_Tag)) { $this->_Tag =& new Tag($tag_data, $parser, $inp_tag); } else { // $this->_Tag->Parser =& $parser; $this->_Tag->TagData = $tag_data; if ($tag_data != '') $this->_Tag->ParseTagData($tag_data); $this->_Tag->NP =& $this->_Tag->NamedParams; } return $this->_Tag; } } class Tag extends kBase { var $Processor; var $Tag; var $Params = Array(); var $NamedParams = Array(); var $NP; /** * Enter description here... * * @var TemplateParser */ var $Parser; var $TagData = ''; function Tag($tag_data, &$parser, $inp_tag=0) { parent::kBase(); $this->Parser =& $parser; $this->TagData = $tag_data; if ($tag_data != '') $this->ParseTagData($tag_data); $this->NP =& $this->NamedParams; } function CopyFrom(&$tag) { $this->Processor = $tag->Processor; $this->Tag = $tag->Tag; $this->TagData = $tag->TagData; $this->Params = $tag->Params; $this->NamedParams = $tag->NamedParams; $this->Parser =& $tag->Parser; } function GetFullTag() { return '<%'.$this->TagData.'%>'; } function RebuildTagData() { $res = $this->Processor.':'.$this->Tag.' '; foreach ($this->NamedParams as $name => $value) { $res .= "$name='$value' "; } return $res; } /** * Escape chars in phrase translation, that could harm parser to process tag * * @param string $text * @return string * @access private */ function EscapeReservedChars($text) { $reserved = Array('"',"'"); // = $replacement = Array('\"',"\'"); // \= return str_replace($reserved,$replacement,$text); } function ReplaceParams($tag_data) { //print_pre($this->Parser->Pattern, $tag_data); $values = $this->Parser->Values; foreach($values as $param_name => $param_value) { $values[$param_name] = $this->EscapeReservedChars($param_value); } if (is_array($this->Parser->Params)) { $tag_data = preg_replace($this->Parser->Pattern, $values, $tag_data); } //echo "got: $tag_data
"; return $tag_data; } function PreParseReplaceParams($tag_data) { //print_pre($this->Parser->Pattern, $tag_data); $values = $this->Parser->Values; foreach($values as $param_name => $param_value) { $values[$param_name] = $this->EscapeReservedChars($param_value); } /*$patterns = Array(); if ( is_array($this->Parser->Args) ) { foreach ($this->Parser->Args as $arg) { } }*/ if ($this->Parser->SkipMode == parse) { if (is_array($this->Parser->Params)) { $tag_data = preg_replace($this->Parser->Pattern, $values, $tag_data); } } //echo "got: $tag_data
"; return $tag_data; } function CmpParams($a, $b) { $a_len = strlen($a); $b_len = strlen($b); if ($a_len == $b_len) return 0; return $a_len > $b_len ? -1 : 1; } /** * Set's Prefix and Special for Tag object * based on ones from tagname * * @param string $tag_data * @access protected */ function ParseTagData($tag_data) { if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') ) { $this->OriginalTagData = $tag_data; $tag_data = $this->PreParseReplaceParams($tag_data) . ' '; } else { $tag_data = $this->ReplaceParams($tag_data) . ' '; // $tag_data = $this->Application->ReplaceLanguageTags($tag_data); } list ($key_data, $params) = split("[ \t\n]{1}", $tag_data, 2); $key_data = trim($key_data); $tmp=explode(':',$key_data); $this->Tag=$tmp[1]; $tmp=$this->Application->processPrefix($tmp[0]); $this->Prefix=$tmp['prefix']; $this->Special=$tmp['special']; $this->Processor=$this->Prefix; if ($params != '') { $this->ParseNamedParams($params); } else { $this->NamedParams = array(); } } function ParseNamedParams($params_str) { $params =& new Params($params_str); $this->NamedParams = $params->_Params; } function GetParam($param) { if (isset($this->NP[$param])) return $this->NP[$param]; else return false; } /** * Process IF tags in specific way * */ function Process() { if ($this->Processor == 'm' || $this->Processor == 'm_TagProcessor') { //if we are procssing Main tags if ($this->Tag == 'block' || $this->Tag == 'DefineElement') { $tag =& new BlockTag('', $this->Parser); $tag->CopyFrom($this); $tag->Process(); } elseif ($this->Parser->SkipMode == skip_tags) { return; } elseif ( $this->Tag == 'if' || $this->Tag == 'ifnot' || $this->Tag == 'else' || $this->Tag == 'elseif' ) { if ( defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') ) { $this->Parser->AppendCompiledCode( $this->GetCode() ); } $tag =& new ConstructTag('', $this->Parser); $tag->CopyFrom($this); $tag->Process(); } else { if ($this->Parser->SkipMode == skip) { if ( defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') ) { $this->Parser->AppendCompiledCode( $this->GetCode() ); } return; } $this->ProcessTag(); if ( defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') ) { $this->Parser->AppendCompiledCode( $this->GetCode() ); } } } else { //normal tags - processors other than main if ($this->Parser->SkipMode == skip) { // inside if - add statements inside if to compiled code if ( defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') ) { $this->Parser->AppendCompiledCode( $this->GetCode() ); } return; } elseif ($this->Parser->SkipMode == skip_tags) return; //do not parse if we skipping tags $this->ProcessTag(); if ( defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') ) { $this->Parser->AppendCompiledCode( $this->GetCode() ); } } } /** * Set's Prefix and Special for TagProcessor * based on tag beeing processed * * @return string * @access protected */ function DoProcessTag() { // $tag->Prefix - l_TagProcessor $tmp = $this->Application->processPrefix($this->Processor); $processor =& $this->Application->recallObject($tmp['prefix'].'_TagProcessor'); // $this->Processor $tmp=explode('_',$tmp['prefix'],2); $processor->Prefix=$tmp[0]; $processor->Special=$this->Special; // pass_params for non ParseBlock tags :) $parser_params = $this->Application->Parser->Params; if( getArrayValue($this->NamedParams,'pass_params') ) { unset( $this->NamedParams['pass_params'] ); $this->NamedParams = array_merge_recursive2($parser_params, $this->NamedParams); } return $processor->ProcessTag($this); } function ProcessTag() { $o = $this->DoProcessTag(); if ($o !== false) { $this->Parser->AppendOutput($o); } else { trigger_error('can\'t process tag '.$this->Tag,E_USER_WARNING); } } function GetCode($echo=false) { $tmp_params = $this->NamedParams; $splited = split("[ \t\n]{1}", $this->OriginalTagData, 2); if (isset($splited[1]) && $splited[1]) { $this->ParseNamedParams($splited[1]); } $pass_params = $this->NamedParams; $this->NamedParams = $tmp_params; $code = Array(); $to_pass = 'Array('; foreach ($pass_params as $name => $val) { $to_pass .= '"'.$name.'" => "'.str_replace('"', '\"', $val).'",'; } $to_pass .= ')'; if ($echo) $code[] = '$o = '."'';\n"; switch ( $this->Tag ) { case 'DefaultParam': foreach ($this->NP as $key => $val) { $code[] = 'if (!isset($'.$key.')) $application->Parser->SetParam(\''.$key.'\', \''.$val.'\');'; $code[] = '$'.$key.' = isset($'.$key.') ? $'.$key.' : \''.$val.'\';'; } return $code; case 'param': $code[] = '$o .= $params["'.