clsParsedItem(); $this->tablename = GetTablePrefix()."SearchConfig"; $this->id_field = "SearchConfigId"; $this->NoResourceId=1; $this->TagPrefix="searchfield"; if($id) $this->LoadFromDatabase($id); } function LoadFromDatabase($Id) { global $Errors; if(!isset($Id)) { $Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: LoadFromDatabase id',"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return false; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE ".$this->IdField()." = '%s'",$Id); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return false; } $data = $result->fields; $this->SetFromArray($data); $this->Clean(); return true; } function GetWhereClause($verb,$value) { //$value = $this->adodbConnection->qstr(stripslashes($value)); $where = ""; if(strlen($this->Get("ForeignField"))>0) { $field = $this->Get("ForeignField"); } else { $field = $this->Get("FieldName"); } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $value_item) { $where .= '('.$field.' = '.$this->adodbConnection->qstr($value_item).') OR '; } return preg_replace('/(.*) OR $/', '\\1', $where); } switch($verb) { case "is": if(strlen($this->Get("IsWhere"))) { $where = str_replace("{Value}",$value,$this->Get("IsWhere")); } else $where = $field." = '".$value."'"; break; case "isnot": if(strlen($this->Get("IsNotWhere"))) { $where = str_replace("{Value}",$value,$this->Get("IsNotWhere")); } else $where = $field." != '".$value."'"; break; case "contains": if(strlen($this->Get("ContainsWhere"))) { $where = str_replace("{Value}",$value,$this->Get("ContainsWhere")); } else $where = $field." LIKE '%".$value."%'"; break; case "notcontains": if(strlen($this->Get("NotContainsWhere"))) { $where = str_replace("{Value}",$value,$this->Get("NotContainsWhere")); } else $where = $field." NOT LIKE '%".$value."%'"; break; } return $where; } function ParseObject($element) { global $objConfig, $objSession, $objUsers, $objCatList, $var_list_update, $var_list, $bb_var_list_update, $m_var_list_update,$FormValues; $extra_attribs = ExtraAttributes($element->attributes); if (strtolower($element->name)==$this->TagPrefix) { $field = strtolower($element->attributes["_field"]); switch($field) { case "name": $ret = $this->Get("FieldName"); break; case "lang_name": $ret = language($this->Get("DisplayName")); break; case "id": $ret = $this->Get("SearchConfigId"); break; case "header": $hdr = $this->Get("ConfigHeader"); if ($hdr) $ret = language($hdr); break; case "table": $ret = $this->Get("TableName"); break; case "simple": $ret = (int)$this->Get("SimpleSearch"); if($ret) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_text"])) $ret = language($element->attributes["_text"]); if(strlen($element->attributes["_plaintext"])) $ret = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; } break; case "advanced": $ret = (int)$this->Get("AdvancedSearch"); if($ret) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_text"])) $ret = language($element->attributes["_text"]); if(strlen($element->attributes["_plaintext"])) $ret = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; } break; case "verb_select": $datatype = $this->Get("FieldType"); switch($datatype) { case "text": case 'textarea': $fieldname = "verb[".$this->Get("FieldName")."]"; $ret = ""; break; case "boolean": $ret = ""; break; case 'select': case 'radio': case 'checkbox': // $ret = ''; $fieldname = 'verb['.$this->Get('FieldName').']'; $ret = '"; break; } break; case 'form_input': $datatype = $this->Get("FieldType"); $name = $this->Get("FieldName"); switch($datatype) { case "text": case 'textarea': $ret = ""; break; case 'select': $current_value = $FormValues[$name]; $values = $this->parseValuesList(); $ret = ''; break; case 'radio': $current_value = $FormValues[$name]; $values = $this->parseValuesList(); $ret = ''; $option_tpl = ' %s '; foreach ($values as $value_key => $value_name) { $selected = ($current_value == $value_key) ? ' checked' : ''; $ret .= sprintf($option_tpl, $value_key, $selected, $value_name); } break; case 'checkbox': $current_value = $FormValues[$name]; $values = $this->parseValuesList(); $ret = ''; $option_tpl = ' %s '; foreach ($values as $value_key => $value_name) { $selected = ($current_value == $value_key) ? ' checked' : ''; $ret .= sprintf($option_tpl, $value_key, $selected, $value_name); } break; /*case 'password': break;*/ case "boolean": $ret = ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '
'; break; case 'range': $ret = '
'. language('lu_from').':
'. language('lu_to').':
'; break; } break; case "andor_radio": $name = $this->Get("FieldName"); $Field = "andor[$name]"; $checked = Array(1 => '', 2 => ''); $checked[ $FormValues[$Field] ] = ' checked'; if(!$FormValues[$Field]) $checked[1] = ' checked'; $ret = ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '
'; return $ret; break; } } return $ret; } /** * If custom field contains values list, then parse it into array * * @return Array */ function parseValuesList() { $sql = 'SELECT ValueList FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'CustomField WHERE CustomFieldId = '.$this->Get('CustomFieldId'); $list = $this->adodbConnection->GetOne($sql); if (!$list) return Array(); $ret = Array(); $values = explode(',', $list); foreach ($values as $mixed_value) { list($value_key, $value_name) = explode('=', $mixed_value); $value_key = trim($value_key); $value_name = trim($value_name); if (substr($value_name, 0, 1) == '+') { $ret[$value_key] = substr($value_name, 1, strlen($value_name)); } else { $ret[$value_key] = language($value_name); } } return $ret; } } class clsSearchConfigList { var $Module; var $Items; var $SourceTable; var $classname; var $adodbConnection; function clsSearchConfigList($module=NULL) { $this->SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."SearchConfig"; $this->classname = "clsSearchConfig"; $this->adodbConnection = &GetADODBConnection(); $this->Items = array(); if($module) $this->LoadModule($module); } function Clear() { unset($this->Items); $this->Items = array(); } function ResetModule() { $this->Clear(); $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->SourceTable." SET SimpleSearch=0, AdvancedSearch=0 WHERE ModuleName='".$this->Module."'"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function LoadModule($mod) { $this->Clear(); $this->Module = $mod; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE ModuleName ='$mod' ORDER BY DisplayOrder"; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function GetNextDisplayOrder($mod) { $ret = 0; $sql = "SELECT MAX(DisplayOrder) AS do FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE ModuleName = '$mod'"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $ret = $rs->fields["do"]+1; return $ret; } function AddItemFromArray($data) { $class = new $this->classname; $class->SetFromArray($data); //foreach($data as $prop => $value) // $class->Set($prop,$value); array_push($this->Items,$class); return $class; } function Query_Item($sql, $limit=NULL) { global $Errors; if(isset($limit)) $result = $this->adodbConnection->SelectLimit($sql, $limit); else $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"Query_Item"); return false; } $this->Clear(); while ($result && !$result->EOF) { $data = $result->fields; $this->AddItemFromArray($data); $result->MoveNext(); } return $this->Items; } function GetItem($ID) { $found=FALSE; if(is_array($this->Items)) { foreach($this->Items as $i) { if($i->UniqueID()==$ID) { $found=TRUE; break; } } } if(!$found) { $i = NULL; $i = new $this->classname(); //$i->idfield = $i->IdField(); //set the id field before we change tables $i->tablename = $this->SourceTable; $i->LoadFromDatabase($ID); array_push($this->Items, $i); } return $i; } function GetItemByName($Table,$Name) { $found=FALSE; if(is_array($this->Items)) { foreach($this->Items as $i) { if($i->Get("TableName")==$Table && $i->Get("FieldName")==$Name) { $found=TRUE; break; } } } if(!$found) { $i = NULL; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute("SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE Tablename='$Table' AND FieldName='$Name'"); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $i = new $this->classname(); //$i->idfield = $i->IdField(); //set the id field before we change tables $i->tablename = $this->SourceTable; $i->SetFromArray($rs->fields); } array_push($this->Items, $i); } return $i; } function EditFieldSettings($FieldId,$SimpleSearch,$AdvancedSearch,$Priority) { $f = $this->GetItem($FieldId); //echo "
"; print_r($f); echo "
"; $f->Set("SimpleSearch",(int)$SimpleSearch); $f->Set("AdvancedSearch",(int)$AdvancedSearch); $f->Set("Priority",(int)$Priority); $f->Update(); return $f; } function &AddSearchField($Table,$FieldName,$Module,$Simple,$Adv,$Description,$DisplayName,$ConfigHeader,$DisplayOrder=0,$Priority=0,$FieldType="text",$JoinClause=NULL,$IsWhere=NULL,$IsNotWhere=NULL,$ContainsWhere=NULL,$NotContainsWhere=NULL,$CustomId=0, $ForeignField = NULL) { $f = new clsSearchConfig(); if($DisplayOrder==0) $DisplayOrder = $this->GetNextDisplayOrder($Module); $f->Set(Array("TableName","ModuleName","SimpleSearch","AdvancedSearch","Description","DisplayName","ConfigHeader", "DisplayOrder","Priority","FieldType","FieldName", "ForeignField"), Array($Table,$Module,$Simple,$Adv,$Description,$DisplayName,$ConfigHeader,$DisplayOrder,$Priority,$FieldType,$FieldName, $ForeignField)); $f->Set("CustomFieldId",$CustomId); if(strlen($JoinClause)) $f->Set("JoinClause",$JoinClause); if(strlen($IsWhere)) $f->Set("IsWhere",$IsWhere); if(strlen($IsNotWhere)) $f->Set("IsNotWhere",$IsNotWhere); if(strlen($ContainsWhere)) $f->Set("ContainsWhere",$ContainsWhere); if(strlen($NotContainsWhere)) $f->Set("NotContainsWhere",$NotContainsWhere); $f->Create(); return $f; } function GetHeadingList() { $res = array(); foreach($this->Items as $i) { $header = $i->Get("ConfigHeader"); $res[$header]=1; } reset($res); return array_keys($res); } function GetHeadingItems($heading) { $res = array(); foreach($this->Items as $i) { if($i->Get("ConfigHeader")==$heading) array_push($res,$i); } return $res; } } ?>