'', // Define IP addreses, that are allowed to user debugger, semicolon separated. All allowed if none specified. 'DEBUG_MODE' => 1, // Debug mode is allowed/disabled (note: set DBG_IP to use this one) // 'DBG_LOCAL_BASE_PATH' => 'w:', // Folder name on mapped drive, where site resides // 'DBG_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS' => 1, // Show "Show Debugger" & "Refresh Frame" buttons (on front) // 'DBG_USE_HIGHLIGHT' => 0, // Use "highlight_string" php function for debugger output formatting // 'DBG_RAISE_ON_WARNINGS' => 1, // Show debugger output in case of any non-fatal error 'DBG_SQL_PROFILE' => 1, // Profile SQL queries 'DBG_SQL_FAILURE' => defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL ? 0 : 1, // treat sql errors as fatal errors except for installation process 'DBG_SHOW_HTTPQUERY' => 1, // Show http query content (parsed user submit, GPC) 'DBG_SHOW_SESSIONDATA' => 1, // Show session data (at script finish) 'DBG_EDIT_HELP' => 1, // Show help filename on help screen // 'DBG_HELP' => 1, // Show FCK editor when viewing help screen // 'DBG_FORCE_THEME' => 1, // Use this theme_id instead of one in url 'DBG_PHRASES' => 1, // Add ability to translate phrases on the fly (K4 templates only) // 'DBG_WINDOW_WIDTH' => 700, // Set custom debugger layer width (in pixels) // 'DBG_REDIRECT' => 1, // Show links with redirect url instead of performing it (useful in events debugging) // 'DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS' => 1, // Check that config fields match ones from database // 'DBG_SHOW_TAGS' => 1, // Show tags beeing processed ); // for ADODB to work: begin define('ADODB_OUTP', 'dbg_SQLLog'); function dbg_SQLLog($msg, $new_line = false) { } // for ADODB to work: end function isSkipTable($sql) { // return false; // don't show sqls that use one or more tables from list below static $skipTables = Array( 'PermissionConfig','SessionData','Permissions', 'Phrase','Cache','Modules','Events', 'PersistantSessionData','EmailQueue','UserSession', 'ThemeFiles', 'Language','ConfigurationValues'); foreach ($skipTables as $table) { if( dbg_tableMatch($table, $sql) ) { return true; } } return false; } function dbg_tableMatch($table_name,$sql) { static $prefix = ''; $prefix = defined('TABLE_PREFIX')?TABLE_PREFIX:GetTablePrefix(); return strpos($sql,$prefix.$table_name)!==false; } ?>