$this->NP['name'].'"];'; return $code; case 'if': if (isset($this->NP['_closing_tag_'])) { $code[] = ' }'; } else { $check = $this->GetParam('check'); if ($check) { if (strpos($check, '_') !== false) { list($prefix, $function) = explode('_', $check, 2); } else { $function = $check; if (isset($this->NamedParams['_auto_prefix_'])) { $prefix = '$PrefixSpecial'; } else { $prefix = $this->getPrefixSpecial(); } // $prefix = $this->Parser->GetParam('PrefixSpecial'); } } else { $prefix = $this->GetParam('prefix'); $function = $this->GetParam('function'); } $code[] = '$tmp = $application->processPrefix("'.$prefix.'");'."\n"; $code[] = '$__tp = $tmp[\'prefix\'].\'_TagProcessor\';'."\n"; $code[] = '$p =& $application->recallObject($__tp);'."\n"; $code[] = '$p->Prefix = $tmp[\'prefix\'];'."\n"; $code[] = '$p->Special = $tmp[\'special\'];'."\n"; $code[] = '$if_result = $p->ProcessParsedTag(\''.$function.'\', '.$to_pass.', "'.$prefix.'");'."\n"; if (isset($pass_params['inverse'])) { $code[] = 'if (!$if_result) {'; } else { $code[] = 'if ($if_result) {'; } } return $code; case 'endif': $code[] = ' }'; return $code; case 'else': $code[] = ' }'; $code[] = ' else {'; return $code; } /* $tmp_pref = $this->getPrefixSpecial(); $tmp = $this->Application->processPrefix($tmp_pref); $tmp_processor = $tmp['prefix'].'_TagProcessor'; if (strpos($tmp['prefix'], '$') !== false) { $processor_to_check = '{'.$tmp['prefix'].'}_TagProcessor'; } else { $processor_to_check = $tmp_processor; } */ if (isset($this->NamedParams['_auto_prefix_'])) { $prefix = '$PrefixSpecial'; } else { $prefix = $this->getPrefixSpecial(); } $code[] = '$tmp = $application->processPrefix("'.$prefix.'");'."\n"; /*if (!isset($this->Application->CompilationCache[$this->getPrefixSpecial()])) { $code[] = '$tmp = $application->processPrefix("'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().'");'."\n"; $code[] = '$__tp = $tmp[\'prefix\'].\'_TagProcessor\';'."\n"; $code[] = '$application->CachedProcessors["'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().'"] =& $application->recallObject($__tp);'."\n"; $this->Application->CompilationCache[$this->getPrefixSpecial()] = true; if (strpos($tmp_pref, '$') === false) { $this->Application->CachedProcessors[$this->getPrefixSpecial()] =& $this->Application->recallObject($tmp_processor); } } $this->Parser->UsedProcessors[] = $tmp['prefix'];*/ $code[] = '$__tp = $tmp[\'prefix\'].\'_TagProcessor\';'."\n"; $code[] = '$p =& $application->recallObject($__tp);'."\n"; $code[] = '$p->Prefix = $tmp[\'prefix\'];'."\n"; $code[] = '$p->Special = $tmp[\'special\'];'."\n"; $tag_func = $this->Tag; if ($tag_func == 'include') $tag_func = 'MyInclude'; // $code[] = '$o .= $application->CachedProcessors["'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().'"]->ProcessParsedTag(\''.$tag_func.'\', '.$to_pass.', "'.$this->Processor.'");'."\n"; $code[] = '$o .= $p->ProcessParsedTag(\''.$tag_func.'\', '.$to_pass.', "'.$this->Processor.'");'."\n"; /*$code = ' $processor =& $application->recallObject(\''.$this->Processor.'_TagProcessor\'); $o .= $processor->ProcessParsedTag(\''.$this->Tag.'\', unserialize(\''.serialize($this->NP).'\'));';*/ if (isset($pass_params['result_to_var'])) { $code[] = '$'.$pass_params['result_to_var'].' = $application->Parser->GetParam(\''.$pass_params['result_to_var'].'\');'; $echo = false; } if ($echo) $code[] = ' echo $o;'."\n"; return $code; //return '$o .= \'tag:'. $this->Tag .'\''; } } ?>