId"); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as DupCount FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."ItemRating WHERE IPAddress='$ip' and ItemId=$id"; $adodbConnection = &GetADODBConnection(); $rs = $adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs) { $count = $rs->fields["DupCount"]; } return ($count>0); //return FALSE; } function PurgeRatings() { global $objConfig; $expired=time()-86400*$objConfig->Get("Timeout_Rating"); $query="DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."ItemRating WHERE CreatedOn<$expired"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($query); } function GetThumbnailImage() { if($this->Images->NumItems()==0) $this->Images->GetResourceImages($this->Get("ResourceId")); return $this->Images->GetResourceThumbnail($this->Get("ResourceId")); } function GetImage($number) { return $this->Images->GetImageByResource($this->Get("ResourceId"),$number); } function GetImageByName($name) { if(!is_object($this->Images)) $this->Images = new clsImageList(); return $this->Images->GetImageByName($this->Get("ResourceId"),$name); } function &GetDefaultImage() { return $this->Images->GetDefaultImage($this->Get("ResourceId")); } function &GetAvatarImage() { return $this->Images->GetAvatarImage($this->Get("ResourceId")); } function CreatePendingCopy() { $OrgId = $this->IdField(); $this->Dirty(); $this->Set("OrgId",$OrgId); $this->UnsetIdField(); $this->Set("ResourceId",0); $this->Set("Status",-2); $this->Create(); } function AddFavorite($PortalUserId=NULL) { global $objSession, $objFavorites; $res = FALSE; // user can be added to favorites, but they have no primary category :) $category_id = method_exists($this, 'GetPrimaryCategory') ? $this->GetPrimaryCategory() : $GLOBALS['m_var_list']['cat']; if( $objSession->HasCatPermission("FAVORITES", $category_id) ) { if(!$PortalUserId) $PortalUserId = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); if($PortalUserId==$objSession->Get("PortalUserId") || $objSession->HasSystemPermission("ADMIN")) { $objFavorites->AddFavorite($PortalUserId,$this->Get("ResourceId"), $this->type); $res = TRUE; } } return $res; } function DeleteFavorite($PortalUserId=NULL) { global $objSession, $objFavorites; $res = FALSE; // user can be added to favorites, but they have no primary category :) $category_id = method_exists($this, 'GetPrimaryCategory') ? $this->GetPrimaryCategory() : $GLOBALS['m_var_list']['cat']; if( $objSession->HasCatPermission("FAVORITES", $category_id) ) { if(!$PortalUserId) $PortalUserId = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); //echo $PortalUserId." ".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); if($PortalUserId==$objSession->Get("PortalUserId") || $objSession->HasSystemPermission("ADMIN")) { $objFavorites->DeleteFavorite($PortalUserId,$this->Get("ResourceId")); $res = TRUE; } } return $res; } function IsFavorite($PortalUserId=NULL, $cat_id=NULL) { global $objSession, $objFavorites; $res = FALSE; if($objSession->HasCatPermission("FAVORITES", $cat_id)) { if(!$PortalUserId) $PortalUserId = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); if($PortalUserId==$objSession->Get("PortalUserId") || $objSession->HasSystemPermission("ADMIN")) { $i = $objFavorites->GetFavoriteObject($PortalUserId,$this->Get("ResourceId")); if(is_object($i)) { $res = TRUE; } else $res = FALSE; } } return $res; } function CheckBanned() { global $objBanList; $objBanList->LoadItemRules($this->type); $found = FALSE; $MatchedRule = 0; foreach($objBanList->Items as $b) { $field = $b->Get("ItemField"); if($this->FieldExists($field)) { $ThisValue = strtolower($this->Get($field)); $TestValue = strtolower($b->Get("ItemValue")); switch($b->Get("ItemVerb")) { case 0: /* any */ $found = TRUE; break; case 1: /* is */ if($ThisValue==$TestValue) $found = TRUE; break; case 2: /* is not */ if($ThisValue != $TestValue) $found = TRUE; break; case 3: /* contains */ if(strstr($ThisValue,$TestValue)) $found = TRUE; break; case 4: /* not contains */ if(!strstr($ThisValue,$TestValue)) $found = TRUE; break; case 5: /* Greater Than */ if($TestValue > $ThisValue) $found = TRUE; break; case 6: /* Less Than */ if($TestValue < $ThisValue) $found = TRUE; break; case 7: /* exists */ if(strlen($ThisValue)>0) $found = TRUE; break; case 8: /* unique */ if($this->ValueExists($field,$ThisValue)) $found = TRUE; break; } } if($found) { if($b->Get("RuleType")==0) { $MatchedRule = $b->Get("RuleId"); } else { $MatchedRule = 0; } break; } } return $MatchedRule; } } /* clsItem */ class clsCatItem extends clsItem { function clsCatItem($FullItem=FALSE) { $this->clsItem($FullItem); } function Delete($RecordOnly=FALSE) { global $objFavorites; parent::Delete($RecordOnly); if($RecordOnly==FALSE) { $this->RemoveFromAllCategories(); } } /* category membership functions */ function AssignPrimaryCategory($SourceTable) { $catid = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $SourceTable WHERE ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId")." LIMIT 1"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $catid = $rs->fields["CategoryId"]; $this->SetPrimaryCategory($catid,$SourceTable); } return $catid; } function GetPrimaryCategory($SourceTable = "") { if(is_numeric($this->PrimaryCat)) return $this->PrimaryCat; $this->PrimaryCat=""; if( strlen($SourceTable) == 0 ) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $res_id = $this->HasField('ResourceId') ? $this->Get('ResourceId') : 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $SourceTable WHERE ItemResourceId=".