dbType = $dbType; $this->initMetaFunctions(); if(!$errorHandler) { $this->errorHandler = Array(&$this,'handleError'); } } /** * Set's custom error * * @param int $code * @param string $msg * @access public */ function setError($code,$msg) { $this->errorCode=$code; $this->errorMessage=$msg; } /** * Checks if previous query execution * raised an error. * * @return bool * @access public */ function hasError() { return !($this->errorCode == 0); } /** * Caches function specific to requested * db type * * @access private */ function initMetaFunctions() { $ret = Array(); switch($this->dbType) { case 'mysql': $ret = Array(); // only define functions, that name differs from "dbType_" break; } $this->metaFunctions = $ret; } /** * Get's function for specific db type * based on it's meta name * * @param string $name * @return string * @access private */ function getMetaFunction($name) { if( !isset($this->metaFunctions[$name]) ) { if(function_exists($this->dbType.'_'.$name)) return $this->dbType.'_'.$name; } else { return $this->dbType.$name; } return false; } /** * Try to connect to database server * using specified parameters and set * database to $db if connection made * * @param string $host * @param string $user * @param string $pass * @param string $db * @access public */ function Connect($host,$user,$pass,$db) { $func = $this->getMetaFunction('connect'); $this->connectionID = $func($host,$user,$pass) or trigger_error("Can't connect to db", E_USER_ERROR); if($this->connectionID) { $this->setDB($db); $this->showError(); } } /** * Shows error message from previous operation * if it failed * * @access private */ function showError($sql='') { $this->setError(0,''); // reset error if($this->connectionID) { $func = $this->getMetaFunction('errno'); $this->errorCode = $func($this->connectionID); if($this->hasError()) { $func = $this->getMetaFunction('error'); $this->errorMessage = $func($this->connectionID); if(is_array($this->errorHandler)) { $func = $this->errorHandler[1]; $ret = $this->errorHandler[0]->$func($this->errorCode,$this->errorMessage,$sql); } else { $func = $this->errorHandler; $ret = $func($this->errorCode,$this->errorMessage,$sql); } if(!$ret) exit; } } } /** * Default error handler for sql errors * * @param int $code * @param string $msg * @param string $sql * @return bool * @access private */ function handleError($code,$msg,$sql) { echo 'Processing SQL: '.$sql.'
'; echo 'Error ('.$code.'): '.$msg.'
'; return false; } /** * Set's database name for connection * to $new_name * * @param string $new_name * @return bool * @access public */ function setDB($new_name) { if(!$this->connectionID) return false; $func = $this->getMetaFunction('select_db'); return $func($new_name); } /** * Returns first field of first line * of recordset if query ok or false * otherwise * * @param string $sql * @return string * @access public */ function GetOne($sql) { $row = $this->GetRow($sql); if(!$row) return false; return array_shift($row); } /** * Returns first row of recordset * if query ok, false otherwise * * @param stirng $sql * @return Array * @access public */ function GetRow($sql) { $sql .= ' '.$this->getLimitClause(0,1); $ret = $this->Query($sql); if(!$ret) return false; return array_shift($ret); } /** * Returns 1st column of recordset as * one-dimensional array or false otherwise * Optional parameter $key_field can be used * to set field name to be used as resulting * array key * * @param string $sql * @param string $key_field * @return Array * @access public */ function GetCol($sql, $key_field = null) { $rows = $this->Query($sql); if(!$rows) return $rows; $i = 0; $row_count = count($rows); $ret = Array(); if(isset($key_field)) { while ($i < $row_count) { $ret[$rows[$i][$key_field]] = array_shift($rows[$i]); $i++; } } else { while ($i < $row_count) { $ret[] = array_shift($rows[$i]); $i++; } } return $ret; } /** * Queries db with $sql query supplied * and returns rows selected if any, false * otherwise. Optional parameter $key_field * allows to set one of the query fields * value as key in string array. * * @param string $sql * @param string $key_field * @return Array */ function Query($sql, $key_field = null) { $query_func = $this->getMetaFunction('query'); $this->queryID = $query_func($sql,$this->connectionID); if( is_resource($this->queryID) ) { $ret = Array(); $fetch_func = $this->getMetaFunction('fetch_assoc'); if( isset($key_field) ) { while( ($row = $fetch_func($this->queryID)) ) { $ret[$row[$key_field]] = $row; } } else { while( ($row = $fetch_func($this->queryID)) ) { $ret[] = $row; } } $this->Destroy(); return $ret; } $this->showError($sql); return false; } /** * Free memory used to hold recordset handle * * @access private */ function Destroy() { if($this->queryID) { $free_func = $this->getMetaFunction('free_result'); $free_func($this->queryID); $this->queryID = null; } } /** * Returns auto increment field value from * insert like operation if any, zero otherwise * * @return int * @access public */ function getInsertID() { $func = $this->getMetaFunction('insert_id'); return $func($this->connectionID); } /** * Returns row count affected by last query * * @return int * @access public */ function getAffectedRows() { $func = $this->getMetaFunction('affected_rows'); return $func($this->connectionID); } /** * Returns LIMIT sql clause part for specific db * * @param int $offset * @param int $rows * @return string * @access private */ function getLimitClause($offset, $rows) { switch ($this->dbType) { default: return 'LIMIT '.$offset.','.$rows; break; } } /** * Returns last error code occured * * @return int */ function getErrorCode() { return $this->errorCode; } /** * Returns last error message * * @return string * @access public */ function getErrorMsg() { return $this->errorMessage; } /** * Correctly quotes a string so that all strings are escaped. We prefix and append * to the string single-quotes. * An example is $db->qstr("Don't bother",magic_quotes_runtime()); * * @param s the string to quote * @param [magic_quotes] if $s is GET/POST var, set to get_magic_quotes_gpc(). * This undoes the stupidity of magic quotes for GPC. * * @return quoted string to be sent back to database */ function qstr($s,$magic_quotes=false) { $replaceQuote = "\\'"; if (!$magic_quotes) { if ($replaceQuote[0] == '\\') { // only since php 4.0.5 $s = str_replace(array('\\',"\0"),array('\\\\',"\\\0"),$s); //$s = str_replace("\0","\\\0", str_replace('\\','\\\\',$s)); } return "'".str_replace("'",$replaceQuote,$s)."'"; } // undo magic quotes for " $s = str_replace('\\"','"',$s); if($replaceQuote == "\\'") // ' already quoted, no need to change anything { return "'$s'"; } else // change \' to '' for sybase/mssql { $s = str_replace('\\\\','\\',$s); return "'".str_replace("\\'",$replaceQuote,$s)."'"; } } } ?>