" ; $oCurrentFolder = opendir( $sServerDir ) ; while ( $sFile = readdir( $oCurrentFolder ) ) { if ( $sFile != '.' && $sFile != '..' && $sFile != 'CVS' && is_dir( $sServerDir . $sFile ) ) $aFolders[] = $sFile; //echo '' ; } if (count($aFolders) > 0) { natcasesort($aFolders); foreach($aFolders AS $k=>$v) { echo '' ; } } closedir( $oCurrentFolder ) ; // Close the "Folders" node. echo "" ; } function ValidateAdminSid() { $conn = GetADODbConnection(); $session_time = GetConfigValue('ses_timeout')+0; $sid = ($_COOKIE['admin_sid'])?$_COOKIE['admin_sid']:$_COOKIE['sid']; $sql = "SELECT count( sd.sid ) FROM session_data AS sd LEFT JOIN sessions AS s ON s.sid = sd.sid WHERE sd.`name` = 'admin_mode' AND sd.`value` = '1' AND sd.sid = '".$sid."' AND s.expire + '".$session_time."' > unix_timestamp()"; if ($conn->GetOne($sql) > 0) { return true; } function ValidateUserSid() { $conn = GetADODbConnection(); $session_time = GetConfigValue('ses_timeout')+0; $sid = $_COOKIE['sid']; $sql = "SELECT count( sd.sid ) FROM sessions sid = '".$sid."' AND expire + '".$session_time."' > unix_timestamp()"; } if ($conn->GetOne($sql) > 0) return true; } function ValidateSID() { global $Config; if (isset($Config['K4Mode'])) return true; else { if ($Config['validate_type'] == 'user') return ValidateUserSid(); elseif ($Config['validate_type'] == 'admin') return ValidateAdminSid(); else echo "SESSION Validation FALSE"; } return false; } function GetCmsTree() { global $Config; $ret = ""; if (isset($Config['K4Mode'])) { $ret.= K4ReadCmsTree(0); } else { $ret.= ReadCmsTree(0); } $ret.= ""; echo $ret; } function K4ReadCmsTree($cat_id, $level = 0) { $application =& kApplication::Instance(); $application->Init(); if ($application->isModuleEnabled('Proj-CMS')) { $lang = $application->GetVar('m_lang'); $st =& $application->recallObject('st.-dummy'); $st_options = $application->getUnitOption('st'.'.ParentId', 'Fields'); $pages = $st_options['options']; $page_ids = array_keys($pages); $tpls = $application->Conn->GetCol('SELECT NamedParentPath, CategoryId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE CategoryId IN ('.join(',', $page_ids).')', 'CategoryId'); // $query = 'SELECT CategoryId, NamedParentPath, l'.$lang.'_Name AS Title FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category ORDER By l'.$lang.'_Title'; // $pages = $application->Conn->Query($query); $res = ''; foreach ($pages as $id => $title) { $page_path = preg_replace('/^content\//', '', strtolower($tpls[$id]).'.html'); $title = $title.' ('.$page_path.')'; $real_url = $application->HREF($tpls[$id], '', null, 'index.php'); $res .= ''; } } else { $lang = $application->GetVar('m_lang'); $query = 'SELECT PageId, Path, l'.$lang.'_Title AS Title FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Pages ORDER By l'.$lang.'_Title'; $pages = $application->Conn->Query($query); $res = ''; foreach ($pages as $page) { $page_path = $page['Path'].'.html'; $title = $page['Title'].' ('.$page_path.')'; $res .= ''; } } return $res; } function ReadCmsTree($st_id, $level = 0) { $conn = GetADODbConnection(); $query = "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'default_lang_prefix'"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $default_lang_prefix = $rs->fields['value']; } $query = "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'cms_direct_mode'"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $cms_mode = $rs->fields['value']; } $query = "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'email_templates_folder_id'"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $email_templates_folder_id = $rs->fields['value']; } /* $query = "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'custom_cms'"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $custom_cms = $rs->fields['value']; } */ if (GetConfigValue('custom_cms')) { $filter = 'AND st.st_name NOT IN (' . GetConfigValue('custom_cms') . ')'; } else { $filter = ''; } if ( $email_templates_folder_id == "" ) $email_templates_folder_id = 0; $system_tpl_ids = GetConfigValue('system_tpl_ids'); if (!$system_tpl_ids) $system_tpl_ids = '0'; if ( $cms_mode == 1 ) { //$lang_prefix = $this->Application->GetVar('lang_prefix'); $query = " SELECT st.*, IF(lb.".$default_lang_prefix."_content='' OR lb.".$default_lang_prefix."_content IS NULL, st.st_path, lb.".$default_lang_prefix."_content ) AS page_title FROM structure_templates AS st LEFT JOIN live_blocks AS lb ON (st.st_id = lb.template_id) AND (lb.block_type = 3) WHERE st.st_parent_id = ".$st_id." AND st_id != ".$email_templates_folder_id." AND st.st_id NOT IN ($system_tpl_ids) AND st_path != '/cms' " . $filter . " ORDER BY st.st_order"; } else { $query = " SELECT st.*, IF(wb.".$default_lang_prefix."_content='' OR wb.".$default_lang_prefix."_content IS NULL, st.st_path, wb.".$default_lang_prefix."_content ) AS page_title FROM structure_templates AS st LEFT JOIN working_blocks AS wb ON (st.st_id = wb.template_id) AND (wb.block_type = 3) WHERE st.st_parent_id = ".$st_id." AND st_id != ".$email_templates_folder_id." AND st.st_id NOT IN ($system_tpl_ids) AND st_path != '/cms%' " . $filter . " ORDER BY st.st_order"; } $rs = $conn->Execute($query); if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $page_path = ltrim($rs->fields['st_path'], '/'); //$page_path = SERVER_NAME.BASE_PATH.'/index.php?t='.$page_path; //$page_path = $page_path; $prefix=''; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) $prefix .= '--'; if ($level > 0) $prefix=$prefix.'- '; /* $page = ereg_replace("&","&",$rs->fields['page_title']); $page = ereg_replace("\"",""",$page); $page = ereg_replace("'","'",$page); $page = ereg_replace("<","<",$page); $page = ereg_replace(">",">",$page); // echo $page."
"; //$page = htmlentities($rs->fields['page_title'],ENT_QUOTES); $page = $rs->fields['page_title']; $page = ereg_replace("ã","a",$page); */ $page = $rs->fields['page_title']; $page = @html_entity_decode($page,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8'); $page = @htmlspecialchars($page); //$page = ereg_replace("ã","a",$page); $res .= ''; $res .= ReadCmsTree($rs->fields['st_id'], $level+1); $rs->MoveNext(); } return $res; } } /* $res .= ' <![CDATA['.$prefix.$page.']]> fields['st_id'].']]> '; */ function GetConfigValue($var) { $conn = GetADODbConnection(); $query = "SELECT `value` FROM config WHERE `name` = '".$var."'"; return $conn->GetOne($query); } function GetFoldersAndFiles( $resourceType, $currentFolder, $aParams = array('name','asc')) { global $Config ; // Map the virtual path to the local server path. if (isset($Config['K4Mode'])) $date_format = "m/d/Y h:i A"; else $date_format = GetConfigValue('date_format').' '.GetConfigValue('time_format'); $sServerDir = ServerMapFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) ; // Initialize the output buffers for "Folders" and "Files". $aFolders = array(); $aFiles = array(); $aFileSizes = array(); $sFolders = '' ; $sFiles = '' ; $oCurrentFolder = opendir( $sServerDir ) ; while ( $sFile = readdir( $oCurrentFolder ) ) { if ( $sFile != '.' && $sFile != '..' && $sFile != 'CVS') { if ( is_dir( $sServerDir . $sFile ) ) $aFolders[]=$sFile; else { $iFileSize = filesize( $sServerDir . $sFile ) ; //$iFileSize[] = filesize( $sServerDir . $sFile ) ; if ( $iFileSize > 0 ) { $size = round( $iFileSize / 1024 ); $aFileSizes[] = ($size < 1)? 