$res_id." AND PrimaryCat=1"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $this->PrimaryCat=$rs->fields["CategoryId"]; return $this->PrimaryCat; } else { $this->AssignPrimaryCategory($SourceTable); return $this->PrimaryCat; } } function SetPrimaryCategory($CategoryId,$SourceTable = "") { if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute('SELECT * FROM '.$SourceTable.' WHERE CategoryId='.$CategoryId.' AND ItemResourceId='.$this->Get("ResourceId")); $this->adodbConnection->Execute("UPDATE $SourceTable SET PrimaryCat=0 WHERE ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId")); $this->adodbConnection->Execute("UPDATE $SourceTable SET PrimaryCat=1 WHERE CategoryId=$CategoryId AND ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId")); $this->PrimaryCat=$CategoryId; } function CategoryMemberCount($SourceTable="") { if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as CatCount FROM $SourceTable WHERE ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($this->debuglevel) echo $sql."
\n"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $count = 0; if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $count = $rs->fields["CatCount"]; return $count; } /** * Return comma separated CategoryId list, * where this item is member (will be shown there) * * @param string $SourceTable * @return string */ function CategoryMemberList($SourceTable="") { $cats = array(); if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $SourceTable WHERE ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($this->debuglevel) echo $sql."
\n"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $cats[] = $rs->fields["CategoryId"]; $rs->MoveNext(); } $catlist = implode(",",$cats); return $catlist; } function AddToCategory($CatId,$SourceTable="",$PrimaryValue=NULL) { global $objSession, $objCatList; if(!$SourceTable) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; if($this->type>0) { $Primary = 0; if(is_numeric($PrimaryValue)) { $Primary = $PrimaryValue; if($Primary==1) $this->PrimaryCat = $CatId; } else { if(!is_numeric($this->GetPrimaryCategory())) { $Primary =1; $this->PrimaryCat = $CatId; } } // check if not exists $db =& $this->adodbConnection; $sql = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE CategoryId = %s AND ItemResourceId = %s', $SourceTable, (int)$CatId, $this->Get("ResourceId")); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if (is_object($rs)) { if($rs->RecordCount() == 0 ) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $SourceTable (CategoryId,ItemResourceId, PrimaryCat) VALUES (".(int)$CatId.",'".$this->Get("ResourceId")."',$Primary)"; if($this->debuglevel) echo $sql."
\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } } $c = $objCatList->GetCategory($CatId); } } function RemoveFromCategory($CatId,$SourceTable="",$Force=0) { if(!is_numeric($CatId)) return; global $objSession, $objCatList; if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; if($this->type>0) { $primary = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); if(($primary==$CatId && $this->CategoryMemberCount($SourceTable)>1) || ($primary != $CatId) || $Force) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $SourceTable WHERE CategoryId=$CatId AND ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo $sql."
\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $c = $objCatList->GetCategory($CatId); $c->ClearCacheData(); } } } function MoveToCategory($OldCatId,$NewCatId,$SourceTable="") { if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $sql = "UPDATE $SourceTable SET CategoryId=$NewCatId WHERE CategoryId=$OldCatId AND ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($this->debuglevel) echo $sql."
\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function DeleteCategoryItems($CatId,$SourceTable = "") { if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $CatCount = $this->CategoryMemberCount($SourceTable); if($CatCount>1) { $this->RemoveFromCategory($CatId,$SourceTable); $this->ClearCacheData(); } else { $this->Delete(); $sql = "DELETE FROM $SourceTable WHERE CategoryId=$CatId AND ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($this->debuglevel) echo $sql."
\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } } function RemoveFromAllCategories($SourceTable = "") { if(strlen($SourceTable)==0) $SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; if($this->type>0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $SourceTable WHERE ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $CategoryId = $rs->fields["CategoryId"]; $rs->MoveNext(); } $sql = "DELETE FROM $SourceTable WHERE ItemResourceId=".$this->Get("ResourceId"); if($this->debuglevel) echo $sql."
