languageCount = $this->getLanguageCount(); } /** * Returns language count in system (always is divisible by 5) * */ function getLanguageCount() { $table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('lang', 'TableName'); $languages_count = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$table_name); if (!$languages_count) { // during installation we have not languages, but we need to created custom field columns $languages_count = 1; } return $languages_count + 5 - ( $languages_count % 5 ? ($languages_count % 5) : 5 ); } function scanTable($mask) { $i = 0; $fields_found = 0; $fields = array_keys($this->curStructure); foreach ($fields as $field_name) { if (preg_match($mask, $field_name)) { $fields_found++; } } return $fields_found; } function readTableStructure($table_name) { static $structure_status = Array(); if (!getArrayValue($structure_status, $table_name)) { $this->curStructure = $this->Conn->Query('DESCRIBE '.$table_name, 'Field'); $structure_status[$table_name] = true; } } /** * Creates missing multilanguage fields in table by specified prefix * * @param string $prefix */ function createFields($prefix) { $table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName'); $this->curFields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'Fields'); if (!($table_name && $this->curFields) ) { // invalid config found or prefix not found return true; } $sqls = Array(); foreach($this->curFields as $field_name => $field_options) { if (getArrayValue($field_options, 'formatter') == 'kMultiLanguage') { $this->readTableStructure($table_name); $created_count = $this->getCreatedCount($field_name); $create_count = $this->languageCount - $created_count; if ($create_count > 0) { // `l77_Name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT '0'; $field_mask = Array(); $field_mask['name'] = 'l%s_'.$field_name; $field_mask['null'] = getArrayValue($field_options, 'not_null') ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL'; if ($this->curSourceField) { $default_value = $this->getFieldParam('Default') != 'NULL' ? $this->Conn->qstr($this->getFieldParam('Default')) : $this->getFieldParam('Default'); $field_mask['type'] = $this->getFieldParam('Type'); } else { $default_value = is_null($field_options['default']) ? 'NULL' : $this->Conn->qstr($field_options['default']); $field_mask['type'] = $field_options['db_type']; } $field_mask['default'] = 'DEFAULT '.$default_value; $field_mask = $field_mask['name'].' '.$field_mask['type'].' '.$field_mask['null'].' '.$field_mask['default']; $sqls[] = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table_name.( $this->generateAlterSQL($field_mask, $created_count + 1, $create_count) ); } } } foreach ($sqls as $sql_query) { $this->Conn->Query($sql_query); } } function deleteField($prefix, $custom_id) { $table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName'); $sql = 'DESCRIBE '.$table_name.' "l%_cust_'.$custom_id.'"'; $fields = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql); $sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table_name.' '; $sql_template = 'DROP COLUMN %s, '; foreach ($fields as $field_name) { $sql .= sprintf($sql_template, $field_name); } $sql = preg_replace('/(.*), $/', '\\1', $sql); $this->Conn->Query($sql); } /** * Returns parameter requested of current source field * * @param string $param_name * @return string */ function getFieldParam($param_name) { return $this->curStructure[$this->curSourceField][$param_name]; } function getCreatedCount($field_name) { $ret = $this->scanTable('/^l[\d]+_'.preg_quote($field_name, '/').'/'); if (!$ret) { // no multilingual fields at all (but we have such field without language prefix) $original_found = $this->scanTable('/'.preg_quote($field_name, '/').'/'); $this->curSourceField = $original_found ? $field_name : false; } else { $this->curSourceField = 'l1_'.$field_name; } return $ret; } /** * Returns ALTER statement part for adding required fields to table * * @param string $field_mask sql mask for creating field with correct definition (type & size) * @param int $start_index add new fields starting from this index * @param int $create_count create this much new multilingual field translations * @return string */ function generateAlterSQL($field_mask, $start_index, $create_count) { $i_count = $start_index + $create_count; $ret = ' '; while ($start_index < $i_count) { list($prev_field,$type) = explode(' ', sprintf($field_mask, $start_index - 1) ); if (substr($prev_field, 0, 3) == 'l0_') { $prev_field = substr($prev_field, 3, strlen($prev_field)); if (!$this->curSourceField) { // get field name before this one $fields = array_keys($this->curFields); $prev_field = $fields[array_search($prev_field, $fields) - 1]; if (getArrayValue($this->curFields[$prev_field], 'formatter') == 'kMultiLanguage') { $prev_field = 'l'.$this->languageCount.'_'.$prev_field; } } } $field_expression = sprintf($field_mask, $start_index); $ret .= 'ADD COLUMN '.$field_expression.' AFTER `'.$prev_field.'`, '; list($field_name, $field_params) = explode(' ', $field_expression, 2); $ret .= 'ADD INDEX (`'.$field_name.'` (5) ), '; $start_index++; } return preg_replace('/, $/',';',$ret); } } ?>