normally "localhost"), Database user name, and database Password. These fields are required to connect to the database.

If you would like In-Portal to use a table prefix, enter it in the field provided. This prefix can be any text which can be used in the names of tables on your system. The characters entered in this field are placed before the names of the tables used by In-Portal. For example, if you enter "inp_" into the prefix field, the table named Category will be named inp_Category.

The Root Password is initially required to access the admin sections of In-Portal. The root user cannot be used to access the front-end of the system, so it is recommended that you create additional users with admin privlidges.

Select the In-Portal modules you wish to install. The modules listed to the right are all modules included in this installation that are licensed to run on this server.

Shows folder and files, that write permissions should be adjusted to allow web server to write data into them.]]>
Thanks for using In-Portal! Be sure to visit for the latest news, module releases and support.

*Make sure to clean your browser' cache after upgrading In-portal version
