Readme notes for In-Portal 1.1.8 Intechnic Corporation, May 4, 2006 New features: - Category Template and Item Template properties added to the Category Edit form, allowing to eliminate template filename in the URL when using mod_rewrite and to use a different template for displaying different sub-categories and items in different sub-categories - Custom field mechanism fully reengineered, resulting in an improved performance when querying, displaying and searching through custom fields. All custom field data is now stored as a single record in a table rather then in a record for each custom field. The table structure is automatically altered when custom fields are being added or removed. - Extended quick search syntax added in a number of sections (Languages, all In-commerce sections) allowing usage of exact match (by enclosing keywords into double quotes, i.e. "exact match"), allowing to include or exclude single keywords or exact match keywords (by using +/- operators before keywords, i.e. +keyword +"exact match" -keyword1 -"exact match2") - 'Save' warning in the administrative console when trying to switch between sections in the tree without saving the current form. This lowers the possibility of accidental data loss. - Logging of Advanced Search queries on the front end Bug fixes: - Automatic password assignment - Possibility of selecting two languages as primary - Searching and sorting of user list when editing a group - Editing of the Home category in some situations resulted in a blank screen