\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } } function CopyToNewResource($TargetCat = NULL,$NameField="Name") { global $objSession; $CatList = $this->CategoryMemberList(); $Cats = explode(",",$CatList); //echo "Target: $TargetCat
"; $OldId = $this->Get("ResourceId"); $this->UnsetIdField(); $this->Dirty(); if(!is_numeric($this->Get("OrgId"))) $this->UnsetField("OrgId"); $this->UnsetField("ResourceId"); if(is_numeric($TargetCat) && strlen($NameField)) { $OldName = $this->Get($NameField); if(substr($OldName,0,5)=="Copy ") { $parts = explode(" ",$OldName,4); if($parts[2]=="of" && is_numeric($parts[1])) { $Name = $parts[3]; } else if($parts[1]=="of") { $Name = $parts[2]." ".$parts[3]; } else $Name = $OldName; } else $Name = $OldName; $Names = CategoryItemNameCount($TargetCat,$this->tablename,$NameField,$Name); if(count($Names)>0) { $NameCount = count($Names); $found = FALSE; $NewName = "Copy of $Name"; if(!in_array("Copy of $Name",$Names)) { $found = TRUE; } else { for($x=2;$x<$NameCount+2;$x++) { $NewName = "Copy ".$x." of ".$Name; if(!in_array($NewName,$Names)) { $found = TRUE; break; } } } if(!$found) { $NameCount++; $NewName = "Copy $NameCount of $Name"; } $this->Set($NameField,$NewName); } } $this->Create(); // copy relationships $NewId = $this->Get("ResourceId"); $reldata = new clsRelationshipList($TargetCat,$this->IdField()); $reldata->CopyToResource($OldId,$NewId); // copy reviews $rdata = new clsItemReviewList(); $rdata->CopyToItemId($OldId,$NewId); unset($rdata); // copy custom fields $cdata = new clsCustomDataList(); $cdata->CopyResource($OldId,$NewId); unset($cdata); // copy images if(is_object($this->Images)) $this->Images->CopyResource($OldId,$NewId); $this->AddToCategory($TargetCat, '', 0); // insert (but with duplicate records check) //echo "ok"; if(is_numeric($TargetCat)) { if(is_array($Cats)) { if(!in_array($TargetCat,$Cats)) { $this->AddToCategory($TargetCat, 0); // insert } } $this->SetPrimaryCategory($TargetCat); // 2 updates } } function refreshLastUpdate($cat_id = null) { $db =& GetADODBConnection(); $prefix = GetTablePrefix(); // 1,2,3,4 - set lastupdate date to item's primary category as recent // change date of all items in this category of same type as this item // 1. get item category or use passed one if(!isset($cat_id)) $cat_id = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); if($cat_id == 0) return false; // 2. get all item ResourceIds in that category $sql = 'SELECT ItemResourceId FROM '.$prefix.'CategoryItems WHERE CategoryId = '.$cat_id; $item_rids = $db->GetCol($sql); if($item_rids) { $item_rids = implode(',',$item_rids); // 2a. get LastUpdate date based on all item in $cat_id category $sql = 'SELECT MAX(IF(Modified=0,CreatedOn,Modified)) FROM '.$this->tablename.' WHERE ResourceId IN ('.$item_rids.')'; $item_last_update = $db->GetOne($sql); } else { $item_last_update = 0; } // 3. get LastUpdate date based on all $cat_id subcategories $sql = 'SELECT MAX(IF(Modified=0,CreatedOn,Modified)) FROM '.$prefix.'Category WHERE ParentId = '.$cat_id; $cat_last_update = $db->GetOne($sql); $last_update = max($item_last_update,$cat_last_update); // 4. set $last_update date to $cat_id category $sql = 'UPDATE '.$prefix.'Category SET Modified = '.$last_update.' WHERE CategoryId = '.$cat_id; $db->Execute($sql); // 5. get $cat_id parent CategoryId $sql = 'SELECT ParentId FROM '.$prefix.'Category WHERE CategoryId = '.$cat_id; if($cat_id > 0) $this->refreshLastUpdate( $db->GetOne($sql) ); } function StripDisallowed($string) { $not_allowed = Array(' ', '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|'); $string = str_replace($not_allowed, '_', $string); $string = preg_replace('/(_+)/', '_', $string); while( preg_match('/(.*)_([\d]+)$/', $string, $rets) ) { $string = $rets[1]; } return $string; } function GenerateFilename() { if ( !$this->Get('AutomaticFilename') && $this->Get('Filename') ) return false; $name = $this->StripDisallowed( $this->Get($this->TitleField) ); if ( $name != $this->Get('Filename') ) $this->Set('Filename', $name); } function Update($UpdatedBy = null) { $this->GenerateFilename(); parent::Update($UpdatedBy); } function Create() { $this->GenerateFilename(); parent::Create(); } } ?>