This tab allows you to control the permissions of the current category. The first list displays all groups, which have permissions already associated with this category. If a group is not shown, that means that its permissions will be inherited from the parent category. To add a new group definition, click on the ‘New Permission' button (icon with a yellow lock and a little sun). A new page will pop-up, prompting you to select the group which you want to add. Only those groups will be shown which don't yet exist in the group list. Once you add or edit a group, you will be directed to the page defining the permissions. The permissions are broken down by type, one for the In-portal platform permissions, and one for each of the installed modules. The ‘Inherited' check box specifies that a particular permission is inherited from the parent, and therefore cannot be defined for this category. The ‘Access' check box shows whether a permission is set or unset in the current category. Next to the check box, you will also see a green or a red circle. These circles indicate the active permission state for the category – red means unset, and the green – set. This is especially useful in for the inherited permissions – you don't have to look up the parent category to find out what the value of a particular permission is. The last column, ‘Inherited From', shows the category name and full path that defines the permission for the current category. It may be an immediate parent, or any other grandparent category in the tree – all the way up to the ‘Home' category. The ‘Home' category does not have the inheritance options, since it is the highest category in the tree, and does not have any other category to inherit the settings from. The list of In-portal platform permissions is as follows: