Init(); header('Content-type: text/html; charset: utf-8'); if (!defined('DEBUG_MODE') || !DEBUG_MODE) exit; $target_charset = 'utf8'; $target_collation = 'utf8_general_ci'; //$target_charset = 'latin1'; //$target_collation = 'latin1_swedish_ci'; ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); // Convert language translation $langs = $application->Conn->Query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Language', 'LanguageId'); foreach ($langs as $lang_id => $a_lang) { switch ( strtoupper($a_lang['Charset']) ) { case 'WINDOWS-1251': $langs[$lang_id]['mysql_charset'] = 'cp1251'; break; case 'WINDOWS-1257': $langs[$lang_id]['mysql_charset'] = 'cp1257'; break; case 'UTF-8': // when column have latin1 collation, but it's data is encoded to utf8 (from web browser) $langs[$lang_id]['mysql_charset'] = 'utf8'; break; default: $langs[$lang_id]['mysql_charset'] = 'latin1'; } } print_pre($langs); //die(); $query = 'ALTER DATABASE `'.SQL_DB.'` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '.$target_charset.' COLLATE '.$target_collation; //$application->Conn->Query($query); $query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS'; $tables = $application->Conn->Query($query); foreach ($tables as $table_status) { $table = $table_status['Name']; if ($table_status['Collation'] != $target_collation) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' COLLATE '.$application->Conn->qstr($target_collation); echo "$sql
\n"; $application->Conn->Query($sql); } echo "scanning $table
"; $columns = $application->Conn->Query('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table); foreach ($columns as $a_column) { if ($a_column['Collation'] != 'NULL') { if ($a_column['Collation'] == $target_collation) { echo "skipping ".$a_column['Field'].'
'; continue; } echo 'processing column '.$a_column['Field'].' ('.$a_column['Collation'].')
'; // ALTER TABLE `inp_Addresses` ADD `utf_To` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL AFTER `To` ; // adding temporary UTF column $new_def = $a_column['Type'].' CHARACTER SET '.$target_charset.' COLLATE '.$target_collation.' '.($a_column['Null'] == 'YES' ? 'NULL':'NOT NULL'); $q = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` ADD `utf_'.$a_column['Field'].'` '.$new_def.' AFTER `'.$a_column['Field'].'`;'; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); // copying value to utf if ($table == TABLE_PREFIX.'Phrase' && $a_column['Field'] == 'Translation') { foreach ($langs as $lang_id => $a_lang) { $cast = $a_lang['mysql_charset']; if (!$cast) $cast = 'latin1'; $copy_def = 'CONVERT( CAST(BINARY('.$a_column['Field'].') AS CHAR CHARACTER SET '.$cast.') USING '.$target_charset.')'; $q = 'UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET `utf_'.$a_column['Field'].'` = '.$copy_def.' WHERE LanguageId = '.$lang_id; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); } } elseif (preg_match('/l([0-9]+)_.*/', $a_column['Field'], $matches)) { $cast = $langs[$matches[1]]['mysql_charset']; if (!$cast) $cast = 'latin1'; $copy_def = 'CONVERT( CAST(BINARY('.$a_column['Field'].') AS CHAR CHARACTER SET '.$cast.') USING '.$target_charset.')'; $q = 'UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET `utf_'.$a_column['Field'].'` = '.$copy_def; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); } else { $copy_def = 'BINARY(`'.$a_column['Field'].'`);'; $q = 'UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET `utf_'.$a_column['Field'].'` = '.$copy_def; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); } // altering orignal field to utf $q = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` CHANGE `'.$a_column['Field'].'` `'.$a_column['Field'].'` '.$new_def.';'; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); // copying utf value back $q = 'UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET `'.$a_column['Field'].'` = `utf_'.$a_column['Field'].'`;'; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); // removing temporary UTF column $q = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` DROP `utf_'.$a_column['Field'].'`;'; echo "$q
"; $application->Conn->Query($q); } } } $application->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Language SET Charset = \''.$target_charset.'\''); function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } ?>