1:$size;// round( $iFileSize / 1024 ) ; } else $aFileSizes[] = $iFileSize; $aFiles[] = $sFile; $aFileDate[] = filectime($sServerDir.$sFile); //$sFiles .= '' ; } } } if (count($aFolders) > 0) { natcasesort($aFolders); switch ($aParams[1]) { case 'desc' : $aFolders = array_reverse($aFolders, true); break ; } foreach($aFolders AS $k=>$v) { $sFolders .= '' ; } } if (count($aFiles) > 0) { if ($aParams[0] == 'name') { natcasesort($aFiles); if ($aParams[1] == 'desc') { $aFiles = array_reverse($aFiles, true); } foreach($aFiles AS $fk=>$fv) { $sFiles .= '' ; } }elseif ($aParams[0] == 'size') { natcasesort($aFileSizes); if ($aParams[1] == 'desc') { $aFileSizes = array_reverse($aFileSizes, true); } foreach($aFileSizes AS $fk=>$fv) { $sFiles .= '' ; } } elseif ($aParams[0] == 'date') { natcasesort($aFileDate); if ($aParams[1] == 'desc') { $aFileDate = array_reverse($aFileDate, true); } foreach($aFileDate AS $fk=>$fv) { $sFiles .= '' ; } } } /* while ( $sFile = readdir( $oCurrentFolder ) ) { if ( $sFile != '.' && $sFile != '..' && $sFile != 'CVS') { if ( is_dir( $sServerDir . $sFile ) ) //$sFolders .= '' ; else { $iFileSize = filesize( $sServerDir . $sFile ) ; if ( $iFileSize > 0 ) { $iFileSize = round( $iFileSize / 1024 ) ; if ( $iFileSize < 1 ) $iFileSize = 1 ; } $sFiles .= '' ; } } */ if ($aParams[1] == "desc") { echo $sFiles ; echo '' ; echo $sFolders ; echo '' ; } else { echo $sFolders ; echo '' ; echo $sFiles ; echo '' ; } } function CreateFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) { $sErrorNumber = '0' ; $sErrorMsg = '' ; if ( isset( $_GET['NewFolderName'] ) ) { $sNewFolderName = $_GET['NewFolderName'] ; // Map the virtual path to the local server path of the current folder. $sServerDir = ServerMapFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) ; if ( is_writable( $sServerDir ) ) { $sServerDir .= $sNewFolderName ; $sErrorMsg = CreateServerFolder( $sServerDir ) ; switch ( $sErrorMsg ) { case '' : $sErrorNumber = '0' ; break ; case 'Invalid argument' : case 'No such file or directory' : $sErrorNumber = '102' ; // Path too long. break ; default : $sErrorNumber = '110' ; break ; } } else $sErrorNumber = '103' ; } else $sErrorNumber = '102' ; // Create the "Error" node. echo '' ; } function UpdateCmsBlocksK3($resourceType,$currentFolder,$file_from,$file_to) { global $Config ; $Config['UserFilesPathNoBase']; $original_str = $Config['UserFilesPathNoBase'].$resourceType.$currentFolder.addslashes($file_from); $new_str = $Config['UserFilesPathNoBase'].$resourceType.$currentFolder.addslashes($file_to); $conn = GetADODbConnection(); if ( GetConfigValue('multilingual_mode') == 1) { $query="SELECT lang_prefix FROM lang ORDER BY lang_id"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $sql = "UPDATE live_blocks SET ".$rs->fields['lang_prefix']."_content = replace(".$rs->fields['lang_prefix']."_content,'".$original_str."','".$new_str."')"; $conn->Execute($sql); $rs->MoveNext(); } } else { $lang_prefix = GetConfigValue('default_lang_prefix'); $sql = "UPDATE live_blocks SET ".$lang_prefix."_content = replace(".$lang_prefix."_content,'".$original_str."','".$new_str."')"; $conn->Execute($sql); } } function RenameFile( $resourceType, $currentFolder , $aFilenames = array()) { global $Config ; if (count($aFilenames) == 2) { $sServerDir = ServerMapFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) ; $sExtension = substr( $aFilenames[1], ( strrpos($aFilenames[1], '.') + 1 ) ) ; $arAllowed = $Config['AllowedExtensions'][$resourceType] ; $arDenied = $Config['DeniedExtensions'][$resourceType] ; if (file_exists($sServerDir.$aFilenames[1]) && is_file($sServerDir.