Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); } function Init($prefix, $special = '') { $this->LanguageId = constOn('IS_INSTALL') ? 1 : $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang'); if (isset($this->Application->Caches['PhraseList'])) { $this->LoadPhrases( $this->Application->Caches['PhraseList'] ); } } function GetCachedIds() { $query = sprintf("SELECT PhraseList, ConfigVariables FROM %s WHERE Template = %s", TABLE_PREFIX.'PhraseCache', $this->Conn->Qstr(md5($this->Application->GetVar('t').$this->Application->GetVar('m_theme').$this->Application->GetVar('m_lang')))); $res = $this->Conn->GetRow($query); if ($res && $res['ConfigVariables']) { $this->Application->OriginalConfigCacheIds = explode(',', $res['ConfigVariables']); $this->Application->ConfigCacheIds = $this->Application->OriginalConfigCacheIds; } return ($res === false) ? Array() : explode(',', $res['PhraseList']); } function LoadPhrases($ids) { if ( !is_array($ids) || !implode('', $ids) ) return; $query = sprintf("SELECT Translation,UPPER(Phrase) AS Phrase FROM %s WHERE LanguageId = %s AND PhraseId IN (%s)", TABLE_PREFIX.'Phrase', $this->LanguageId, join(',', $ids)); $this->Phrases = $this->Conn->GetCol($query,'Phrase'); /*foreach($phrases as $phrase => $tanslation) { $this->AddCachedPhrase(strtoupper($phrase), $tanslation); }*/ $this->Ids = $ids; $this->OriginalIds = $ids; } function AddCachedPhrase($label, $value) { $label = strtoupper($label); $this->Phrases[$label] = $value; } function NeedsCacheUpdate() { return is_array($this->Ids) && count($this->Ids) > 0 && $this->Ids != $this->OriginalIds; } function UpdateCache() { $update = false; //something changed $update = $update || (is_array($this->Ids) && count($this->Ids) > 0 && $this->Ids != $this->OriginalIds); $update = $update || (count($this->Application->ConfigCacheIds) && $this->Application->ConfigCacheIds != $this->Application->OriginalConfigCacheIds); if ($update) { $query = sprintf("REPLACE %s (PhraseList, CacheDate, Template, ConfigVariables) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", TABLE_PREFIX.'PhraseCache', $this->Conn->Qstr(join(',', $this->Ids)), adodb_mktime(), $this->Conn->Qstr(md5($this->Application->GetVar('t').$this->Application->GetVar('m_theme').$this->Application->GetVar('m_lang'))), $this->Conn->qstr(implode(',', array_unique($this->Application->ConfigCacheIds)))); $this->Conn->Query($query); } } function GetPhrase($label) { if (ereg("^!.+!$", $label) > 0) { $label = substr($label, 1, -1); //cut exclamation marks } if( strlen($label) == 0 ) return ''; $original_label = $label; $label = strtoupper($label); if(isset($this->Phrases[$label])) { $translated_label = $this->Phrases[$label]; // debug mode is checked directly to improve performance if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && constOn('DBG_PHRASES_HIGHLIGHT')) { if (!$this->Application->isDebugMode()) return $translated_label; if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) { $sql = 'SELECT Module FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Phrase WHERE (LanguageId = '.$this->LanguageId.') AND (Phrase = '.$this->Conn->qstr($label).')'; $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Phrase: '.$label.'; Module: '.$this->Conn->GetOne($sql).''); // $translated_label = $translated_label.' [m: '.$this->Conn->GetOne($sql).'; l: '.$label.']'; } else { // highlight text created via translated phrase (used to detect if text on screen is phrase or not) $translated_label = ''.$translated_label.' '.$original_label.''; } } return $translated_label; } $this->LoadPhraseByLabel($label, $original_label); return $this->GetPhrase($label); } function LoadPhraseByLabel($label, $original_label) { $query = sprintf("SELECT PhraseId, Translation FROM %s WHERE LanguageId = %s AND UPPER(Phrase) = UPPER(%s)", TABLE_PREFIX.'Phrase', $this->LanguageId, $this->Conn->qstr($label)); $res = $this->Conn->GetRow($query); if ($res === false || count($res) == 0) { $translation = '!'.$label.'!'; if($this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PHRASES')) { list($edit_tpl, $index_file) = $this->Application->IsAdmin() ? Array('regional/phrases_edit', 'index.php') : Array('phrases_edit', 'index.php'); if ($this->Application->IsAdmin() && $this->Application->ConfigValue('UsePopups')) { // link to popup when using popups (only in admin) $edit_url = 'javascript:translate_phrase(\''.addslashes($original_label).'\', \''.$edit_tpl.'\');'; } else { // direct link, when not using popups OR on frontend $edit_url = $this->Application->HREF($edit_tpl,'',Array('m_opener'=>'d','phrases_label'=>$original_label,'phrases_event'=>'OnNew', 'pass'=>'all,phrases'), $index_file ); } $translation = '!'.$label.'!'; if($this->fromTag) $translation = $this->escapeTagReserved($translation); } $this->AddCachedPhrase($label, $translation); //add it as already cached, as long as we dont need to cache not found phrase return false; } $this->Phrases[$label] = $res['Translation']; array_push($this->Ids, $res['PhraseId']); $this->Ids = array_unique($this->Ids); //just to make sure return true; } /** * Sort params by name and then by length * * @param string $a * @param string $b * @return int * @access private */ function CmpParams($a, $b) { $a_len = strlen($a); $b_len = strlen($b); if ($a_len == $b_len) return 0; return $a_len > $b_len ? -1 : 1; } /** * Replace language tags in exclamation marks found in text * * @param string $text * @param bool $force_escape force escaping, not escaping of resulting string * @return string * @access public */ function ReplaceLanguageTags($text,$forse_escaping=null) { $this->fromTag = true; if( isset($forse_escaping) ) $this->fromTag = $forse_escaping; preg_match_all("(!(la|lu)[^!]+!)", $text, $res, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $language_tags = $res[0]; uasort($language_tags, Array(&$this, 'CmpParams') ); $values = Array(); $i = 0; foreach ($language_tags as $label) { array_push($values, $this->GetPhrase($label) ); //array_push($values, $this->Application->Phrase($label) ); $language_tags[$i] = '/' . $language_tags[$i] . '/'; $i++; } $this->fromTag = false; return preg_replace($language_tags, $values, $text); } /** * Escape chars in phrase translation, that could harm parser to process tag * * @param string $text * @return string * @access private */ function escapeTagReserved($text) { $reserved = Array('"',"'"); // = $replacement = Array('\"',"\'"); // \= return str_replace($reserved,$replacement,$text); } } ?>