ProcessParsedTag($tag->Tag, $tag->NP, $tag->getPrefixSpecial()); /*$Method=$tag->Tag; if(method_exists($this, $Method)) { //echo htmlspecialchars($tag->GetFullTag()).'
'; return $this->$Method($tag->NP); } else { if ($this->Application->hasObject('TagsAggregator')) { $aggregator =& $this->Application->recallObject('TagsAggregator'); $tag_mapping = $aggregator->GetArrayValue($tag->Prefix, $Method); if ($tag_mapping) { $mapped_tag = new Tag('', $this->Application->Parser); $mapped_tag->CopyFrom($tag); $mapped_tag->Processor = $tag_mapping[0]; $mapped_tag->Tag = $tag_mapping[1]; $mapped_tag->NP['PrefixSpecial'] = $tag->getPrefixSpecial(); $mapped_tag->RebuildTagData(); return $mapped_tag->DoProcessTag(); } } trigger_error('Tag '.$Method.' Undefined in '.get_class($this).'[Agregated Tag]:
'.$tag->RebuildTagData().'',E_USER_WARNING); return false; }*/ } function CheckTag($tag, $prefix) { $Method = $tag; if(method_exists($this, $Method)) { return true; } else { if ($this->Application->hasObject('TagsAggregator')) { $aggregator =& $this->Application->recallObject('TagsAggregator'); $tmp = $this->Application->processPrefix($prefix); $tag_mapping = $aggregator->GetArrayValue($tmp['prefix'], $Method); if ($tag_mapping) { return true; } } } } function ProcessParsedTag($tag, $params, $prefix, $file='unknown', $line=0) { $Method = $tag; if (method_exists($this, $Method)) { if ($this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_SHOW_TAGS')) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Processing PreParsed Tag '.$Method.' in '.$this->Prefix); } $backup_prefix = $this->Prefix; $backup_special = $this->Special; $flag_values = $this->PreparePostProcess($params); // pass_params for non ParseBlock tags :) if ($flag_values['pass_params']) { $params = array_merge_recursive2($this->Application->Parser->Params, $params); } $ret = $this->$Method($params); $this->Prefix = $backup_prefix; $this->Special = $backup_special; return $this->PostProcess($ret, $flag_values); } else { list ($ret, $tag_found) = $this->processAggregatedTag($tag, $params, $prefix, $file, $line); if ($tag_found) { return $ret; } $this->Application->handleError(E_USER_ERROR, 'Tag Undefined:
'.$prefix.':'.$tag.'', $file, $line); return false; } } function processAggregatedTag($tag, $params, $prefix, $file = 'unknown', $line = 0) { if ($this->Application->hasObject('TagsAggregator')) { $Method = $tag; $aggregator =& $this->Application->recallObject('TagsAggregator'); $tmp = $this->Application->processPrefix($prefix); $tag_mapping = $aggregator->GetArrayValue($tmp['prefix'], $Method); if ($tag_mapping) { // aggregated tag defined $tmp = $this->Application->processPrefix($tag_mapping[0]); $__tag_processor = $tmp['prefix'].'_TagProcessor'; $processor =& $this->Application->recallObject($__tag_processor); $processor->Prefix = $tmp['prefix']; $processor->Special = getArrayValue($tag_mapping, 2) ? $tag_mapping[2] : $tmp['special']; $params['original_tag'] = $Method; // allows to define same method for different aggregated tags in same tag processor $params['PrefixSpecial'] = $this->getPrefixSpecial(); // $prefix; $ret = $processor->ProcessParsedTag($tag_mapping[1], $params, $prefix); if (isset($params['result_to_var'])) { $this->Application->Parser->SetParam($params['result_to_var'], $ret); $ret = ''; } return Array ($ret, true); } else { // aggregated tag not defined if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendTrace(); } $this->Application->handleError(E_USER_ERROR, 'Tag '.$Method.' Undefined in '.get_class($this).'[Agregated Tag]:
'.$tag.'', $file, $line); } } return Array ('', false); } function PreparePostProcess(&$params) { $flags = Array('js_escape', 'equals_to', 'result_to_var', 'pass_params', 'html_escape', 'strip_nl'); $flag_values = Array(); foreach ($flags as $flag_name) { $flag_values[$flag_name] = false; if (isset($params[$flag_name])) { $flag_values[$flag_name] = $params[$flag_name]; unset($params[$flag_name]); } } return $flag_values; } function PostProcess($ret, $flag_values) { if ($flag_values['html_escape']) { $ret = htmlspecialchars($ret); } if ($flag_values['js_escape']) { $ret = addslashes($ret); $ret = str_replace(Array("\r", "\n"), Array('\r', '\n'), $ret); $ret = str_replace('', "", $ret); } if ($flag_values['strip_nl']) { // 1 - strip \r,\n; 2 - strip tabs too $ret = preg_replace($flag_values['strip_nl'] == 2 ? "/[\r\n\t]/" : "/[\r\n]/", '', $ret); } // TODO: in new parser implement this parameter in compiled code (by Alex) if ($flag_values['equals_to'] !== false) { // we can compare to "0", that's why using strict equivalence operator $ret = ($ret == $flag_values['equals_to']); } if ($flag_values['result_to_var']) { $this->Application->Parser->SetParam($flag_values['result_to_var'], $ret); $ret = ''; } return $ret; } /** * Not tag, method for parameter * selection from list in this TagProcessor * * @param Array $params * @param string $possible_names * @return string * @access public */ function SelectParam($params, $possible_names) { if (!is_array($params)) return; if (!is_array($possible_names)) $possible_names = explode(',', $possible_names); foreach ($possible_names as $name) { if( isset($params[$name]) ) return $params[$name]; } return false; } } /*class ProcessorsPool { var $Processors = Array(); var $Application; var $Prefixes = Array(); var $S; function ProcessorsPool() { $this->Application =& KernelApplication::Instance(); $this->S =& $this->Application->Session; } function RegisterPrefix($prefix, $path, $class) { // echo " RegisterPrefix $prefix, $path, $class
"; $prefix_item = Array( 'path' => $path, 'class' => $class ); $this->Prefixes[$prefix] = $prefix_item; } function CreateProcessor($prefix, &$tag) { // echo " prefix : $prefix
"; if (!isset($this->Prefixes[$prefix])) $this->Application->ApplicationDie ("Filepath and ClassName for prefix $prefix not defined while processing ".htmlspecialchars($tag->GetFullTag())."!"); include_once($this->Prefixes[$prefix]['path']); $ClassName = $this->Prefixes[$prefix]['class']; $a_processor = new $ClassName($prefix); $this->SetProcessor($prefix, $a_processor); } function SetProcessor($prefix, &$a_processor) { $this->Processors[$prefix] =& $a_processor; } function &GetProcessor($prefix, &$tag) { if (!isset($this->Processors[$prefix])) $this->CreateProcessor($prefix, $tag); return $this->Processors[$prefix]; } }*/ ?>