$aFilenames[1])) { $sErrorNumber = '204' ; } else { if ( ( count($arAllowed) == 0 || in_array( strtolower($sExtension), $arAllowed ) ) && ( count($arDenied) == 0 || !in_array( strtoupper($sExtension), $arDenied ) ) ) { if (rename($sServerDir.$aFilenames[0],$sServerDir.$aFilenames[1])) { if (isset($Config['K4Mode'])) { // Update CMS Blocks } else UpdateCmsBlocksK3($resourceType,$currentFolder,$aFilenames[0],$aFilenames[1]); $sErrorNumber = "0"; } else $sErrorNumber = '205' ; } else $sErrorNumber = '203' ; } $sErrorMsg = ''; echo '' ; } } function FileUpload( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) { $sErrorNumber = '0' ; $sFileName = '' ; if ( isset( $_FILES['NewFile'] ) && !is_null( $_FILES['NewFile']['tmp_name'] ) ) { $oFile = $_FILES['NewFile'] ; // Map the virtual path to the local server path. $sServerDir = ServerMapFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) ; // Get the uploaded file name. $sFileName = $oFile['name'] ; $sOriginalFileName = $sFileName ; $sExtension = strtolower(substr( $sFileName, ( strrpos($sFileName, '.') + 1 ) ) ); global $Config ; $arAllowed = $Config['AllowedExtensions'][$resourceType] ; $arDenied = $Config['DeniedExtensions'][$resourceType] ; if ( ( count($arAllowed) == 0 || in_array( $sExtension, $arAllowed ) ) && ( count($arDenied) == 0 || !in_array( $sExtension, $arDenied ) ) ) { $iCounter = 0 ; while ( true ) { $sFilePath = $sServerDir . $sFileName ; if ( is_file( $sFilePath ) ) { $iCounter++ ; $sFileName = RemoveExtension( $sOriginalFileName ) . '(' . $iCounter . ').' . $sExtension ; $sErrorNumber = '201' ; } else { move_uploaded_file( $oFile['tmp_name'], $sFilePath ) ; if ( is_file( $sFilePath ) ) { $oldumask = umask(0) ; chmod( $sFilePath, 0666 ) ; umask( $oldumask ) ; } break ; } } } else $sErrorNumber = '202' ; } else $sErrorNumber = '202' ; echo '' ; exit ; } function DeleteConfirmedFiles($resourceType, $currentFolder, $aFiles) { global $Config; $sServerDir = ServerMapFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) ; foreach ($aFiles AS $k=>$v) { @unlink($sServerDir.$v); } } function DeleteFiles($resourceType, $currentFolder, $files = '', $confirm=0) { global $Config ; if ($files == '') return; //$files = rtrim("|",$files); $aFiles=explode("|",$files); if (count($aFiles) == 0) return; $conn = GetADODbConnection(); $aLangs = array(); $multilang = GetConfigValue('multilingual_mode'); $def_lang_prefix = GetConfigValue('default_lang_prefix'); if ($multilang) { $query="SELECT lang_prefix FROM lang ORDER BY lang_id"; $rs = $conn->Execute($query); while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $aLangs[] = $rs->fields['lang_prefix']; $rs->MoveNext(); } } else $aLangs[] = $def_lang_prefix; $sErrorNumber = 230; if ($confirm == 1) { DeleteConfirmedFiles($resourceType, $currentFolder, $aFiles); echo '' ; } if (!$confirm) { foreach ($aFiles AS $k=>$v) { $add_sql = ''; if ($v == '') continue; $deleted_file = $Config['UserFilesPathNoBase'].$resourceType.$currentFolder.addslashes($v); for($i=0; $i 0) { $add_sql = rtrim($add_sql," OR"); $sql = "SELECT lb1.template_id, lb2.".$def_lang_prefix."_content FROM live_blocks AS lb1 LEFT JOIN live_blocks AS lb2 ON lb2.template_id = lb1.template_id AND lb2.block_num = 20 WHERE".$add_sql; $rs = $conn->Execute($sql); while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $used = 1; $page = $rs->fields[$def_lang_prefix.'_content']; $page = @html_entity_decode($page,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8'); $page = @htmlspecialchars($page); $ret_xml.= '' ; $rs->MoveNext(); } } } if ($ret_xml && !$confirm) echo $ret_xml; if (!$ret_xml && !$confirm) { DeleteConfirmedFiles($resourceType, $currentFolder, $aFiles); echo '' ; } } } ?>