Application->recallObject('lang.current'); $comma = $lang->GetDBField('DecimalPoint'); $thousands = $lang->GetDBField('ThousandSep'); } $value = str_replace($thousands, '', $value); $value = str_replace($comma, '.', $value); if ($value != '' && $type_ok) { $ret = is_numeric($value); if($ret) { $f = 'is_'.$field_type; settype($value, $field_type); $ret = $f($value); } } } return $ret ? $value : false; } //function Format($value, $options, &$errors) function Format($value, $field_name, &$object, $format=null) { if ( is_null($value) ) return ''; $options = $object->GetFieldOptions($field_name); if ( isset($format) ) $options['format'] = $format; $tc_value = $this->TypeCast($value,$options); if( ($tc_value === false) || ("$tc_value" != "$value") ) return $value; // for leaving badly formatted date on the form if (isset($options['format'])) { $tc_value = sprintf($options['format'], $tc_value); } if (preg_match('#int|integer|double|float|real|numeric#', $options['type'])) { $lang =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current'); return $lang->formatNumber($tc_value); } return $tc_value; } //function Parse($value, $options, &$errors) function Parse($value, $field_name, &$object) { if ($value == '') return NULL; $options = $object->GetFieldOptions($field_name); $tc_value = $this->TypeCast($value,$options); if($tc_value === false) return $value; // for leaving badly formatted date on the form if( isset($options['type']) ) { if( preg_match('#double|float|real|numeric#', $options['type']) ) $tc_value = str_replace(',', '.', $tc_value); } if( isset($options['regexp']) ) { if( !preg_match($options['regexp'], $value) ) { $object->FieldErrors[$field_name]['pseudo'] = 'invalid_format'; } } return $tc_value; } function HumanFormat($format) { return $format; } /** * The method is supposed to alter config options or cofigure object in some way based on its usage of formatters * The methods is called for every field with formatter defined when configuring item. * Could be used for adding additional VirtualFields to an object required by some special Formatter * * @param string $field_name * @param array $field_options * @param kDBBase $object */ function PrepareOptions($field_name, &$field_options, &$object) { } /** * Used for split fields like timestamp -> date, time * Called from DBItem to update sub fields values after loading item * * @param unknown_type $field * @param unknown_type $value * @param unknown_type $options * @param unknown_type $object */ function UpdateSubFields($field, $value, &$options, &$object) { } /** * Used for split fields like timestamp -> date, time * Called from DBItem Validate (before validation) to get back master field value from its sub_fields * * @param unknown_type $field * @param unknown_type $value * @param unknown_type $options * @param unknown_type $object */ function UpdateMasterFields($field, $value, &$options, &$object) { } /* function GetErrorMsg($pseudo_error, $options) { if ( isset($options['error_msgs'][$pseudo_error]) ) { return $options['error_msgs'][$pseudo_error]; } else { return $this->ErrorMsgs[$pseudo_error]; } }*/ function GetSample($field, &$options, &$object) { if (isset($options['sample_value'])) return $options['sample_value']; } }